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Kyoo no ongaku (today’s music)

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Presentation on theme: "Kyoo no ongaku (today’s music)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kyoo no ongaku (today’s music)
きょう の おんがく Kyoo no ongaku (today’s music) Shinee – Lucifer U-Kiss – Believe

2 Molnar Sensei - Session 4
Ni ho n go にほんご101 Molnar Sensei - Session 4

3 Today’s Plan Announcement Hiragana Quiz NEXT CLASS: quick explanation
Lab HW Due next class: explanation まえのExit tickets numbers, time, grade, etc. N の N, nationality, etc. Plan (1); Ann (1), JET (2), J-Colabo (2), LL and Hiragana quiz (4), Ex Light (5), Exit think (5 + 3 exp), space (3), foreign + prac (7)

4 Announcement: Tutoring
For extra help or if you want to practice: Tuesday, 3 – 4 HW B 126 (ie. Basement of this building) Claudia-san and Wen-san

5 JET Program Info Session
Hosted by the Japanese Division for Hunter students For those interested in teaching English in Japan October 2nd, 2:10 – 3:30 in HW B 126

6 Events Around Town J-COLABO in Brooklyn: (300 7th street Brooklyn; around the Barclay Center) Cool map:

7 Hiragana Quiz and Chapter Quiz
The Hiragana Quiz will be filling in a ひらがな chart. So be able to WRITE all the hiragana. (あ、い、う…) Chapter Quiz on 9/21: There are always two part: grammar and writing/listening. Grammar: Writing responses to prompts, some translation. Writing: Write hiragana in romanji, and romaji in hiragana Listening: These are directly from the lab listening file (3 are selected and read in class). You should theoretically know them from the book too.

8 Go to the Chanin Lab where we had our orientation; sign-in and open the Japanese file on the computer. There are audio files for each chapter, and 15 selections on each file. (You can choose normal or slow speed; I suggest slow first then normal) Listen until you are sure of what is being said. Pick two. Write the number on the sheet, what is being dictated (the Japanese), then translate the Japanese into English.

9 Exit Ticket Questions When is there a の in the sentence?
Lightning round: When is there a の in the sentence? That is our grammar point for today! Why is Japan called “Japan” and not Nihon? It was originally the name it was called ancient China, and this name traveled along trade routes into the west. What are the ten ten for hiragana? They only come on k (g), s ( z), t ( d), and h (b). There is also the circle mark which changes an h to a p. How do you know to use じ or ぢ when writing? Usually you use じ. ぢ is very rare. But 99/100, Ji = じ ALSO, don’t worry about kanji yet. We’ll talk about that in ch. 3.

10 Exit Ticket Qus In small groups discuss the following:
How do write these in hiragana: ittekimasu chotto ryuugakusei ninja kyari pamyu pamyu What is the pronunciation differene between おねえさん and がくせい? Ie. ねfollowed by え vs い How do you say, “I am a student” in Japanese? Next, how do you say, “are you a student?”

11 How do I tell words apart; are there spaces in Japanese?
You will get used to this, but there are no spaces (like in English) Generally, you look for punctuation or particles. A sentence generally looks like this: 私は学生です。19歳です。What can you see? This actually reads: わたし は がくせい です。19さい です For now I will sometimes use spaces so that you can see the different words more easily, but in general, there are no spaces.

12 How to say foreign words in Japanese
Usually intuitively: break it down by syllables and try to match it with hiragana/katakana EX. Computer… how do we pronounce this in English? Kuh/ m/ pyoo/ ter …. So how does that fit into Japanese? こ/ ん/ ぴゅー/ たー (this would normally be written in katakana because it is a foreign word) Why not か in the first syllable? Perhaps a British pronunciation? Not sure. You will pick up this skill with experience.

13 Try some of these words Try to say these foreign words in Japanese:
Baseball Coca cola New York Hamburger McDonalds ** Challenge word: Pennsylvania NOW: Try your own name (these are all katakana by the way) Bee su boo ru (べえすぼうる) Ko ka koo ra (こかこうら) Nyuu yooku (にゅうようく) Ha n baa gaa (はんばあがあ) Ma ku do na ru do(まくどなるど) ** pe n shi ru ba ni a(ぺんしるばにあ)

14 Topic for today: numbers, time, grade, etc
Open to page 48 When counting: 4 is read し 7 is read しち 9 is read きゅう The teens are read the same as with the first ten numbers, put the number after じゅう; think of it like for 11 (じゅう いち) The numbers beyond 19 have are straight forward: 22 ( ) にじゅう(20)に(2) WATCH OUT!!!! For 40 and 70 40 min left

15 Try the examples on p 48 Do A. (a – e) and B. (a – e); if you have time try the others. A: a. ご b. きゅう c. しち  d.いち  e.じゅう B. a. よんじゅうご  b.はちじゅうさん         c.じゅうきゅう   d. ななじゅうろく  e. ごじゅう に

16 Time (p 49) In general, to tell time, simply add a “じ” to the end of the desired number: ie. 11 o’clock (じゅういちじ です) To add an AM or PM, use ごぜん or ごご IN FRONT of the number: 10PM - ごご じゅうじ です Be especially careful with 4 o’clock and 9 o’clock To add a more specific time like 4:30, add the extra time after the じ:  よじ はん です。 Take a look at p 57 Try the examples

17 じかん (p49) Try the examples below: にじはん さんじ くじ じゅういちじ しちじ よじはん じゅうにじ
じかん (p49) Try the examples below: にじはん さんじ よじはん くじ じゅうにじ じゅういちじ ろくじ しちじ

18 Grade For this, add the suffix “ねんせい” after a number:
Freshman (1st year)  - いちねんせい Sophomore (2nd year) - にねんせい Junior (3rd year)   - さんねんせい Senior (4th year)   - よんねんせい (Don’t forget to say です) Any grad students? Say だいがくいんせいです。いちねんせいです。

19 Noun1 の noun2 This particle connects two nouns.
Can act 2 ways, as a possessive: わたし の せんこう (MY major) OR can be provide more specific information for something Hantaa no gakusei desu (a student OF Hunter College. ie, what kind of student is it? A Hunter College student.) The literal way to think about it is the の= of; the second noun of the first noun

20 The literal way to think about it is the の= of; the second noun of the first noun
にほんご の がくせい ( the student of Japanese… The Japanese student) わたし の なまえ (the name of me … My name) だいがく の せんせい  (the teacher of the college… the college teacher) りゅうがくせい の でんわばんごう (The phone number of the exchange student… the exchange student’s phone number) But PLEASE translate it into how it would normally said in English. Doing direct translations are generally confusing and you shouldn’t get in the habit of it.

21 Let’s review Look at P Work with a partner and describe the people in the chart. Ex. めありいさんはあめりかじんです。にねんせいです。じゅ うきゅうさいです。ありぞな(だいがく)のがくせいです。 せんこうはにほんごです。 たけしさんはにほんじんです。よんねんせいです。にじゅう にさいです。さくら(だいがく)のがくせいです。せんこう はれきしです。

22 しゅくだい(homework) Hiragana Quiz (9/17) AND Vocab quiz 2; p 41 (9/17)
Chapter Quiz (9/21) WB P121, 122,123 LAB #1 Due Prep self-intro like on p 52. Be able to say your nationality, school year, age, school name, and major Extra Practice

23 Extra Practice: download from class website

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