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Breaking the Cycle of Dependency on Oil

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1 Breaking the Cycle of Dependency on Oil
Unit 12

2 Para-1 The man-made derivatives of “black gold,” from gasoline to plastic bottles and cell phones, are so deeply embedded in our every day environment /that it is virtually impossible to imagine life without them. Yet, our dependency on oil is causing environmental problems, as well as posing 〜だけでなく〜も future economic problems once our oil reserves start to run out. ひとたび〜すれば、  石 油資源

3 Para-1、2 A life without oil is what we must not only 〜する事 〜だけでなく〜も
  〜する事     〜だけでなく〜も imagine, but also prepare for.

4 Para-2 One motive for moving away from the use of 〜から離れる
 oil is / that its production(生産)poses  a serious threat(深刻な脅威) to the environment. Moreover, oil that is released from leaks that occur on land (陸上で)also eventually ends up in oceans through natural water systems    〜を経て

5 Para-2、2 as fuel 燃料として give off 放出する greenhouse gass 温室効果ガス
be linked with 〜と関係している global warming 地球温暖化 Other substances (その他の物質)that help form air pollution.                       生成を助ける

6 Para-2、3 It is time /that more constructive effort is placed (置く、〜する) into advancing renewable energy sources(進歩的再利用可能エネルギー資 源) /that conserve, not devastate, the environment. (環境を荒らすのではなく、保全す る)

7 Para-3 From this point on oil reserves will start to decline, which will consequently lead to(結果 として〜になる) an increase/ in the prices of gasoline and commodities /that are manufactured using oil. Furthermore, an increase in(〜における) gasoline prices not only affects(影響を与える) national economies but also the global economy, which heavy relies on(重く依存する) international trade.

8 Para-3,2 Thus, since (〜なので)the world’s oil supply (供給) is peaking (ピークである,頂点である), our dependency on oil could lead (導く) us to even more catastrophic consequences(破滅的 な結末).

9 Para-4 The solution to avoiding the problems posed by oil depletion(石油枯渇)lies in the proactive leadership of the government for the use of alternative energy sources. In order to reduce 〜を減らすために As(〜につれて) technology improves, other alternative fuels such as (〜のような)plant- based oil(植物油) are also becoming increasingly(次第に)viable (利用できる).

10 P-4,2 However, for such forms of energy(エネルギー のそのような形) to truly become (本当に〜とな る)viable economic and practical(実用的) replacements (代替え物)for oil, considerable (相当な、かなりの) change is required (=is needed) in our social and economic systems.

11 P-4,3 Initiate reform 改革を押し進める Creation of tax break 減税をする
It is …..for …. to〜 〜するのは…にとって…です Initiate reform  改革を押し進める Creation of tax break 減税をする Subsidies (助成金)for consumers and companies Alternative form of energy 代替えエネルギー

12 Para-5 In order to…〜するために ….need to be used 使用される必要がある
Around the world 世界中の In facing this issue この問題に直面する上で Development and production of alternative forms of energy 代替エネルギーの開発と生産

13 Para-5,2 Only with such political leadership ~と共にだけ 政治的なリーダーシップ
~と共にだけ    政治的なリーダーシップ can we truly break away from out 倒置法で意味を強調している(=we can) dependency upon “black gold.” break away from 〜とのつながりを断つ

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