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GCF Project Formulation and Private Sector Engagement

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1 GCF Project Formulation and Private Sector Engagement
United Nations Development Programme GCF Project Formulation and Private Sector Engagement UNDP’s experience Yusuke Taishi UNDP MOEJ-METI Seminar on the GCF March 2018

2 17 $519 UNDP’s performance as an AE Projects Million 4 1 12 $107M $30M
Mitigation 21% Cross-cutting 6% Adaptation 74%

3 17 Approved Projects Climate info and early warning system
Water security Sea-level rise; storm surges Agriculture; livelihoods Flood management UNDP内のGCFの知見は大部分が適応案件から。今日の発表も適応案件の視点からが中心。 気候情報と早期警戒システム:マラウイ、ジョージア 水安全保障:モルジブ、コロンビア 海面上昇・高波対策:ベトナム、ツバル、エジプト 農業・生計手段:スリランカ、ウガンダ、バングラデシュ、ザンビア 洪水対策:パキスタン、サモア グリーンビルディング:アルメニア、ボスニアヘルツェゴビナ 再生エネルギー:モーリシャス REDD+:エクアドル Energy efficient buildings Renewable energy REDD+

4 Options for private sector engagement
民間セクターの参画を求める流れは、ここ1年ほどでさらに強くなっていっている。 GCFのAEの中には、公的機関、民間があり、さらに扱える支援手段も異なる。 今日の発表は、UNDPという公的機関であり、無償資金しか扱えない、比較的制限の大きいAEからの発表であることを理解したうえで、お聞きください。

5 Options for PS engagement
❶ As a supplier for goods for the project ❷ As a supplier for service for the project ❸ As a partner with a common objective

6 Options for PS engagement
❶ As a supplier for facilities and goods for the project Photovoltaic systems(mitigation/cross-cutting) Clean energy technologies (mitigation) Energy efficiency building materials(mitigation) Low emission transport system(mitigation) Desalination plants / water reticulation system (Adaptation) Water tank(Adaptation) Climate info and early warning system (Adaptation)

7 Options for PS engagement
❷ As a supplier for service for the project Study, designing, and construction of sea- river bank protection works (Adaptation) Support to climate change resilient adaptation (e.g. Introducing saline proof crops, recovering salinized land, deployment of agriculture technologies for drought land(Adaptation) Partnership between developing country governments and institutes (e.g. flood simulation and agricultural research)(Adaptation) Technical Assistance in insurance area (e.g. Catastrophic insurance, index-based insurance) ①と②の例はともに、民間企業は、実施中のプロジェクトに公開入札に買った場合のみ。 民間企業側が積極的に、案件形成の段階から関わることはない。

8 Options for PS engagement
❸ As a partner with a common objective GCF Finance may trigger for private sector investments. 例③の構図としては、民間企業の資金とGCFの資金を、プロジェクトの目的達成のために並行して利用する。 どちらか一方の資金だけでは達成しえない目的を達成するのが目的。

9 Options for PS engagement
❷Leveraging and crowding in private capital GCF grant for developing an enabling environment (Policy & legal reform, etc.) GCF resource does NOT go to the firm Due diligence requirement for UNDP e.g.) Legal reform in the energy efficient building sector to lower the entry barrier for PS entities Installation of weather stations and research on rainfall and yield to incentivize PS insurance companies Assistance to cacao farmers and partnership for reducing deforestation (UNDP: enabling env’t; PS: responsible investmt) もともと緩和案件は、このモデルが多い。 ただ、この場合も、特定の企業を考慮に、ということは少ない。

10 Options for PS engagement
Public goods Examples) Legal reform and financial products development in the energy efficient building sector to lower the entry barrier for PS entities Installation of weather stations and research on rainfall and yield to incentivize PS insurance companies Where there are bilateral agreement on agricultural infrastructure and logistics development between developing country government and JICA/private bank/company, a project may be designed for increasing climate resilience by mobilizing GCF finance ex post. 例1、2ともに、公共財的性質の高いもの、あるいは高い収益が見込めないものにGCFの資金をつぎ込むことで、民間投資の呼び水とするのが目的。 ただ、このモデルでも企業側が積極的に案件作成の段階から関わることは少ない。 例3がここにいる企業の方々の求めている形に一番近いものかもしれません。ただ、これは今のところ主流ではない。 今後、GCFの案件が増えてくるにつれて、またJICAや三菱UFJのように民間であったり、多くの金融手法を扱えるAEが案件形成に関わるにつれて増えてくるかもしれない。

11 Options for PS engagement
❸ As a partner with a common objective GCF Finance may trigger for private sector investments.  Creating an enabling environment by GCF grant(policy and legal reform and development etc.)  Promoting mitigation and adaptation by facilitating private sector (investment) activities GCF resource does NOT go to the PS

12 Challenges in working with PS①
Constraints in procurement Basically, procurement is processed by tender, except for cases involving a patent.

13 Challenges in working with PS②
Asymmetric information Unable to include up-to-date technologies and services in project design since AE does not have such information Unable to provide up-to-date technologies and services, since the private sector does not have information on project tender.

14 Challenges in working with PS③
Timeline gap for project approval and implementation

15 Addressing the bottleneck
Long-term Agreement Procurement contract for pre-arranged price for a certain period During those period, tender is waivered, if meeting agreed conditions Cases from current LTA Installation, network development, operation, upgrading and maintenance of metrological systems Small scale system for solar and other renewable energy Water system(rainwater tank system, RO system etc.) プロジェクトの中で、設備・物品・サービスのサプライヤーとしての活動を見込むことは、企業側は主体的に動けるわけではないため魅力は少ないかもしれないが、これも大きな機会にはなる。 その中で、似たような商品・サービスが複数のプロジェクトで期待できる場合、Long-term agreementというものを作ることがある。

16 Addressing the bottleneck
LTA and procurement inforamtion UNDP Procurement ( United Nations Global Marketplace ( Development Business (

17 Summary

18 Thank you

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