Report of OKINAWA Hiroshi OKIMOTO Peace for the sea 2016

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1 Report of OKINAWA Hiroshi OKIMOTO Peace for the sea 2016
 Aug. 25th   Taiwan Camp 2016 December 2, 2018

2 Direct action protest continues in Okinawa
Now, We, Okinawans have never opposed the U.S. military bases so hard in our history.  The U.S. has had a presence in Okinawa since WWII and currently 33 military facilities and 28,000 U.S. military personnel remain here. For many years, we have non-violently protested to end the military colonization. Taiwan Camp 2016 December 2, 2018

3 U.N. human rights panel, Sep.22nd 2015
Taiwan Camp 2016 December 2, 2018

4 Appeal of Okinawa Gov. Takeshi Onaga, U.N. human rights panel
Our right to self-determination and human rights have been neglected. After World War II, the U.S. military took our land by force and constructed military bases in Okinawa. We have never provided our land willingly. Taiwan Camp 2016 December 2, 2018

5 Appeal of Okinawa Gov. Takeshi Onaga, U.N. human rights panel
Onaga said the base construction by reclaiming land off Henoko is being pushed by “ignoring the people’s will expressed in all Okinawan elections last year.” I am determined to stop the new base construction using every possible and legitimate means. Taiwan Camp 2016 December 2, 2018

6 Takae, The Nature and Creatures
韓国環境会議2000年10月 Takae, The Nature and Creatures Okinawa Woodpecker Okinawa Rail 人の手が入っていない森の景色です。 そこには固有の動物や植物が生きています。 天然記念物のノグチゲラ、ヤンバルクイナ 沖縄の環境問題

7 Construction for MV22_Osprey Exercises
There is Jungle Warfare Training Center of U.S. Marine Corps in Takae. Northern half of the Training Center is scheduled for retiring to Japan. However, the construction of 6 new helipads and roads are required in return. Taiwan Camp 2016 December 2, 2018

8 Sit-in protest continues in Takae
If MV22_Osprey exercises carry out, harmful damage on forest and residents Taiwan Camp 2016 December 2, 2018

9 Opposing against the relocation of the MCAS Futenma to Henoko
Taiwan Camp 2016 December 2, 2018

10 Opposing against the relocation of the MCAS Futenma to Henoko
Taiwan Camp 2016 December 2, 2018

11 Opposing against the relocation of the MCAS Futenma to Henoko
Taiwan Camp 2016 December 2, 2018

12 Root of All Okinawa(1995~2016) 米兵による少女暴行事件 普天間米海兵隊ヘリが沖国大に墜落
1995年 9/5 米軍基地の整理縮小、地位協定の改正 普天間米海兵隊ヘリが沖国大に墜落   2004年 8/13 普天間米軍基地の閉鎖、返還を 沖縄戦の歴史歪曲(教科書)問題  2007年 9/29 日本軍の集団自決強制を削除した検定意見撤回 オスプレイ・辺野古反対のオール沖縄へ  2012年9/9 大会決議・建白書、2013年1月東京行動  2014年11月 オール沖縄の翁長県政がスタート 元米兵による女性暴行殺人事件  2016年 6/19県民大会  7/10参院選でオール沖縄候補当選  Taiwan Camp 2016 December 2, 2018

13 Root of All Okinawa(1995~2016) 1995年 少女暴行事件 2015年 辺野古座込み 2016年 オール沖縄
1995年 少女暴行事件 2015年 辺野古座込み Taiwan Camp 2016 2016年 オール沖縄 2012年 普天間 December 2, 2018

14 Peace March, Okinawa - Jeju
韓国環境会議2000年10月 Peace March, Okinawa - Jeju Taiwan Camp 2016 December 2, 2018

15 Human rights, Self-determination, Democracy
韓国環境会議2000年10月 Human rights, Self-determination, Democracy Taiwan Camp 2016 December 2, 2018

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