MOIRCS GT GOODS-N Ultra Deep Survey: 1. 観測と初期成果


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Presentation transcript:

MOIRCS GT GOODS-N Ultra Deep Survey: 1. 観測と初期成果 田中壱(ハワイ観測所) 市川隆(東北大学)、鍛冶沢賢(国立天文台)、秋山正幸、小俣孝司、鈴木竜二、東谷千比呂、西村徹郎、山田亨(ハワイ観測所)、小西真広、吉川智弘(東北大学、ハワイ観測所)、内一・勝野由夏(東京大学天文セ)他

・・・ MOIRCS Deep Survey (MODS)と命名 Abstract MOIRCSは我々の開発したすばる望遠鏡の第二期観測装置で、近赤外域では8m超級で世界最大の視野を誇る。2006年からの一般共同利用公開に伴い、MOIRCS開発グループではGuaranteed Time(GT: 全20夜)を利用した深宇宙サーベイ計画をスタートさせた。S06Aではそのうち15晩を使用したほか、MOIRCSグループのメンバーの獲得した共同利用等の観測時間(Ichikawa et al.; Tokoku et al.; Katsuno et al.; Tanaka et al.)全12晩も投入して行われた。観測領域は、ハッブル宇宙望遠鏡による撮像データを始め、多くの多波長データが存在するGOODS 領域(北)を主としている。20晩超の時間をGOODS-N領域に投入してこれまで世界に例のない深さと広さの多色近赤外撮像データの構築を実現する事によって、銀河形成期から壮年期に渡って、星形成にバイアスされない本当の銀河の姿や、最遠方の宇宙の姿を大規模に捉える事が可能となる。S06A期の記録的悪天候によって23晩の我々の撮像観測時間のうち7日分しかデータが取得できなかったものの、 GOODSN内の一視野28arcmin$^2$に観測を集中させる事により、Ks7.7時間分、J5 時間、H1.8時間分について、FWHM$\lesssim0.4$arcsecの最終合成画像(version 0)が完成した。限界等級は1.0 arcsec aperture、$5\sigma$でK=23.2mag(Vega) である。さらに悪シーイングの20時間分全てを合成したバージョンも含めチームで解析を行っている。ポスターではこのカタログを使用したカラー解析、photo- zとstellar massの解析、correlation functionの解析等の結果を紹介する。 GT関連サーベイ名 ・・・ MOIRCS Deep Survey (MODS)と命名

1. Introduction -- MOIRCS MOIRCS – Widest FoV among the world’s Largest (8-10m) telescope. Unique capacity – near IR MOS ! Open to users since S06A for Imaging, S06B for spectroscopy including MOS. Latest News Stray-light problem has gone now! R1300 is ready from S07A. User filters now acceptable. Service / remote observation will start from S07A. VPH R3000 for J is now under testing (Ichiyama et al.).

2. GT Observation: Plan GT – started from Sep 2005. 20 nights assignment. Concentrated Assignment (15.5 nights) in spring 2006 to deep imaging for only ONE target field, i.e. GOODS-North Field. Aim … Cosmic Evolution of Field Galaxies as a function of stellar mass. Clustering, super high-z objects, SED evolution, stellar mass function, nature of objects in multi-wavelength data space (X, FIR, Submm,UV…)

GT Plan – Efforts for More Nights date allocated effective(*) downtime(+) (hours) (hours) (hours) 2005 Sep. 21 6 2.5 0 22 6 0 0 2006 Feb. 10 6 4.2 0 11 6 0 0 12 6 0 0 13 6 0 0 Mar. 14 12 0 0 20 12 0 0 21 12 0 0 22 12 0 0 Apr. 9 12 0 0 10 12 4.0 0 11 12 0 0 12 12 0 0 13 12 0 0 14 12 0.5 0 15 12 0 0 May 10 6 6 0 11 6 6 0 12 6 6 0 13 6 6 0 -------------------------------------- total 192 35.2 0 success rate 0.18 Success Rate of GT Observation: ~18%. Own efforts for GETTING MORE TIME … Open use Proposal submission by GT member. --- Successful for Two. Ichikawa et al. (Ichikawa, Hamana, Ouchi, Iwata, MOIRCS team) Tokoku et al. (Tokoku, Ouchi, MOIRCS team) Small amount of the observatory time for H-band data (Ichi Tanaka). TAC recommendation for the coordinate of the data among these programs. The data for current analysis (ver 0) is actually from the combined catalog of those program.

3. Reduction of GT & Related Datasets Follow the “Standard” NIR imaging data analysis. Preparation of the IRAF-based data reduction package “MCSRED“ (Ichi Tanaka) and revision (Konishi, Kajisawa). アノマリ対策 天体検出とチェック(補正) bad regionマスク作成 高次のスカイ引き distortion補正 生画像リスト 天体マスク作成 感度較正(フラット) スカイ引き 画像整列・合成 最終合成画像 フリンジ対策

Software for Fringe Removal Konishi et al. (2006, in prep.) Original Idea by Dr. Wei-Hao Wang Software development by M. Konishi

J (<0.5arcsec) mosaic (19 ksec) Images J (<0.5arcsec) mosaic (19 ksec)

Ks (<0.5arcsec) mosaic ( 32 ksec) Images Ks (<0.5arcsec) mosaic ( 32 ksec)

JHK color composite Created by M. Kajisawa/Revised by I. Tanaka

4.Data Quality “Version 0 catalog” … only combined the data having FWHM<0.5arcsec. Exposure Time: 5.5 hr (J) 2 hr (H) 7.7hr (Ks) Final FWHM: 0.42 arcsec.(J) 0.38 arcsec(H) 0.40 arcsec(Ks) 0.85" aperture, 5σlimiting magnitude…J=24.6mag, Ks=23.2mag(Vega) K detection completeness … ~100% up to 23.0mag. ~2500 K-selected objects in 24 arcmin2 FOV

J-K vs K color-magnitude diagram The color of the tellar track seems correct.  →Photometric zero point is enough accurate. Selection of he Distant Red Galaxies (DRGs; J-K>2.3) is reliable. 86 DRGs (81 @K<23) (J-K>3・・・8)

J-K vs H-K The color of the tellar track seems correct. Also, distribution of galaxies seems to follow the model galaxy tracks well.

phot-z vs spec-z / Mass estimate Photo-z … BVRizJHK using HyperZ code (Bolzonella et al.2000) Complete Mass Limit … 109.8 Msun @z=2.5 Deficit in z~2: photo-z Artifact? Cosmic Variance? Photo-z and the spec-z shows the good match! Suzuki et al. Kajisawa et al.

From Ver.0 (FW<0.5”) to Ver. 0.5(All)

5.Science Highlights (1) DRG number Counts (Kajisawa et al 2006, PASJ, submitted) Detection of the N(m) turn over at faint end!

(2) Clustering analysis by ACF (Ichikawa, Hamana, Ouchi et al. in prep) Sub-DRG (J-K>1.2) at 2<z<4 J-K<1.2 at 2<z<4 Red, Massive Galaxies show higher clustering. Excess at small scale; large-scale signal exists?

(3) i-drop objects (Yamada, Kajisawa et al.) HUDF i-z vs z-J (J-selected) diagram: Deficit of objects with red i-z color (i-z>2). Cosmic Variance? Stanway et al. (2005)

i-drop candidates b v i z J H K 3.6μm 4.5μm 5.8μm 8.0μm 24μm

(5) z-drop object search (Tokoku, Ouchi et al.) A few such candidates ? Need more depth/width.

(4) Ultradeep Ks and Spizer IRAC (Akiyama et al.) Red color in K-IR1 indicates very high-z (z>7) : detection of some objects.

(7) Others… Cosmic Starformation history: the nature of MIPS 24um sources (Yoshikawa). The nature of Optcally-faint X-ray sources (Akiyama). The nature of BzK/VJK-selected objects (Tanaka). Metalliclity Measurement of galaxies at z>2 by MOS (Onodera). Evolutionary history of objects at high redshifts as a function of mass (Kajisawa/Suzuki). Evolution of the Stellar Mass Function (Ichikawa) Morphological Evolution and mass/SFR (Konishi). Spectroscopic Follow-up: reducing the data…

Near Future Plan Still poor number of massive high-z galaxy sample / More number of high-z dusty starburst galaxies / Search for z>7 objects… More depth and width necessary: ----- Intensive ultradeep/wide/narrowband imaging proposal for S07A (Ichikawa et al.). Spectroscopic Follow-up / Metalicity Measurements for huge spectroscopic sample … MOS proposals (Kajisawa / Ouchi / Yoshikawa) International collaborations: keeping contacts/discussion with several persons. Ambitious proposals for GT team on our MODS data are welcomed.