「さくら」と「山頂から」と「白い馬」 「共に明日をめざそうよ」と「北の春」 と「にぎりこぶし」

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Presentation on theme: "「さくら」と「山頂から」と「白い馬」 「共に明日をめざそうよ」と「北の春」 と「にぎりこぶし」"— Presentation transcript:

1 「さくら」と「山頂から」と「白い馬」 「共に明日をめざそうよ」と「北の春」 と「にぎりこぶし」
日本語III/IVの詩(し) 「さくら」と「山頂から」と「白い馬」 「共に明日をめざそうよ」と「北の春」 と「にぎりこぶし」

2 日本とさくら “Hanami” is the centuries-old practice of picnicking under a blooming sakura or ume tree. The custom is said to have started during the Nara Period (710–794) when it was ume blossoms that people admired in the beginning. But by the Heian Period (794– 1185), cherry blossoms came to attract more attention and hanami was synonymous with sakura. From then on, in both waka and haiku, "flowers" (花) meant "cherry blossoms". The custom was originally limited to the elite of the Imperial Court, but soon spread to samurai society and, by the Edo period, to the common people as well. Tokugawa Yoshimune planted areas of cherry blossom trees to encourage this. Under the sakura trees, people had lunch and drank sake in cheerful feasts. Source:

3 Transience of life and beauty
In Japan, cherry blossoms are an enduring metaphor for the ephemeral nature of life, an aspect of Japanese cultural tradition that is often associated with Buddhistic influence. The transience of the blossoms, the extreme beauty and quick death, has often been associated with mortality. Source: Wikipedia

4 In Commercial Culture Cherry blossoms are richly symbolic, and have been utilized often in Japanese art, manga, anime, and film, as well as at musical performances for ambient effect. There are several songs, both folk and pop, titled "Sakura". The flower is also represented on all manner of consumer goods in Japan, including kimono, stationery, and dishware.


6 さくら ことばとぶんぽう!

7 ことば! つぼみ(ここ)(しゃしん) ふくらむ(ここ) 満開(まんかい)(しゃしん) なる(ここ) 散る(ち・る)(ここ)(しゃしん)
尽くす(つ・くす)(ここ)(Actually つかいはたす、A synonym) 毎年(まいねん・まいとし)(ここ) 今年(ことし)(ここ) 来年(らいねん)(ここ) 去年(きょねん)(ここ) けれど、けど=が、でも(ここ) また(ここ) いちどでもいい(から。。。)Just once is enough, (so…)(ここ) 褒める(ほ・める)To praise

8 ~てきた、~ていく (Good explanation)
Te-form + くる・きた An action that has occurred up to a time, “To come to VERB to now/here” Garrison has kind of come to understand Japanese. Bethlehem wants to be a Geisha, and so came to study Japanese. “I’ll be back,” said Robert, like Schwarzenegger.(シュワちゃんのように) I’ll go buy lunch and come back Aiden’s come back! Sara-chan has come to think of Charlene as a little sister.(~として思う) Te-form + いく・行った An action occurring from a time, “To VERB from here/now on” “I’m gonna work hard at Basketball (from now on)!” said Justin iPhone 6 just came out, so iPhone 5 should become cheaper from now on. The world is getting warmer, so people wearing bathing suits will increase. (水着、ふえる) “Things will get better (from now on),” said Jun, “Just keep going on living day by day.”(生きる)

9 Verb-plain/Nounの/Adjうちに(Good ex)
During the time of VERB/Noun/Adj, (amorphous time) While you are a student, study hard! While you are a child, you should enjoy yourself. Eat while its hot! “While you’re young, make sure you date a lot of cute people,” said Steven’s parents to Steven. While you have time, get the job done! (tidy it up) While studying Japanese, you should listen to Japanese music and watch anime. The class got tired while listening to the teacher’s talk. 日本語を勉強して行くうちに日本に関する色々なことが分かって来 た。 

10 もう・まだ もう+Already もう-Not again, not anymore まだ+Still
Jazmin said to Kon-kun “Sorry, I already have a boyfriend.” Cami has already taken Japanese I, so she doesn’t want to do it again. Jeremy already has a car, but he doesn’t have a plane! “I’ve already seen Taken 3,” said Sara, “so let’s see Big Hero 6.” もう-Not again, not anymore “I don’t want to do homework anymore!” said Anne (too bad! Said sensei!) Avery didn’t share his food, so Steven doesn’t like Avery anymore. Sarah Kim decided not to eat the food Sara A. made anymore. まだ+Still “Kon-kun is still single,” said Darlene to Julia “I’m still right here! I can hear you!” said Kon-kun Already 18, but still in love with Justin Bieber まだ-Not yet (still not) Julia and Kon-kun have been dating since last year and he still hasn’t said “I love you!” Already 16, but still can’t drive. Darlene doesn’t want to drive yet.

11 てしまう、~てしまった Completely, with a side of accidental
Oh crap! (or, as Britney would say “oops I did it again”) Dang, I totally ate your pizza. (It just….came to my plate from yours, and then was eaten.) OMG! Avery totally just said “I love you” to Tora-chan! Cami totally just became president (だいとうりょう) Mark totally used the microwave without asking sensei!(聞かないで) So sorry I made you wait!(またせる) If you eat cake every day you will totally get fat.(ふとる) Chantelle’s goldfish just…died.(きんぎょ) Sensei totally just called Julia “Kyla”.(よぶ) Informal: て=>ちゃ、で=>じゃ

12 (もし)~たら、。。。 If ~、Then…
If we all lived(住む) in Sensei’s fantasy world, everyone would turn in their homework. (So please, turn(だす) in your homework, dagnabit!) If Jeremy asks(聞く) Mark “Won’t you go to the dance with me?”…. …he will laugh ‘cause you’re funny. If you touch me(さわる5), you will die. “If its okay with you, would you go to the movies with me?” said Sara. “If we have time, we’ll watch anime!” lied Sensei.

13 さくら まど・みちお

14 さくらの つぼみが ふくらんできた LadyFi, Redbubble.com

15 と おもっているうちに もう まんかいに なっている Chip.lv

16 きれいだな english1.milaulas.com,

17 と おもっているうちに もう ちりつくしてしまう Phototravels.net, thetyee.ca

18 まいねんの ことだけれど また おもう 2011 2012 2010 2011 2013 2010 2012 Purplesnote.blogspot.com, Flickr.com, 66squarefeet.blogspot.com, Flicrhivemind.net,

19 いちどでも いい ほめてあげられたらなあ。。。と Phototravels.net, thetyee.ca

20 Anatanomankaiwautukushiidesu
さくらのことばで さくらに そのまんかいを Anatanomankaiwautukushiidesu Forwallpaper.com

21 共に明日をめざそうよ ことばとぶんぽう!

22 はじめる!はじめよう! Irregular ごだんVerbs する=します=>しよう くる=きます=>こよう! 買う=>かおう!
“Five Step” Changing tail くる=きます=>こよう! 買う=>かおう! いちだんVerbs 売る=>うろう! “one step” 行く=>いこう! 見る=>みよう! 書く=>かこう! 寝る=>ねよう! 聞く=>きこう! 着る=>きよう! 立つ=>たとう! 食べる=>たべよう! 話す=>はなそう! 起きる=>おきよう! 読む=>よもう! 始める=>はじめよう! 飲む=>のもう! あげる=>あげよう! なる=>なろう!

23 ~う+とする=To try to do ようとする:  Lindsey doesn’t want to do homework at home, so she’ll try to do it in Sensei’s class. (する=>?) Addie tried to go to sleep early, but was playing a really good video game… (ねる=>?) Mellisa tried to watch the movie, but it was just so boring…  (みる=>?) Karmma wants to speak Japanese real good, so she tries saying “You’re welcome” (いう=>?) Colton tried reading the kanji, but it was hard!  (よむ=>?) Also with:おもう、きめる(To decide) Ken thought about trying to kiss Emi.(キスする=>?) Kaitlyn has decided to become a star.(なる=>?) Yi decided to go to the gym every day.(いく=>?) Patrick thought about trying to make cookies, but finally decided not to. (つくる=>?)

24 共に明日をめざそうよ とも    あす やまもと・ようこ

25 「共に明日をめざそうよ!」 やまもと・ようこ
「共に明日をめざそうよ!」 やまもと・ようこ  2010年に、セル先生の日本語のクラスで出会った。。。 秋(あき)、冬(ふゆ)、春(はる)、 秋(あき)、冬(ふゆ)、春(はる): おなじ季節(きせつ)が重(かさ)ねてきた。 もう、2014年だ。 出会いから ここまで 同じ季節 重ねてきた

26 「共に明日をめざそうよ!」 やまもと・ようこ
「共に明日をめざそうよ!」 やまもと・ようこ  Vの字を 指で作って 記念写真に 希望が 見えた

27 「共に明日をめざそうよ!」 やまもと・ようこ
「共に明日をめざそうよ!」 やまもと・ようこ  ベストフレンド ありがとう いつまでも 君がいる

28 「共に明日をめざそうよ!」 やまもと・ようこ
「共に明日をめざそうよ!」 やまもと・ようこ  ボールペンで したため 出した手紙 それが青春 りんジーへ

29 「共に明日をめざそうよ!」 やまもと・ようこ
「共に明日をめざそうよ!」 やまもと・ようこ  小さな旅を みんなしてきた くるしいけれど 希望が見えた ベストフレンド ありがとう 忘れない 君がいる

30 「共に明日をめざそうよ!」 やまもと・ようこ
「共に明日をめざそうよ!」 やまもと・ようこ  心のいばら ぬいては 心もよう 少しかえた

31 「共に明日をめざそうよ!」 やまもと・ようこ
「共に明日をめざそうよ!」 やまもと・ようこ  数えきれない 思い出たちよ きみといると やさしくなれた

32 「共に明日をめざそうよ!」 やまもと・ようこ
「共に明日をめざそうよ!」 やまもと・ようこ  ベストフレンド ありがとう 笑みをこぼせる 君がいる

33 「共に明日をめざそうよ!」 やまもと・ようこ
「共に明日をめざそうよ!」 やまもと・ようこ  共に明日をめざそうよ 共に明日をめざそうよ

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