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現在完了形 (present perfect tense)

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Presentation on theme: "現在完了形 (present perfect tense)"— Presentation transcript:

1 現在完了形 (present perfect tense)

2 Which sentences do you want to say?
want to be told?

3 A あなたのことが好きです。

4 B あなたのことが好きでした。

5 Which do you want to say?

6 A あなたのことが好きです。 I love you. 過去 未来 時間の流れ

7 B あなたのことが好きでした。 I loved you. 今は好きじゃないの? 過去 未来 時間の流れ

8 B あなたのことが好きでした。 I have loved you. 過去 未来 時間の流れ

9 あなたのことが好きでした。 ①過去形 ②現在完了形

10 I loved you. I have loved you. 現在完了形(継続) have + 過去分詞 Point 過去 今 未来 過去
①現在から過去にかけてのことを表すときに現在完了形を使う。 最終的に、「今」のことに重点が置かれている。 have (has) 現在完了形は + 過去分詞 の形で表現する。 ※hasは3人称単数のとき ②日本語では過去と現在完了の区別ははっきりしていないので注意。   「~た」といっても、その時々によって過去か、現在完了かは異なる。   そのため、訳のときには「(ずっと)~です。」としておこう。   英語では、過去は過去、現在完了は現在完了。

11 現在完了形(継続)でよく使われるforとsince I have loved you for two years.
過去 未来 for + 期間 *~間 one year one year I have loved you since 2013. 過去 未来 since +ある時点 *~以来、~から 2013 2014 2015 *文が続く時もある I have loved you since I met you for the first time.

12 I have We have You have You have has They have
話をするときに 出てくる人 単数 (1人、1つ) 複数 (2人以上、2つ以上) 1人称 話す人 2人称 聞く人 3人称 その他の 人や物 I have We have You have You have He She It has They have

13 Let’s practice 現在完了形・継続

14 ① live in Australia I 2 years I ( )( ) in Australia ( ) two years.
past now future I 2 years one year one year I ( )( ) in Australia ( ) two years. have lived for

15 ② live in Japan 3 years You You ( )( ) in Japan ( ) three years. have
past now future You 3 years one year one year one year You ( )( ) in Japan ( ) three years. have lived for

16 ③ play tennis I I ( )( ) tennis ( ) 2013. have played since past now
future I 2013 2014 2015 I ( )( ) tennis ( ) 2013. have played since

17 ④ play tennis Nancy Nancy ( )( ) tennis ( ) 2013. has played since
past now future Nancy 2013 2014 2015 Nancy ( )( ) tennis ( ) 2013. has played since

18 ⑤ play soccer 10 years Ken Ken ( )( ) soccer ( ) ten years. has played
past now future Ken 10 years ten years Ken ( )( ) soccer ( ) ten years. has played for

19 ⑥ play soccer They They ( )( ) soccer ( ) 2005. have played since past
now future They 2005 2015 They ( )( ) soccer ( ) 2005. have played since

20 ⑦ want the smart phone 3 months Tom Tom ( )( ) the smart phone
past now future Tom 3 months one month one month one month Tom ( )( ) the smart phone ( ) three months. has wanted for

21 ⑧ have this guitar 2 weeks I I ( )( ) this guitar ( ) two weeks. have
past now future I 2 weeks one week one week I ( )( ) this guitar ( ) two weeks. have had for

22 ⑨ know him Yuki Yuki ( )( ) him ( ) 2011. has known since past now
future Yuki 2011 2015 Yuki ( )( ) him ( ) 2011. has known since

23 ⑩ study English We We ( )( ) English ( ) 2013. have studied since past
now future We 2013 2015 We ( )( ) English ( ) 2013. have studied since


25 ① I ( have )( lived ) in Australia ( for ) two years.
② You ( have )( lived ) in Japan ( for ) three years. ③ I ( have )( played ) tennis ( since ) 2015. ④ Nancy ( has )( played ) tennis ( since ) 2015. ⑤ Ken ( has )( played ) soccer ( for )( ten )( years ). ⑥ They ( have )( played ) soccer ( since ) 2005. ⑦ Tom ( has )( wanted ) the smart phone ( for )( three )( months ). ⑧ I ( have )( had ) this guitar ( for )( two )( weeks ). ⑨ Yuki ( has )( known ) him ( since ) 2011. ⑩ We ( have )( studied ) English ( since ) 2013.

26 現在完了形(present perfect tense)を使って自己紹介の幅を広げよう
Today’s goal: You can write your self-introduction using present perfect tense. 現在完了形(present perfect tense)を使って自己紹介の幅を広げよう

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