がけ崩れの観測手法 Monitoring method for slope failure

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1 がけ崩れの観測手法 Monitoring method for slope failure

2 がけ崩れの特徴 Characteristics of (rapid, surface soil) slope failure
崩落速度が速く、移動時間が非常に短い         The speed of failure is fast, and very short duration movement. 前兆現象を認識しにくい  Difficult to recognize the warning sign

3 がけ崩れの発生 Occurrence of slope failure
降雨、融雪等による水の供給 Supply of water by rainfall and snow melt  ・斜面の土壌水分量の増加→強度低下                Increase of water contents in slope soil → decrease of soil    strength                                  ・間隙水圧の上昇 Increase of pore pressure           ・パイピングによる局部破壊とその進行                 Local progressing collapse due to piping in the slope がけ崩れ Slope failure

4 がけ崩れの観測手法 Monitoring method for slope failure
降雨観測 Rainfall monitoring                       →現象(発生条件)の解明、警戒避難 To make clear the        phenomena(condition of occurrence), warning and evacuation  ・雨量計、レーダー雨量計 Rain gauge, Radar rain gauge 発生や前兆現象の検知                     Detection of occurrence and warning sign               →警戒避難 Warning and evacuation                  非常に困難 Very difficult

5 がけ崩れの観測手法 Monitoring method for slope failure
崩壊過程の観測 Monitoring of failure process            →現象の解明To make clear the phenomena              ・崩壊状況の撮影(監視カメラでのビデオ撮影)             Picture of failure using video camera                 ・変動の観測(伸縮計等)                           Monitoring of movement (Extensometer etc.)           観測データが絶対的に不足                  Lack of data of the slope failure process 崩壊、堆積状況等に関する調査、測量            Investigation and survey about occurrence of failure and sedimentation                                →現象の解明 To make clear the phenomena

6 降雨観測の目的 Purpose of rainfall monitoring
現象の解明 To make clear the phenomena 降雨及びがけ崩れ発生実態のデータ蓄積         Accumulation of data of rainfall and occurrence of slope failure がけ崩れが発生する降雨条件の解明                 To make clear the condition of slope failure occurrence 発生予測及び警戒避難 Prediction of occurrence, warning and evacuation 降雨観測値(+予測雨量)からのがけ崩れ発生予測     Prediction of slope failure occurrence from the observed rainfall (+predicted rainfall) 警戒避難の実施                           Warning and evacuation

7 Set up of critical line between safe area and dangerous area
がけ崩れ発生危険基準線の設定 Set up of critical line between safe area and dangerous area against slope failure occurrence Slope failure occurrence rainfall Slope failure non-occurrence rainfall Dangerous area safe area Critical line

8 降雨からのがけ崩れ発生予測の課題 Problems about prediction of slope failure occurrence from the rainfall
雨量観測値及び予測値の精度向上(空間分布等) Improvement of the accuracy of rainfall observation and prediction                                 →雨量観測点の高密度化、レーダー雨量計の活用、予測手法 の向上                                High density of the distribution of rain gauge stations, application of the radar rain gauge, improvement of prediction method 発生前の長期的な降雨によって土中に貯留される水量の評価Evaluation of water content accumulated in the slope soil by long-term rainfall before the occurrence of debris flow      連続雨量→タンクモデル、実効雨量                 Continuous rainfall → tank model, effective rainfall

9 タンクモデル及び実効雨量の問題点 Problems of tank model and effective rainfall
入力(降雨観測値)と出力(土石流の発生・非発生)のみが与えられ、途中の過程がブラックボックスの状態での解析によって係数や半減期を設定The tank factors and the reduction factors of effective rainfall are set up by analysis in which only input (observed rainfall) and output (occurrence and non-occurrence of debris flow) are given, and the process is ‘black box’.                          設定された係数や半減期が本当にその地区の土壌水分変化を精度よく表現できているとは限らない                 The factors do not always represent the change of water content of slope soil accurately.                      予測のばらつきの一因                          It is one of the cause of an error of prediction

10 タンクモデル及び実効雨量の問題点 Problems of tank model and effective rainfall
改善策 Improvement method 降雨時の土壌水分変化の実態に合わせたタンクモデルの係数設定、実効雨量の半減期設定       Set up of the tank factor and reduction factor of effective rainfall fitting with the change of water content of slope soil 土壌水分量あるいは斜面からの流出量そのものの観測値を指標とした警戒避難基準の設定        Set up of warning and evacuation standard using water content value or water flow out volume itself   - 土壌水分変化のデータが絶対的に不足 -      Lack of data of the change of water content

11 斜面の土壌水分変化及び崩壊過程に関する 観測データの不足 Lack of data about the change of water content in the slope and the process of slope failure 全斜面に観測機器を設置することは不可能             It is impossible to install monitoring instrument in all slopes. 選定した観測斜面が崩壊に至らない                 Selected monitoring site do not easily result in the failure occurrence. 斜面に人工降雨を与えて崩壊実験?              Slope failure experiment by the artificial rainfall supplied in the slope?

12 がけ崩れの発生・前兆の検知のための新技術  New technique for detection of warning sign or occurrence of slope failure
光ファイバーセンサーによる監視(道路斜面での事例)       Monitoring using optical fiber sensor (Example of the roadside slope monitoring)                                 ・道路斜面に沿って配置 → 地表面変位の監視 → 前兆現象等の  検知 → 通行規制                       Installation in the slope along                       the roadside                                  → Monitoring of surface                             movement                                  → Detection of warning                             sign or other unusual                             sign                                      → Closing of traffic Optical fiber sensor Real-time monitoring

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