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VTA 02 What do you do on a weekend? しゅうまつ、何をしますか。

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1 VTA 02 What do you do on a weekend? しゅうまつ、何をしますか。
I do such things as watching movies and studying. How do you say “I do such things as…”? (Listing Activities)

2 Index Listing Activities: I do such things as…
So, how does it work? 日本ごmemo Question

3 I do such things as… I do such things as watching movies and studying.
えいがを みたり、べんきょうしたり します。 At a karaoke box, we do such things as eating and dancing. カラオケボックスで、 たべたり、おどったり します。 My mum does such things as going to a cafe and doing shopping. ははは カフェに いったり、かいものを したり します。 In Japan, we did such things as seeing shrines and eating okonomiyaki. 日本で、 じんじゃを みたり、おこのみやきを たべたり しました。

4 So, how does it work? えいが を みた り、 べんきょうした り します。 たべた り、 のんだ り します。
movies noun “object” particle みた watch verb (た) り、 “listing” suffix べんきょうした study verb (た) “listing” suffix します。 do verb (I) do such things as watching movies and studying. たべた eat verb (た) り、 “listing” suffix のんだ drink verb (た) “listing” suffix します。 do verb (I) do such things as eating and drinking. おんがく movies noun “object” particle きいた watch verb (た) り、 “listing” suffix ほん movies noun “object” particle よんだ study verb (た) “listing” suffix します。 do verb (I) do such things as listening music and reading books.

5 日本ごmemo To list activities/ actions, use verb た form.
きいた listen “listing” みた watch “listing” します。 do do such things as listening and watching いった go “listing” たべた eat “listing” します。 do do such things as going and eating Then, add り after each verb. Add します to the last verb.

6 日本ごmemo NOTES: English translation for たり、たり sentence is done as “do such things as…” only to make “listing” nuance clear. It can be something else like such as: “sometimes (verb) and (verb)”. even though verbs are in たform (Plain Past form) for this, nuance of “Palin” and “Past” tense are completely lost. This means たり、たりします structure is nothing to do with Plain/Casual style or past tense. If you wish to list activities/actions in the past, just chance the last します into しました. えいがを みたり、コーヒーを のんだり しました。 We did such things as watching movies and drinking coffee. Likewise, other structures can also be added by changing/ adding something to the last します (e.g. してください”please do”, しましょう”let’s do”). えいがを みたり、コーヒーを のんだり しましょう。 Let’s do such things as watching movies and drinking coffee. “Doer” has to be the same within a たり、たり sentence. Up to three verbs can be listed. A comma after たり is an optional (depending on the length of the clause).

7 Questions How do you say this in Japanese?
I do such things as watching TV and playing games. テレビ を TV みたり watch ゲーム を games したり watch します。 do I do such things as reading manga listening to music. まんが を manga よんだり read おんがく を music きいたり listen します。 do With friends, I do such things as going to city and studying. ともだち と friends with まち にcity to いったり go べんきょうしたり study します。 do I did such things as eating sushi and drinking green tea. すし を sushi たべたり eat おちゃ をgreen tea のんだり drink しました。 did Let’s do such things as reading and writing kanji. かんじ をkanji よんだり read かいたり write しましょう。 let‘s do I want to do such things as doing shopping and eating ramen noodles. かいもの を shopping したり do ラーメン を ramen たべたり eat したいです。 want to do

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