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~知ってる? 間接疑問文.

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Presentation on theme: "~知ってる? 間接疑問文."— Presentation transcript:

1 ~知ってる? 間接疑問文

2 Ger What is this? This is a ger. Oh, you know what this is.

3 白鵬 Who is he? Oh, you know who he is. Where is he from?
Now, you know where he is from. 白鵬の写真を入れてくだっさい

4 サザエさん Who is she? Oh, you know who she is. Where is she from? Fukuoka
Now, you know where she is from. How old is she? 24 Now, you know how old she is. サザエさんの写真を入れてください。

5 何時? What time is it? Oh, you know what time it is.

6 大島希巳江 (Oshima Kimie) Who is this? This is Oshima Kimie.
Oh, you know who this is. You know what she is. She is a Rakugo performer. 大島希巳江さんの写真を入れてください。

7 Martin Luther King, Jr Oh, you know who this is.
This is Martin Luther King. Jr. You know who this is. Where did he live? He lived in America. You know where he lived. You know what he said in Washington, D.C.

8 間接疑問文 間接疑問文

9 I know <what this is>. ゲルの写真を入れてください。

10 I know <who this is>. 白鵬の写真を入れて下さい。

11 I know <where she is from>.
I know <who she is>. I know <how old she is>. I know <where she is from>. サザエさんの写真を入れてください。

12 I know <what time it is>.

13 I know <who she is>. I know <what she is>.

14 I know <who he is>. I know <where he lived>.
I know <what he said in Washington, D.C>. Oh, you know who this is. This is my brother. You know who this is. Where does he live? He lives in Tokyo. You know where he lives.

15 間接疑問文 語順について

16 I know <who this is>. Oh, you know who this is. This is Hakuho..

17 Who is this? who this is.

18 Who is this?

19 Who is this?

20 Who is this?

21 These pictures startled you!
These are pictures of Perry. These pictures startled you! Your mind startled the sentences, too. 疑問文は動揺しているときに出てきます。 なので語順が変わったり、余計なもの(Doとか)がついたりします。 these Are Pictures of Perry ?

22 間接疑問文 は、動揺してないよ

23 間接疑問文 は、動揺してないよ

24 Excuse me. Where is the station? 相手が駅がどこにあるか前提で話している

25 ? Excuse me. Do you know where the station is?
相手が駅がどこにあるか知っているかどうか分からないことに気を遣って尋ねているので、 少し丁寧になる。

26 比較

27 Do you know what time it is?
疑問文の形を取っているけど、疑問文に答えることを前提としていない。時間を知りたいわけではないです。 Mother doesn’t want to know the time. Mother knows the time.

28 What time is it?


30 ? Where is the station? where is the station
間接疑問文 where is the station Do you know<where the station is >? I know<where the station is >. Point ①間接疑問文とは、わからないことを直接たずねるのでなく、相手の  ことを考えて、ワンクッション置いてからたずねる表現です。 ②直接(気持ちが動揺して)相手に言うわけでないので、  疑問詞の後の部分は普通の文になります。※語順・助動詞に注意 ③間接疑問文とありますが、普通の文の中に疑問詞を使った文が  入っていると考えてもよいです。全体として疑問文でない、  普通の文のときもあります。 ④思う・分かる・気づく・知るなどの動詞と一緒に出てくることが多いです。 know, think, say, tell, askなど

31 Practice

32 How old is he? I know < how old he is >.

33 Who is this? Kenji knows < who this is >.

34 Why does Santa wear red suits?
I know < why Santa wears red suits >.

35 Who ate ramen for the first time in Japan? I don’t know < who ate ramen for the first time in Japan >.

36 What is the red nose raindeer named? She knows < what the red nose raindeer is named >.

37 Where was Shotokutaishi born?
Please tell me < where Shotokutaishi was born >.

38 What is this in English? Bill told me < what this is in English >.

39 < where the Olympic Games
Where will the Olympic Games be held in 2020? Ken asked her < where the Olympic Games will be held in 2020>.

40 Where is English from? Do you know < where English is from >?

41 What did Alfred Nobel invent?
Does Tom know < what Alfred Nobel invented >?


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