第十六課 単語 元気 II pp. 72 - 73.

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Presentation on theme: "第十六課 単語 元気 II pp. 72 - 73."— Presentation transcript:

1 第十六課 単語 元気 II pp

2 Nouns

3 えきいん(さん) (駅員さん) station attendant

4 おや(親) parent

5 ごみ garbage

6 さとう (砂糖) sugar

7 しょうがくきん (奨学金) scholarship

8 しんせき (親せき) relatives

9 letter of recommendation
すいせんじょう (推薦状) letter of recommendation

10 だいがくいん (大学院) graduate school

11 たいふう (台風) typhoon

12 ひ(日) day

13 ファイル file; portfolio

14 みち(道) way; road; directions

15 めざましどけい (目覚まし時計) alarm clock

16 い - adjectives

17 きたない (汚い) dirty

18 U-verbs

19 おこす (起こす) to wake (someone) up

20 to treat (someone) to a meal (person に meal を)
おごる to treat (someone) to a meal (person に meal を)

21 おちこむ (落ち込む) to get depressed

22 こまる (困る) to have difficulty

23 to take (something) out; to hand in (something)
だす (出す) to take (something) out; to hand in (something)

24 to take (someone) to (a place) (person を place に)
つれていく (連れて行く) to take (someone) to (a place) (person を place に)

25 なおす (直す) to correct; to fix

26 to become lost; to lose one’s way
みちにまよう (道に迷う) to become lost; to lose one’s way

27 to translate (source を target に)
やくす (訳す) to translate (source を target に)

28 わらう (笑う) to laugh

29 Ru-verbs

30 アイロンを かける to iron (clothes)

31 あつめる (集める) to collect

32 to put (something) in (thing を place に)
いれる (入れる) to put (something) in (thing を place に)

33 to miss (a train, bus, etc) (〜に)
のりおくれる (乗り遅れる) to miss (a train, bus, etc) (〜に)

34 みせる (見せる) to show

35 Irregular-verbs

36 あさねぼうする (朝寝坊する) to oversleep

37 to show (someone) around
あんないする (案内する) to show (someone) around

38 せつめいする (説明する) to explain

39 to come to pick up (someone)
むかえにくる (迎えに来る) to come to pick up (someone)

40 Adverbs and Other Expressions

41 ええと well…; let me see…

42 きょうじゅうに (今日中に) by the end of today

43 このあいだ (この間) the other day

44 about this much ( = これぐらい/このくらい/これくらい)
このぐらい about this much ( = これぐらい/このくらい/これくらい)

45 ごめん I’m sorry. (casual)

46 Excuse me.; Sorry to interrupt you.
しつれいします (失礼します) Excuse me.; Sorry to interrupt you.

47 (do something) oneself
じぶんで (自分で) (do something) oneself

48 in class; during the class
じゅぎょうちゅうに (授業中に) in class; during the class

49 ほかの other

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