Essay writing rules for Japanese!!. * First ・ There are two directions you can write. ・よこがき / 横書き (same as we write English) ・たてがき / 縦書き (from right to.

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Presentation on theme: "Essay writing rules for Japanese!!. * First ・ There are two directions you can write. ・よこがき / 横書き (same as we write English) ・たてがき / 縦書き (from right to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Essay writing rules for Japanese!!

2 * First ・ There are two directions you can write. ・よこがき / 横書き (same as we write English) ・たてがき / 縦書き (from right to left) ・ When you use count in たてがき, you have to use kanji numbers. ↓ よこがき たてがき → 12345 6789 10 わたしの名 わ六一 た七二 し八三 の九四 名十五

3 * TITLE When you write the title, in たてがき you need to leave two empty cells. わ た し の

4 * Name/ 名前 Leave a line! See next slide for where you write your name! Let’s write down your name in カタカナ! Your last name comes first and your given name comes after the last name. In English In Japanese Anna Yamaura ヤマウラ アンナ

5 * Name/ 名前 2 On the second line, you need to write your name. It needs to be written at the bottom of the line and you have to leave an empty cell at the end of the line. And also you have a empty cell between surname and given name. ヤ マ ウ ラ ア ン ナ わ た し の 学 校 ヤ マ ウ ラ ア ン ナ

6 * sentences For each new paragraph, you need a new line and to leave an empty cell (see right). Remember each new idea is a new paragraph. の × 年さ × し学生いわ い校ででた ではすすし すとは て高 も校十 た一五 、

7 * sentences その 2 When you finish a sentence, you need a “ 。 ” The “ 。 ” comes at right upper of the next cell. And also small letters like“ っ ” ” ゃ ” ” ゅ ” ” ょ ” are written in the same position as “ 。 ” い で す び じ つ ゅ

8 * sentences その 3 When you write in カタカナ and using ー, you have to change the direction. プール プ ル オ ス ト ラ リ ア

9 * sentences その 3 “ 、 ”and” 。 ” cannot start a line in an essay. Look at the example to the right. You need to move the “ 、 ”and” 。 ” to the line before. き と 広そい て いしで も でてす大 ひ そ き と ろ し い て く て で も て す 大

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