Answer question in Japanese and translate Q&A


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Presentation transcript:

Answer question in Japanese and translate Q&A 9/30 Picture Stories today! Whooo! Please come to D16 (downstairs) to finish test if necessary Answer question in Japanese and translate Q&A あなたのえいがのはなしはなんでしたか。 (あなたの映画の話は何ですか。) (Just a little thing…one sentence in past tense) EX:えいがで、ニーロはヴァルカンじんがきらいでした。

Answer question in Japanese and translate Q&A 10/1 Finishing Picture Stories today! Whooo! Please come to D16 (downstairs) to finish test if necessary Answer question in Japanese and translate Q&A 昨日のどの映画はアクションでしたか。 Work on picture story!

Answer question in Japanese and translate Q&A 10/2 Finishing Picture Stories today! Whooo! Emailed me yet? All grades in by Friday! Answer question in Japanese and translate Q&A だれのプレゼンテーションがすきでしたか。 どうして? Practice writing, or, if you must chat, try in Japanese!

Answer question in Japanese and translate Q&A 10/3 Emailed me yet? All grades in by Tomorrow! Answer question in Japanese and translate Q&A クラスで、だれはえがじょうずですか。 (クラスで、誰は絵が上手ですか。) Practice writing, or, if you must chat, try in Japanese!

Answer question in Japanese and translate Q&A 10/4 Emailed me yet? All grades in Today! Answer question in Japanese and translate Q&A バックパックのなかに、なにがありますか。 (バックパックの中に、何がありますか。) Remember the trick: swap Q words with answer and remove the か.

Answer question in Japanese and translate Q&A 10/7 Warm-Ups due Thursday! No School Friday! Peer Responses second chance—fix ‘em! Answer question in Japanese and translate Q&A うちにペットがいますか。 EX:まえ、うちにねこがにひきいました。 いま、いません。(‘>。<) Work on your peer responses, or think up some things to share!

Complete with particles and translate! 10/8 Warm-Ups due Thursday! No School Friday! Peer Responses Second Chance due Today! Complete with particles and translate! サシャさん_ともだち_ねこ_サシャさん_ さかな_たべました! (サシャさん_友達_猫_サシャさん_魚_食べた) (Hint: decide what you want the English to say, then arrange the particles to fit it) Work on your peer responses, or think up some things to share!

Answer the question and translate Q&A 10/9 Warm-Ups due tomorrow! No School Friday! Momotaro story finish tomorrow Answer the question and translate Q&A あなたのみぎにだれがいますか? うしろにだれがいますか? (あなたの右に誰がいる?後ろに誰がいる?) EX:わたしの右にカフマイヤ先生がいます。そして、後ろにだれもいません。 Work on your peer responses, or think up some things to share!

Please turn in your Warm-Up Notebooks! 10/10 Warm-Up Notebooks Due TODAY Momotarou Today! Please turn in your Warm-Up Notebooks! Do you have 9/30, 10/1, 10/2, 10/3, 10/4, 10/7, 10/8, and 10/9? Does each day’s warm-up have both question and answer, and are both translated? Make flashcards of your new words