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Research Progress Report

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1 Research Progress Report
B18793 Eunseo Lee

2 Popular large enterprises are not guaranteeing long-term employment
Nihon Keisei Shimbun (2017)

3 CNBC (2018)

4 Yomiuri Shimbun (2019)

5 NHK (2018)

6 Mini Literature Review
Outline Introduction Background Mini Literature Review Problem Consciousness

7 Mini Literature Review
Outline Introduction Background Mini Literature Review Problem Consciousness

8 2-1. Definition 2-2. History 2-3. Data Background

9 Definition 2 - 1(a) Start-up (スタートアップ)
A new company that intends to grow and have employees 2. Has a repeatable and scalable business model Unicorn (ユニコーン企業) A privately held start-up valued over 1 billion US dollars. (Wikipedia 2019) Business Venture (ベンチャー企業) A startup developed with the purpose to profit financially. Many ventures are invested in by one or more individuals with the expectation of gaining returns. (Business Dictionary 2019)

10 Table 1 Definition 2-1(b) Table 1. Definition for small, small-medium (SME), and by implication large enterprises Hakusyo (2017)

11 Table 2 Some Numbers Table 2. The total number of enterprises and employees in small, SME, and large enterprises Hakusyo (2017)

12 Definition 2-1(c) 2006年には4大銀行(三菱東 京UFJ銀行、みずほ銀行、三 井住友銀行、りそな銀行)、 3大メガバンク(三菱UFJフィ ナンシャル・グループ、みず ほフィナンシャルグループ、 三井住友フィナンシャルグ ループ)体制に落ち着いた。 (Wikipedia 2019)

13 2-1. Definition 2-2. History 2-3. Data 2. Background

14 Timeline 1990s Economic Recession brought recruitment process reform – more part-timers and reduce full-time employees 1970s: University Graduates hired as core employees, preference given to prestigious universities Economic Recovery, Seller’s Market for university graduates 2008 Global Financial Crisis, Japanese companies change recruitment 2009 – 2010 Vast majority of graduates want to apply to prestigious companies, only 68% find jobs Present Time ??? P. Firkola (2011)

15 2-1. Definition 2-2. History 2-3. Data 2. Background

16 2016 Figure Rankings Figure 1
Figure Ranking for number of applications for University Graduates Toyokeizai (2016)

17 Figure 2 2017 Ranking Figure Ranking for number of applications for University Graduates Career-tasu (2017)

18 Figure 3 2018 Ranking Figure Ranking for number of applications for University Graduates Career-tasu (2018)

19 Number of Employee Change
Figure 4 Hakusyo (2017) Figure 4. The Change in Employee number by small, small-medium, and large enterprises from 2009 to 2014 Number of Employee Change

20 Number of employees from companies exiting and starting-up
Figure 5 Number of employees from companies exiting and starting-up More people joined start- up companies than small enterprise companies Still quite a few people joined already existing companies Hakusyo (2017) Figure 5. The Change in Employee number by small, small-medium, and large enterprises that are already existing, starting-up and exiting from 2009 to 2014

21 Growth trends after business entry
Figure 6 Growth trends after business entry 132 start-up companies in start-up companies experience great growth trends Figure 6. The growth trend of start-up companies Hakusyo (2017)

22 Employment in Large Enterprises
Figure 8. The attitude of long-term employment for regular employees

23 How wages are changing in large enterprises
Figure 8. The Ratio of companies adopting Seikashugi by size

24 How hard is it to start a business?
Figure 9. The business entry rates of Japan, U.S., U.K., Germany and France Hakusyo (2017)

25 What do people feel about Start-ups?
Figure 10. The percentage of people who feel indifferent about start-ups Hakusyo (2017)

26 Mini Literature Review
Outline Introduction Background Mini Literature Review Problem Consciousness

27 Criteria for University Graduates Choosing Company
 本稿では,大学新卒就職市場における企業別応 募倍率の決定要因 分析を通して,大学生の就職活 動における大企業志向の主な要因を 明らかにしよ うとした。分析結果からは,意識的かどうかは別 にし て,大学生は賃金水準を重視して就職先を選 んでいることが明らか になった。そして,売上規 模の大きい企業で応募倍率が高くなる理 由は,そ れら企業の賃金水準の高さによるところが大きいというこ とが示唆された。  このほかにも,本稿の分析を通して,いくつか のことが明らかになった。(1)残業の少ない産業 では応募倍率が 高くなる傾向がある。しかし,同 一産業内の同業他社と比較して残 業時間が短くて も,高い応募倍率にはつながりにくい。(2)女性 採用実績のある企業では応募倍率が高くなる。こ れは,男子学生よ りも相対的に就職情勢が厳しい 女子学生の応募が多くなることが理 由であると考 えられる。(3)広告宣伝費の高い企業では応募倍 率 が高くなる。 米田 耕士(2015)

28 Mini Literature Review
Outline Introduction Background Mini Literature Review Problem Consciousness

29 Why do Japanese Job-Hunters Remain Conservative and Continue to Prefer Large Enterprises?
The Rapid Growth of Start-up and Venture Businesses in Japan: Why do Japanese Job-Hunters Remain Conservative and Continue to Prefer Large Enterprises?

30 Will the rise of Automation force Large Enterprises such as Banks to change the recruitment process once again in the future?

31 Will future start-ups outcompete their large enterprise counterparts
Will future start-ups outcompete their large enterprise counterparts? For example the rise of the “sharing economy”

32 Title The Rapid Growth of Start-up and Venture Businesses in Japan: Why do Japanese Job-Hunters Remain Conservative and Continue to Prefer Large Enterprises?

33 Thank you for listening

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