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第8回がん患者の抑うつと不安に関する研究会 - 開催のご案内 -
第8回がん患者の抑うつと不安に関する研究会 - 開催のご案内 - 拝啓 時下、日本サイコオンコロジー学会会員の皆さまにおかれましては、益々ご健勝のこととお慶び申し上げます。 本研究会はがん患者における抑うつや不安に関する研究成果の情報交換を通じ、がん患者の抑うつや不安に対する治療法の向上を目的として毎年開催しております。本年度は、第1回East Asia Psycho-Oncologyのプログラムの一部を兼ねて、対人関係において最も重要な能力のひとつと言われております『共感(Empathy)』のメカニズムを脳機能画像の手法を用い研究されているシカゴ大学Jean Decety教授をお招きし、ご講演いただきます。 諸事ご多用とは存じますが、ご聴講いただきますようご案内申し上げます。 敬具 平成20年 10月8日(水) 19:00~20:00 (会終了後、情報交換会をご用意しております) 学術総合センター 「2F B会場」(無料公開) 〒 3 東京都千代田区一ツ橋2丁目1番2号 TEL 日程 会場 プログラム 特別講演(60分 含むQ&A) 19:00~20:00 座長:東京大学医学部附属病院心療内科 特任講師・吉内一浩 演者:Prof. Jean Decety, Ph.D. (Departments of Psychology and Psychiatry, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL USA) 演題:“Is it good to be empathic? On the benefits and costs of being empathic.” がん患者の抑うつと不安に関する研究会 明 治 製 菓 株 式 会 社 明治サノフィ・アベンティス薬品株式会社 日本サイコオンコロジー学会 East Asia Psycho-Oncology Society 共催
Jean Decety. Departments of Psychology and Psychiatry,
1st Meeting of the East Asia Psycho-Oncology Society (EAPOS) October 8, 2008 19:00-20:00 Plenary Lecture SL2 “Is it good to be empathic? On the benefits and costs of being empathic. ” Jean Decety. Departments of Psychology and Psychiatry, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL USA It is often taken for granted that it is good to be empathic. It is indeed a valuable attitude in many aspects of human cultures and social interaction (such as a good teacher, a dedicated father/mother, a sensitive physician, etc..). But there are also costs associated with being too empathic. A growing number of functional MRI studies of pain empathy demonstrate a sticking overlap between the first hand experience of pain and the perception of pain in others. This overlap includes not only the neural regions involved in the affective-motivational dimension of pain processing but also the somatosensory representation of pain as indicated by recent magnetoencephalography (MEG) and electrophysiological studies. Based on a series of functional MRI and MEG studies I will argue that the more overlap between self and other in the context of pain empathy the more likely personal distress, burn out and even compassion fatigue can be experienced. Empathy thus needs to be regulated, and such regulation can be unconscious or intentional. Dr. Jean Decety is professor at the University of Chicago and the College with a primary appointment in the Department of Psychology and a secondary appointment in the Department Psychiatry, and an executive committee member of the Center for Cognitive and Social Neuroscience. He is the co-director of the Brain Research Imaging Center at the University of Chicago Medical Center. Dr. Decety is the editor of Social Neuroscience, the first journal dedicated to this topic, which was launched in March 2006. Social Neuroscience: The first journal dedicated to the new approach to understanding social interaction. Social Neuroscience attempts to explain the psychological and neural basis of social and emotional behaviors in humans and animals. It is a new multi-level integrative analysis approach, rather than solely biological or social.
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