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Presentation on theme: "Agent&Society."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agent&Society

2 Standpoints: Agent and Society
Societal Influence of Agent Technology STS (Science, Technology and Society) Agent Society (Multi-Agent) Distributed AI Communityware

3 STS A Series of Videotapes: Interactions in Science and Society
STS(Science, Technology and Society) Emphasizing on Societal Viewpoints for Science and Technology Importance of Critical Thinking

4 Critical Thinking Aim: What to believe, and what to do? Questions:
What is the science and technology like? What are the societal realms like? What are the interactions? What ought we do or decide?

5 Decision Making and Problem Solving
To do: Information Gathering Comparing and Contrasting Judging Effects Questions: What is the nature of the problem? What are the options? What are the consequences of each option? Which option is best?

6 分散人工知能 Distributed Artificial Intelligence
石田亨&桑原和宏:, AI学会誌解説 分散人工知能 (1):協調問題解決,Nov. 1992.  (2):交渉と均衡化,Jan.1993. Distributed Artificial Intelligence, (1) Cooperative Problem Solving (2) Negotiation and Balancing

7 Communityware Kyoto Meeting on Social Interaction and Communityware, 1998. Leonard N. Foner: Community Formation via a Distributed, Privacy-Protecting Matchmaking System Yenta system

8 Yenta Finding people who share your interests and helping to form a community Finding the user’s interest by examining the personal files Finding groups of similar users in a decentralized way– matchmaking based on the social/collaborative filtering

9 口コミ機構による情報流通 Information Dissemination with Word-of-Mouth Method

10 G3:ネットワークサービス ネットワーク上の情報サービスについて考えましょう
Issue: Information Services on the Internet Internet上の情報サービスをいろいろ見つける Find out information services on the Internet. 新しい情報サービス案を考える Think out new ideas of information services. 重要なこと: 数と多様性 Points: Number and Variety of Ideas

11 Copyright Issue Napster問題 太田昌孝:くろうとのあさはかさ, 情報処理,2000年8月号,pp.962-963.
長尾真:マルチメディア電子図書館とインタフェース,ICDL-Kyoto, 2000. 利用権より課金権 From “Right of Controlling Using” to “Right of Getting Paid”

12 G-3: 著作権問題をどう考える? Opinions for the Copyright Issue
著作者の権利保護 vs. 利用者の利便推進 Protection of Authors vs. Benefits of Users Think Both of Pros and Cons 公共の福祉: 社会全体の利益としてどういうことが望ましいか. What is the best way for our society? Viewpoint: How to Maximize Social Benefits

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