パルサー掩蔽時の RM変化による 太陽コロナ磁場3D診断

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Presentation on theme: "パルサー掩蔽時の RM変化による 太陽コロナ磁場3D診断"— Presentation transcript:

1 パルサー掩蔽時の RM変化による 太陽コロナ磁場3D診断
Measuring Coronal Magnetic Fields by Pulsar Faraday Rotation Yoshiki Sofue SKA Con. on Cosmic Magnetism 2013 Sep

2 パルサー掩蔽時の RM変化による 太陽コロナ磁場3D診断
I. Solar Magnetic Fields





7 Few direct measurement of magnetic fields.
But ! Few direct measurement of magnetic fields.

8 パルサー掩蔽時の RM変化による 太陽コロナ磁場3D診断
II. Coronal Magnetic Fields

9 B direction ?  B strength ? Neutral sheets? ? ?


11 Miloslav Druckmüller Institute of Mathematics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic



14 Few direct measurement of magnetic field.
But ! Few direct measurement of magnetic field.

15 パルサー掩蔽時の RM変化による 太陽コロナ磁場3D診断
III. Current Measurements

16 Kim+2012

17 Kim+2012

18 Ramesh+2010

19 Ramesh+2010

20 Use SKA for, not only Tau A, but also the Faraday sky
(Taylor 2009)

21 Coronal Occultation of Tau A
June every year. Faraday Rotation

22 Sofue et al 1976 Sol. Phys.


24 x few % Jy 20,000 Jy



27  RM +100 ―100


29 Quiet corona model At 7 Ro BNe=400 G cm-3 Across streamer RM= rad m-2 BNe= G cm-3 Across streamer RM= rad m-2 BNe= G cm-3

30 パルサー掩蔽時の RM変化による 太陽コロナ磁場3D診断
IV. Pulsar Faraday Rotation

31 Manchester+ 2005


33 Strongly polarised & “Pulsating” = FM (Freq. modulation)
Pulsar RM Coronal Mag. Fields. Strongly polarised & “Pulsating” = FM (Freq. modulation)

34 x few % Jy 20,000-20,000 Jy

35 Ord+2007

36 Ord+2007

37 Ord+2007

38  RM +100 ―100


40 Ker, M. 2012

41 Johnston, Karasterigiou, Mitra, Gupta (2008)
GMRT – Parkes, Pulsar Polarization survey:243, 325, 660, 1400, 3100 MHz Johnston, Karasterigiou, Mitra, Gupta (2008) Mitra 12/03/2017


43 Ecliptic plane & Pulsars
December every year

44 Ecliptic plane & Pulsars

45 Toward SKA

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