著者:中島孝 著者:岡本謙一 著者:岡本謙一 著者:岡本謙一 著者:岡本謙一.

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3 著者:中島孝



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29 Chapter 2 Atmospheric Applications

30 Wavelength/frequency, physical parameters, and principle of retrieval

31 Retrieved from Global Imager (GLI) aboard the Midori-2 satellite
Retrieved from Global Imager (GLI) aboard the Midori-2 satellite. One month average of April, 2003. Cloud optical thickness          cloud particle radius

32 Ground segment station at Cape Hedo in Okinawa, Japan
Cloud measurement instrument at the wingtip of aircraft

33 Principle of the observation by precipitation radar

34 Three-dimensional observation of typhoon by the radar onboard the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) (courtesy: JAXA, NICT)

35 Aerosol remote sensing

36 Global distribution of aerosols from TERRA MODIS observation

37 Photo: Moon and Earth taken by KAGUYA satellite
(provided by JAXA)

38 Classification of lidars

39 Schematic view of the fundamental Mie lidar system

40 Variations of aerosol in the low troposphere observed by Mie lidar

41 An example of sodium density profiles observed by lidar

42 Antarctic ozone hole in October each year

43 Column averaged dry-air mole fraction of CO2 (XCO2) retrieved from GOSAT observation

44 Schematic of atmospheric observations using thermal infrared sounder

45 Averaging kernel (vertical resolution function)
An example of CO2 observation by thermal infrared sounder. From this figure, it is found that CO2 observation by thermal infrared sounder has a vertical resolution of several kilometers (several hundreds hPa) in the troposphere, but almost no sensitivity in the lower troposphere.

46 Infrared image of typhoon clouds by meteorological satellite “Himawari” at 19:30,July 13, 2007

47 Surface weather chart at 15:00 July 13, 2007
The central surface pressure of the typhoon is low as 940 hPa.

48 Precipitation image by radars and AMeDAS rain gauges at 19:50, July 13, 2007
The heavy precipitation near the typhoon is mm/hr.

49 The temperature distribution at the altitude of 103 hPa by the infrared sounder IASI
The gray part in the equatorial and subtropical regions and the polar region over 75 degrees south latitude is about 200K, which is K lower than the white part.

50 Sea wind velocity measured by the microwave scatterometer ASCAT (Unit is knot (1 knot = 0.51 ms-1)).
The sea wind around degrees south latitude has a velocity of 20-30 knots, while the central part of the Pacific Ocean is about knots.

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