Students’ reactions to Japanese and foreign teachers’ use of L1/L2


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Presentation transcript:

Students’ reactions to Japanese and foreign teachers’ use of L1/L2 Aaron Hahn Fukuoka University

L1? Of course not… It’s the only chance for English If the students are abroad, who will “help” them in Japanese? Parents (and students?) want English-only Klevberg, 2000

L1? Of course!! Auerbach, 1993 Weschler, 1997 Pan & Pan, 2009 Dailey-O’Cain & Liebscher, 2009 Nation, 2003 McMillan & Turnbull, 2009 Lin, 2013

Prior studies Shimai, Y. (2013, September). Students' varied reactions to teacher nationality. Shimai, Y. & Hahn, A. (2014, May) Student preference in teacher nationality.

Setting University A: Low-level private university in Kyushu University B: Mid-level private university in Kyushu

Subjects Second year students Variety of majors University A = 106 but no English majors University A = 106 University B = 142

Survey 2 pages, all in Japanese: 11 questions: 1 for外国人英語講師 4 free-response items 7 five-point Likert items (plus a section on class activities)

Survey Usefulness Enjoyability Difficulty (Activities)

Perceived L2 use, 外国人 = ほとんど英語 = ほとんど日本語

Perceived L2 use,日本人 = ほとんど日本語 = ほとんど英語

Correlations All measurements of student feelings about the class correlated with each other

University A, 外国人 Ease of understanding: その外国人英 語講師の説明は (わかりにくかった  わかりやすかった) Could ask questions: わからない時、 その外国人英語講師に質問することが (できなかった できた)

University A,日本人 None

University B, 外国人 Ease of understanding Enjoyability: その外国人英語講師の 授業は (楽しくなかった楽しかった) Could answer questions: その外国 人英語講師の授業中、問題を解くとき Improved at English: その外国人英 語講師のおかげで私は英語が上達した と (思わない思う)

University B,日本人 Enjoyability Improved at English

Combined 外国人 日本人 Ease of understanding Enjoyability Could ask questions Could answer questions Improved at English Enjoyability Improved at English

Thoughts 日本語 ????

Thoughts E n g l i s h I m p r o v e n t 日本語 English

Discussion How do you use L1 in your classroom?