Big problem : Japanese Energy Condition

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Presentation on theme: "Big problem : Japanese Energy Condition"— Presentation transcript:

1 Big problem : Japanese Energy Condition
■ Topics on TES from Japan after the 72th EXCO Meeting (Aibling, Germany)  Big problem : Japanese Energy Condition ・Destroyed Nuclear Power Plant (4 Reactors) by “Earthquake and Tumani” on March 11, 2011 We can not to operate NPP after Periodical Inspection because of Social Condition ・Every Nuclear Power Plants in JAPAN sttoped on May 5, 2012 (54 Reactors :  total   million kW)

2 Transitions in the Electric Power supply by 10 Japanese Utilities
nuclear (29% ; 2009)

3 ( on Peak Load day) of several Building which has TES HVAC System
■Comparison Electric comsumption situation ( on Peak Load day) of several Building which has TES HVAC System between bifore the Disaster and last year (after the Disaster : We had to save the electric demand)

4 Electric demand (estimate)
Daiich Seimei Insurance Co. Ltd Kawagoe Office Building Kawagoe City in Saitama Prefecture 7,001㎡(8F) 戸塚センター(神奈川県横浜市) 13th, September, 2011 (Tue) ▲24% Reduction Electric demand (estimate) without TES HVAC System 13th, September, 2011 (Tue) Cooling for TES Electricity [kW] ( night time operation) Cooling by Refrigirator Operation Lighting & Outlet, etc.   [h]

5 HVAC System (Building Side)
Daiich Seimei Kawagoe Daiich Seimei Insurance Co. Ltd Kawagoe Office HVAC System (Building Side) Cooling Load AHP Cooling Load & Refrigirator Ope. [kW] Cooling for TES Cooling by TES(34%) HX ( night time operation) Cooling by Refrigirator Operation ICE TES [h] Instrment Number Specification Air-Cooled Brine HP BHP-1 Cooling Capcity (night time Ope.) 143 kW (Day time Ope.) 201 kW HP Chiller AHP-1 Cooling Capcity 315 kW ICE TES TES Volume / TES Capcity 20m3/   4,923kWh BHP Brine( S) Secondaly Water(S) Brine( R) Secondaly Water(R)

6 Electric demand (estimate)
Totsuka Center( Community Center, Community Library, Recreational Facilities, etc.) Yokohama City 7,916㎡(4F、B1) 戸塚センター(神奈川県横浜市) Electric demand (estimate) without TES HVAC System ▲17% Reduction Electric demand (measured) 17th, July, 2011 (Sun) Electricity [kW] Cooling for TES ( night time operation) Cooling by Refrigirator Operation Lighting & Outlet, etc.   [h]

7 HVAC System (Building Side)
Totsuka Center HVAC System (Building Side) 17th, July, 2011 (Sun) Cooling Load HX Cooling Load & Refrigirator Ope. [kW] Cooling by TES (81%) Cooling by Refrigirator Operation Cooling for TES ( night time operation) [h] ICE TES Instrment Number Specification Air-Cooled Brine HP Cooling Capcity (night time Ope.) 93.4 kW (Day time Ope.) 124.5 kW Heating Capacity 146 kW ICE TES TES Volume / TES Capcity 14.62 m3/ 900 kWh BHP-1 BHP-2 Brine( S) Secondaly Water(S) Brine( R) Secondaly Water(R)

8 Electric demand (estimate)
Ion Mall Sakai Kita-Hanada Sakai City (Floor area 171,055㎡, Central HVAC area 73,111 ㎡, 5F) 14th, Aug, 2011 (Sat) ▲5% Reduction Electric demand (estimate) without TES HVAC System Electric demand (measured) 15th, July, 2011 (Fri) Cooling for TES Cooling by Refrigirator Operation ( night time operation) Lighting & Outlet, etc.  

9 HVAC System (Building Side)
Ion Mall Sakai Cooling Load HVAC System (Building Side) 14th, Aug, 2011 (Sat) Cooling by TES(40%) Cooling for TES ( night time operation) Cooling Load & Refrigirator Ope. [kW] HX Cooling by Refrigirator Operation ICE TES [h] Instrment Number Specification Brine Turbo Refg, BTR-1~2 2 Cooling Capcity night time Ope. 2,004kW day time Ope. 2,919kW INV. Turbo Refg, ITR-1 1 12℃ Out 3,200kW 7℃ Out 2,620kW ICE TES 5 TES Volume / TES Capcity 140m3/6,960kWh BTR-1 ITR-1 BTR-2 Brine( S) Secondaly Water(S) Brine( R) Secondaly Water(R)

10 Electric demand (estimate)
Housei Univ. (Tama Canpus) Machida City in Tokyo (127,162 ㎡) Electric demand (estimate) without TES HVAC System ▲17% Reduction Electric demand (measured) 15th, July, 2011 (Fri) Electricity [kW] Cooling by Refrigirator Operation Lighting & Outlet, etc.   [h]

11 HVAC System (Building Side)
15th, July, 2011 (Fri) Cooling for TES ( night time operation) Cooling Load Cooling by TES (84%) Cooling by Refrigirator Operation Housei Univ. HVAC System (Building Side) HX-1 HX-2 [h] Instrment Number Specification Air-Cooled Brine HP 1~5 Cooling Capcity (night time Ope.) 203 kW (Day time Ope.) 260 kW Heating Capacity 236 kW ICE TES TES Volume / TES Capcity 151.2 m3/ 9,670kWh ICE TES BHP-1~5 Brine( S) Secondaly Water(S) Brine( R) Secondaly Water(R)

12 Electric demand (estimate)
Chuuou Univ. (Tama Canpus) Hachiouji City in Tokyo (160,000 ㎡) Electric demand (estimate) without TES HVAC System Electric demand (measured) 15th, July, 2011 (Fri) Electricity [kW] Cooling for TES Cooling by Refrigirator Operation ( night time operation) Lighting & Outlet, etc.   [h]

13 Cooling by TES(30%) Cooling for TES Cooling by
Chuuou Univ. Cooling Load HVAC System  (Building Side) 氷蓄熱槽1 水蓄熱槽1 Cooling by TES(30%) Cooling Load & Refrigirator Ope. [kW] Cooling for TES ( night time operation) AHP- 1~2 BHP- 1~2 Sub-StationⅠ Cooling by Refrigirator Operation HVAC System (Building Side) [h] 氷蓄熱槽2 水蓄熱槽2 AHP- 3~4 BHP- 3~4 TR-1 Sub-StationⅡ

14 Electric demand (estimate)
Meiji Pharmaceutical Univ.  Kiyose City in Tokyo (45,988 ㎡) 15th, July, 2011 (Fri) Electric demand (estimate) without TES HVAC System ▲14% Reduction Electric demand (measured) 15th, July, 2011 (Fri) Cooling for TES ( night time operation) Cooling by Refrigirator Operation Electricity [kW] Lighting & Outlet, etc.  

15 HVAC System (Building Side : 24h cooling Zone)
Meiji Pharmaceutical Univ.  Cooling Load HVAC System (Building Side : 24h cooling Zone) (Building Side : 8h cooling Zone) ④放熱 15th, July, 2011 (Fri) ②夜間蓄熱 Cooling by TES(33%) ③24時間冷房+昼間追掛 Cooling for TES HX ( night time operation) BHP-1 AR-1 B-1~3 Cooling by Refrigirator Operation HX AHP-1 [h] HX ICE TES Brine( S) Secondaly Water(S) Brine( R) Secondaly Water(R)

16 10 Electric Power companies in Japan
This Summer ▲10% more electrik demand reduction is asked ▲5% more electrik demand reduction is asked Kansai-EPCO Tohoku-EPCO Kyushuu-EPCO Tokyo-EPCO


18 熱源系統概念図 1号館(免震) 4号館(制震) 2号館(制震) 3号館 冷温水縦型蓄熱槽 IPF約5% 氷 蓄熱槽
冷水縦型蓄熱槽+氷スラリー 冷水縦型蓄熱槽 冷温水縦型蓄熱槽 3号館 温水槽 蓄熱槽 熱源系統概念図

19 東京千住キャンパス工事現況(H23.2.23.) ボイド梁部に懸垂 連結縦型蓄熱槽 搬入時 連結縦型蓄熱槽 吹抜部へ下降させ設置
(容積率に入らず) 連結縦型蓄熱槽 搬入時 フランジ・フレキ 連結縦型蓄熱槽 ( h=約10m φ2650) 5連結で218.1m3 ×2基 3連結で127.2m3 ×2基  吹抜部へ下降させ設置  東京千住キャンパス工事現況(H ) 4号館(S棟) 連結縦型蓄熱槽 設置状況

20 東京千住キャンパス工事現況(H23.2.23.) 4号館(S棟) 連結縦型蓄熱槽 1層目(2缶) 設置状況 連結縦型蓄熱槽
( h=約10m φ2650)  3連結で127.2m3 ×2基 東京千住キャンパス工事現況(H ) 4号館(S棟) 連結縦型蓄熱槽 1層目(2缶) 設置状況


22 東京千住キャンパス工事現況(H23.2.14.) ロッジア 交流プラザ(オープンエアー・床冷暖) 1階免震床と地階の境界
地面がぬかるんでいるのは、 雨ではなく地下水位が高いため 東京千住キャンパス工事現況(H ) 1号館(W棟) ロッジア北側の地中熱利用の熱交換用チューブ埋設 施工状況 

23 ●地中熱利用床冷暖房(二次側配管敷設) 地中熱ヒートポンプ 冷房:20kW 暖房:16 kW 内径:13A、 8系統 総延長:1484m
敷設面積:225㎡ 架橋ポリエチレン管 を敷設中

24 東京千住キャンパス工事状況(H23.8.25.) 1号館 ロッジア GRC天井工事 施工状況 約250m2 カフェ 大階段
地中熱交換器 埋設範囲 オープンエアー床冷暖房   設置範囲 約250m2 カフェ 大階段 東京千住キャンパス工事状況(H ) 1号館  ロッジア GRC天井工事 施工状況

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