きょうのおんがく Nobodyknows - what's going on (EL MIRADOR)

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1 きょうのおんがく Nobodyknows - what's going on (EL MIRADOR)
AAA – 愛(あい)しているのに、愛(あい)せない ru-no-ni-aisenai::53269.html

2 にほんご101 モルナー

3 きょうのよてい Midterm Skits かんじ Vocab/dialogue Grammarhamehaaaaaaaaaa!
Verbs (polite/casual) Direct object 􏰛 V Exit Tickets Skit Teams, HW

4 Midterm Skits Pick groups of 2 or 3 Make a script:
Length: 4-5 min (2-3 pages) for a 2 person group Length: 6-7 min (3-4 pages) for a 3 person group Incorporate at least two grammar points per chapter (up to chapter 3). Use as many as you want. Don’t need to take this to tutors, but talk to the TA’s and me, and turn in your skit for review on 10/19 Ideas: make a story with pictures (like three little pigs), an interview, a date, … whatever you want!

5 Vocab/dialogue 八十六ページと八十七ページをみてください。 はちじゅうろくページとはちじゅうななページをみてください
Note u-verbs and ru-verbs For the dialogue, note: そうです Kanji Sentence endings are verbs; not all です。

6 Japanese Verbs Different textbooks handle grammar differently, but in     GENKI, Japanese verbs are generally broken down into 3 groups: ru-verbs U-verbs Irregulars Ru-verbs are easy to identify; they end in ru (る) For example: たべる U-verbs end in basically everything else. Example: いく、はなす、よむ Occasionally u-verbs have る endings, but they are rare. In this chapter, we see かえる Irregulars are rare; する、くる Compound verbs exist (べんきょうする), but they all use the する conj.

7 Is a verb that ends in る a ru verb?
As a rule of thumb, verbs that end in る fall in     the るverb category (minus the irregulars: する、くる) BUTTTTTT, as you can see with かえる (an う verb), this is NOT always the case. IN GENERAL, the best way to remember them is to pay attention to what groups the verbs are in when presented to you in the book. Another way is to remember that verbs with a, u, or o vowels before the る (example: とる toru (to take a picture)) will be U-VERBS. Verbs with i or e in front of the る (ex. たべる taberu    (to eat) will be RU-VERBS. Exceptions unfortunately exist: かえる is an うverb → かえります a i u e o

8 Conjugations The book mentions 4 types of conjugations that we      will be dealing with today: dictionary form, the stem     -masu form (affirmative and negative) The dictionary form: this is the form you will see in dictionaries (obviously) and in the vocab section of you textbook. It also used for informal conversation. EX: たべる?Will you eat? Tis is also very helpful for conjugations. It is the base form of the verb. The stem: this will become more important in later chapters, but it is essentially the verb without the る or modified part: たべる → stem: たべ はなす → stem: はなし -masu Form: This is the neutral polite form. It is used for present/future tense. Changing –masu to –masen makes the statement negative: たべる →たべます/たべません

9 Conjugations Now that we know there are different types of verbs and different conjugations, let’s see how they work. There are many conjugations for different effect, today we are dealing with the PRESENT/FUTRUE tense. たべる (ru verb) はなす(u verb) する(irreg) くる(irreg) dictionary たべる はなす する くる Pres, + たべます はなします します きます Pres, - ばべません はなしません しません きません stem ばべ はなし

10 Conjugations for るverbs
Take a verb like おきる (to wake up) おきる is the dictionary form To make form… cut off the る たべる  ー>  たべる = stem! たべる  ー>  たべる +ます = たべます (positive: I eat/I will eat depending on the context) たべる  ー>  たべる +ません= たべません (negative: I do not eat/I will not eat)

11 Conjugations for うverbs
Take a verb like のむ (to drink) のむ is the dictionary form To make the form… a i u e o のむ  ー>  のみ (stem) のむ  ー>  のみます  (present tense, pos.) のむ  ー>  のみません (present tense, neg) Move up from the mu to the mi LINE.

12 Irregulars You just have to memorize these:
NOTE: For compound verbs like べんきょうする(勉強する)you can see する in the verb. It always conjugates the same. する (to do) くる (to come) Dictionary form する くる Stem form -masu, pos. します きます -masu, neg しません きません

13 Practice We will be putting these into sentences next class, but first try to work with the verbs and conjugate them properly.  CLOSE YOUR BOOKS ねる はなす いく おきる かえる する くる Ru, u, irreg? るverb うverb irreg stem はなし いき おき かえり dictionary Masu, + ねます はなします いきます おきます かえります します きます Masu, - ねません はなしません いきません おきません かえりません しません きません えいごのいみは?

14 Polite/casual Just to note,
たべます is the neutral//polite way to say “to eat”. So, -masu form is the polite form. たべる the dictionary form is the casual form. This is used for friends and family members. Example: You are on a date, and start in the –masu form because it is the first time you meet. If the person doesn't want to change to dictionary (short) form, then maybe the date isn’t going so well (the other person wants to keep distance)

15 Tense The –masu form deals with the present and FUTURE tense.
Unlike English, there is no marker such as “will” (I will go) to signify the future. You will know from context as to the meaning of the sentence.

16 Direct Object を We saw this before with the (を)ください, but now we will learn what it does Look at these examples: わたしは とんかつを たべます。 おちゃを のみます。 テニス(てにす)をします。 アニメ(あにめ)をみます。 さかなを たべません。 しんぶんを よみません。    What is the relationship of the noun attached to the を with the verb?

17 Direct Object を おちゃを のみます。 (I) drink tea.
おちゃを のみます。 (I) drink tea. Here, you can see that the noun with を is directly affected by the verb it attached to. What is drank? The noun that the を is attached to. コーヒー(こうひい)をのみます. I drink coffee みずをのみます。 I drink water. ビール(びいる)をのみません。I don’t drink beer. As we learn more particles in this chapter, you will see they provide different information regarding the nouns.

18 Translate the following:
I eat meat. (わたしは) にくを たべます。 I watch TV. (わたしは)テレビ(てれび)をみます。 Mary doesn’t listen to this music. メアリー(めありい)さんは このおんがくを ききません。 Takeshi doesn’t read books. たけしさんは ほんを よみません。

19 Midterm Skits Groups: take 5 minutes and make groups
Be sure to exchange info. We don’t have class Monday, so definitely start to come up with ideas, and potentially even assign roles to write. Scripts are due on 10/19

20 しゅくだい Meet with your group and start skit (or at least delegate tasks)
Vocab Quiz p 86

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