第六課 単語 元気 I pp. 116 - 117.

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Presentation on theme: "第六課 単語 元気 I pp. 116 - 117."— Presentation transcript:

1 第六課 単語 元気 I pp

2 Nouns

3 おかね(金) money

4 grandmother; old woman
おばあさん grandmother; old woman

5 おふろ (お風呂) bath

6 kanji; Chinese characters
かんじ (漢字) kanji; Chinese characters

7 きょうかしょ (教科書) textbook

8 こんしゅう (今週) this week

9 しみんびょういん (市民病院) municipal hospital

10 つぎ(次) next

11 テレビゲーム video game

12 でんき (電気) electricity

13 でんしゃ (電車) train

14 にもつ (荷物) baggage

15 ページ page

16 まど(窓) window

17 よる(夜) night

18 らいしゅう (来週) next week

19 らいねん (来年) next year

20 な - adjectives

21 たいへん(な) (大変な) tough

22 U - verbs

23 to play; to spend time pleasantly
あそぶ (遊ぶ) to play; to spend time pleasantly

24 いそぐ (急ぐ) to hurry

25 おふろにはいる (お風呂に入る) to take a bath

26 かえす (返す) to return (things)

27 to turn off; to erase(〜を)
けす(消す) to turn off; to erase(〜を)

28 しぬ(死ぬ) to die

29 すわる (座る) to sit down (seat に)

30 たつ(立つ) to stand up

31 たばこをすう (たばこを吸う) to smoke

32 つかう (使う) to use (〜を)

33 to help (person/task を)
てつだう (手伝う) to help (person/task を)

34 はいる (入る) to enter (〜に)

35 もつ(持つ) to carry; to hold (〜を)

36 to rest; to be absent from
やすむ (休む) to rest; to be absent from

37 Ru - verbs

38 to open (something) (〜を)
あける (開ける) to open (something) (〜を)

39 to teach; to instruct (person に thing を)
おしえる (教える) to teach; to instruct (person に thing を)

40 おりる (降りる) to get off(〜を)

41 to borrow (person に thing を)
かりる (借りる) to borrow (person に thing を)

42 to close (something) (〜を)
しめる (閉める) to close (something) (〜を)

43 つける to turn on (〜を)

44 to make a phone call (person に)
でんわをかける (電話をかける) to make a phone call (person に)

45 to forget; to leave behind (〜を)
わすれる (忘れる) to forget; to leave behind (〜を)

46 Irregular - verbs

47 to bring (a person) (〜を)
つれてくる (連れてくる) to bring (a person) (〜を)

48 もってくる (持ってくる) to bring (a thing) (〜を)

49 Adverbs and Other Expressions

50 あとで (後で) later on

51 おそく (遅く) (do something) late

52 〜から because …

53 That would be fine.;That wouldn’t be necessary.
けっこうです (結構です) That would be fine.;That wouldn’t be necessary.

54 すぐ right away

55 ほんとうですか (本当ですか) Really?

56 slowly; leisurely; unhurriedly
ゆっくり slowly; leisurely; unhurriedly

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