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Verb てform + から、 After.

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Presentation on theme: "Verb てform + から、 After."— Presentation transcript:

1 Verb てform + から、 After

2 Verb てform + から after べんきょうします。 ごはんをたべ ます て から、 Eating meal study
After I eat meal, I study.

3 Verb てform + から、 After Use:
To express that you do/did thing shortly after another Formation: Verb てform + から、 Examples: たべてから、 はをみがきます。 After I eat, I clean my teeth. テレビをみてから、ねます。 After I watch TV, I go to sleep.

4 After Note: Difference between ~てから&~(た/の)あとで
~てから simply states that one action follows another within a short time frame. The subject usually has control over the actions in both parts of the sentence. ~た/の あとで emphasises that the second action or event takes place after the first one. There is no strict time frame.

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