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1 Japan 111 10/5/2006 Z ひらがな quiz #2 ZLong Syllables  “ Glides ” ZPunctuations ZChapter 2 ZNames of countries, languages, nationality Z(__ は ) __ です。

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Presentation on theme: "1 Japan 111 10/5/2006 Z ひらがな quiz #2 ZLong Syllables  “ Glides ” ZPunctuations ZChapter 2 ZNames of countries, languages, nationality Z(__ は ) __ です。"— Presentation transcript:


2 1 Japan 111 10/5/2006 Z ひらがな quiz #2 ZLong Syllables  “ Glides ” ZPunctuations ZChapter 2 ZNames of countries, languages, nationality Z(__ は ) __ です。 Z じゃありません。

3 2 よんでください。 Z たかい Z のど Z にし Z ぼうし Z はがき Z かいてください Z とけい Z ちかく Z あそぶ Z はたち ZTa-ka-I “high” ZNo-do “throat” ZNi-shi “west” ZBo-u-shi “hat” ZHa-ga-ki “postcard” ZKa-I-te-ku-da-sa-I “please write (it).” ZTo-ke-I “watch” ZChi-ka-ku “close” ZA-so-bu “to play” ZHa-ta-chi “20 years old”

4 3 よんでください。 Z しんぶん Z やすい Z まちがい Z みほん Z こども Z よむ Z やま Z ゆうがた Z そら Z さる ZShi-n-bu-n “newspaper” ZYa-su-I “cheap” ZMa-chi-ga-I “mistakes” ZMi-ho-n “sample” ZKo-do-mo “children” ZYo-mu “to read” ZYa-ma “mountain” ZYu-u-ga-ta “early evening” ZSo-ra “sky” ZSa-ru “monkey”

5 4 Long Vowels ZLong Vowels involving: [ a ], [ i ], and [ u ] okaasan‘mother’ oniisan‘older brother’ kuuki‘air’ おかあさん おにいさん くうきくうき

6 5 Long Vowels ZLong Vowels involving [ e ] and [ o ] → い、う sensee せんせい gakusee がくせい doozo どうぞ ohayoo おはよう

7 6 Syllabic Consonants Z[ N ] ん Z[p],[t],[s],[k] っ

8 7 The Small つ (long syllables) ZNissan ZIppon ZItte kudasai

9 8 The Small つ (long syllables) ZNissan にっさん ZIppon いっぽん ZItte kudasai いってください

10 9 Remaining Syllables in Japanese auo [ ky ]kyakyukyo [ gy ]gyagyugyo [ sy]syasyusyo [ zy ]zyazyuzyo [ ty ]tyatyutyo [ dy ]dyadyudyo [ ny ]nya nyunyo [ hy ]hyahyuhyo [ by ]byabyubyo [ py ]pyapyupyo [ my ]myamymyo [ ry ]ryaryuryo

11 10 [ _y ] → small や、ゆ、よ ZTake the hiragana containing vowel [i] e.g.[kya] → き [ryu] → り [byo] → び ZAdd: small や for [a] small ゆ for [u] small よ for [o] や よ ゆ

12 11 So.., auo [ ky ] きゃきゅきょ [ gy ] ぎゃぎゅぎょ [ sy] しゃしゅしょ [ zy ] じゃじゅじょ [ ty ] ちゃちゅちょ [ dy ] ぢゃぢゅぢょ [ ny ] にゃにゅにょ [ hy ] ひゃひゅひょ [ by ] びゃびゅびょ [ py ] ぴゃぴゅぴょ [ my ] みゃみゅみょ [ ry ] りゃりゅりょ

13 12 Punctuations ZSmall circle ( 。 ) = end of a sentence ZComma ( 、) = major phrasal break, where the speaker takes a breath

14 13 Punctuations おはようございます。 すみませんが、これは、すしですか。

15 14 よこがき (Horizontal)

16 15 たてがき (Vertical)

17 16 __tte nan desu-ka? “What is __?  たかい  おなか  そと  いぬ  おばけ  はがき  ひくい  かいてください。 ZExpensive ZStomach ZOutside ZDog ZGhost ZPost card ZLow ZPlease write (it).

18 17 What do you say ___ in Japanese? Z____wa, Nihongo de nan to ii masu ka? ZWhen you don’t know the answer… ZSumimasen. Wakarimasen.

19 18 What do you say ___ in Japanese? Z“bridge” Z“candle” Z“good bye” Z“baseball” Z“Thank you” Z“teacher” Z“semester” Za word of your choice Z はし Z ろうそく Z さようなら Z やきゅう Z ありがとう Z せんせい Z がっき Z??

20 19 Japanese body language ZOhayoo gozaimasu. ZKonnichiwa. ZKonbanwa. ZArigatoo gozaimasu.

21 20 Japanese body language

22 21 Japanese body langauge ZSumimasen. ZGomen nasai. ZMoushiwake arimasen.

23 22 Japanese body langauge ZShitsurei shimasu. ZDoomo.

24 23 Japanese body language

25 24 Japanese body language

26 25 Japanese body language

27 26 Japanese body language

28 27 Japanese body language

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