Makoto Sakuda (Okayama) Measurement of γ-rays from Giant Resonance of 16O and 12C (E398) and future extension at GRFBL Makoto Sakuda (Okayama) Introduction E398 16O,12C(p,p’γ) Experiment at RCNP Feasibility study 13C(p,dγ)12C [Sep.2013] Future extention at a new beam line (GRFBL) Supported partly by the JSPS Grants-In-Aid (B) [2011-14]
NC quasi-elastic n+16O→n+p/n+X Overall Picture of the n-A cross section Neutrino-Nucleus or neutrino-nucleon scattering Elastic (Coherent) n+16O→n+16O (g.s.) (Inelastic n+16O→n+16O*, Not shown,30-40% of Elastic) NC quasi-elastic n+16O→n+p/n+X
RCNP E398 experiment Title: Measurement of γ-rays from O(p,p’) and C(p,p’) SPOKESPERSONS: Makoto Sakuda (Okayama) and Atsushi Tamii (RCNP) EXPERIMENTAL GROUP E398 (Approved at RCNP in March 2013): Members: M. Sakuda Okayama University Professor Y. Koshio Okayama University Associate Professor T. Yano Okayama University Postdoctral fellow T. Mori Okayama University Graduate Student (D3) I. Ou Okayama University Graduate Student (M2 Y. Yamada Okayama University Graduate Student (M1) A. Tamii RCNP, Osaka University Professor N.Aoi RCNP, Osaka University Professor M.Yosoi RCNP, Osaka University Professor E. Ideguchi RCNP, Osaka University Associate Professor T. Suzuki RCNP, Osaka University Assistant Professor T. Hashimoto RCNP, Osaka University Assistant Professor C. Iwamoto RCNP, Osaka University Postdoctral fellow K. Miki RCNP, Osaka niversity Postdoctral fellow T. Ito RCNP, Osaka niversity Graduate Student(D2) T. Yamamoto RCNP, Osaka niversity Graduate Student(D1) H. Akimune Konan University Professor
E398 [Goal]: We propose to measure the probability of γ-ray emission (Eγ>5 MeV) from giant resonances of 16O and 12C, at ±1% stat. accuracy, as the functions of excitation energy (Ex). Definition: the g-ray emission probability (Eγ>5MeV)= (Number of g-rays observed for Eγ>5 MeV)/(Number of events excited in the range Ex=15-30 MeV, each Ex bin) Fig. [Importance]: Data of nOnO*g and nCnC*g , nOnO* g and nCnC* g do not exist and they are very important to neutrino physics. RCNP Grand-Raiden is the best place for this experiment.
[検出された5MeV以上のγ線の数] [15-30MeVの巨大共鳴領域に励起された数,1MeV bin] 目的 16O,12Cの巨大共鳴状態, GDR&SDR(1-,2-)からのγ線放出率は今まで測定されていない。 16O,12C(p,p’)反応を用いて励起させ、Ex毎にγ線の放出率を測定する。 定義:γ線放出率= [検出された5MeV以上のγ線の数] [15-30MeVの巨大共鳴領域に励起された数,1MeV bin] 16O,12C(p,p’) cross section at θ=0.4 deg. Ep=295MeV See excellent Energy Resolution (DE~20keV) Ex=16-30MeV Ref. A. Tamii, H. Matsubara, et al.RCNP E249 & E299 Collaboration, 5-JAN-2011.
2. Status of g-ray production study of NC n-O (-C) reactions 1) En<100MeV: Elastic and Inelastic 2) En>100MeV: Quasi-elastic (1N knock-out) n n n n 16O 16O* 16O p g 15N* g Theoretical Calculations 1) En<100MeV: Langanke et al., Phys.Rev.Lett.76(1996). Inelastic scattering (Giant resonances):nOnO* , O*g 2) En>100MeV: Ankowski,Benhar,Mori,Yamaguchi and MS, Phys.Rev.Lett.108(2012)052505 Nucleon knockout: nOn+p/n+15N*/15O*(Excitation of residual nucleus) Experiments 1) En<100MeV:No experiments exists for Oxygen. Karmen for C*(15.1MeV) only Let’s measure it! 2) En>100MeV: K2K. T2K, RCNP E148 O(p,2pg)
NC n-O g-production (E<100MeV, Inelastic) nx+16Onx+16O. ;16O. 15N NC n-O g-production (E<100MeV, Inelastic) nx+16Onx+16O* ;16O* 15N*+p, 15O*+n ; 15N*, 15O*g 16O (n,n’) 6.049 , 0+ 6.130 , 3- 7.117 , 1+ 8.872 , 2- 9.585 , 1- 10.356 , 4- 10.957, 4- 11.097 , 4+ 11.520 , 2+ 12.049, 0+ 12.440, 1- 13.090 , 2- 13.129 , 3- 12.796 , 0- 12.996 , 2- 17.090 , 1- 18.800 , 1+ 19.000 , 1+ 19.470 , 1- 20.400 , 2- 22.000 , 1- 24.000 , 1- 25.000 , 1- T=0 T=1 Sn:15.66 Sp:12.127 14.815 , 6+ 15.196 , 2- 16.200, 2- 17.775 , 2- 5 10MeV 15 20 25 g 15N+p 5.270 , 5/2+ 5.298 , 1/2+ 6.323 , 3/2- 7.155 , 5/2+ 7.300 , 3/2+ 7.567 , 7/2+ 8.312 , 1/2+ 8.572 , 3/2+ 9.049 , 1/2+ 15N* 15O+n 5.183 , 1/2+ 5.249 , 5/2+ 6.176 , 3/2- 6.793 , 3/2+ 6.859 , 5/2+ 7.275 , 5/2+ 15O* SP=10.02MeV Sp=7.296MeV 9.925 , 3/2- 9.829 , 7/2- 9.760 , 5/2- 9.222 , 1/2- 9.155 , 5/2+ 9.152 , 3/2- 1/2- 1/2- Langanke,Vogel,Kolbe,PRL96,’96 Kolbe,Langanke,Vogel,PRD66,’02 Br(NC 15N*g)=25%, Br(NC 15O*g)=6% At <E>=25MeV, using SMOKER code. 0+,T=0
12C T=1 T=0 Except for g-rays from C*(15.11MeV), 28.20, 1- 25.40, 1- 23.52 1- 22.65, 1- 22.40, 1- 22.00, 1- 20.27, 1+ 18.80, 2+ 18.35, 3- 18.16, 1+ 17.76, 0+ 17.23, 1- 16.57, 2- 16.11, 2+ 15.11, 1+ Sp=8.6869 Sp=11.227 8.66, 7/2+ 8.42, 5/2- 8.10, 3/2- 7.50, 3/2+ 6.90, 5/2- 6.48, 7/2- 6.34, 1/2+ 4.80, 3/2- 4.32, 5/2- 2.00, 1/2- 25MeV 11C* 11.0, 5/2- 10.6, 7/2+ 10.3, 5/2- 9.88, 3/2+ 9.82, 1/2+ 9.27, 5/2+ 9.19, 7/2+ 8.92, 5/2- 8.56, 3/2- 7.98, 3/2+ 7.29, 5/2+ 6.79, 1/2+ 6.74, 7/2- 5.02, 3/2- 4.44, 5/2- 2.12, 1/2- 11B* 15.44 , 2+ 14.08 , 4+ 13.35 , 2- 12.71 , 1+ 11.83 , 2- 11.16 , 2+ 10.84 , 1- 10.30 , 0+ 9.641 , 3- 7.654 , 0+ 4.438 , 2+ g.s. ,0+ 20MeV Sn:18.751 g.s. g.s. 3/2- 11C Sp:15.957 g.s. 15MeV 11B g.s. 3/2- 10MeV Except for g-rays from C*(15.11MeV), no measurements exists. 5MeV 12C 0MeV 0+
γ線放出過程 : 12C
Neutrinos from SN explosion@10kpc The number of events observed in the detectors Super Kamiokande (H2O) ~10000 ~600 KamLAND (CH) ~300 ~60 (~50-60??) Importance of Neutral-Current events The 2nd most reaction and no one have measured in SN bursts *Koshiba-san probably measured 12 CC events μ,τ –type neutrino-induced events dominates NC reactions since energy (Temperature) is higher than e-type. Independent of neutrino oscillations → If Branching fraction of gamma emission is measured accurately, then more quantitative arguments can be done. Ex. SNO solar-n. → We can estimate it by the number of NC events, though we cannot measure the neutrino energy (T) directly.
NC ν-16O,12C reaction 16O(ν,ν’) Cross Section SDR:JP =2-(T=1),1-(T=1) NC Neutrino-Nucleus Cross Section : ν+A→ν+A’:Nuclear Matrix Element GDR (Jp=1-,ΔT=1,ΔS=0,ΔL=1): SDR (Jp=0-,1-,2-, ΔT=1,ΔS=1,ΔL=1): スピン振動 (Jp=1+,ΔT=1,ΔS=1,ΔL=0): Ref. Jachowicz et al .,PRC59(‘99) Eν=50MeV SDR:JP =2-(T=1),1-(T=1) (炭素は1+,15.1MeVも)
Spin Flip cross sections C(p,p’) at E=318MeV in (Ex,θ) Ref. F. T. Baker et al., PRC 48(‘93)
O(n,n’) at En=50MeV and O(p,p’) at qlab=0-4deg. O(n,n’): SDR(2-,1-) contributes. C(n,n’):SDR and 1+(15.11MeV) contributes. For O,C(p,p’), 1-,2- of SDR show up at qlab=3-5 degrees. ->Baker et al.
E398 experiment: 16O,12C(p,p’γ) experiment 励起エネルギーとγ線を同時測定 GR=0°の設定で測定 散乱層は以前のものを改造 γ線検出器:NaI ×25本 Array (25×25×15cm) γ線放出率が既知の励起状態は γ線検出器の構成に利用 γ線イベントレート(Ex=15-30MeV) ~ 20k /MeV/3days (放出率20%と仮定) 解析方針 まずは放出率を励起エネルギー を1MeVごとに区切って求める。 立体角により0°~3°まで含まれる。 →1°ごとに区切りSDR(2-3°で支配的)と GDR(0-1°で支配的)で放出率に違いが出るか? γ線検出器 NaI Array ε~1%@4MeV
準備状況&テスト実験(2013/9/25) 13C(p,dγ)12C -I.Ou (Okayama) @ GRFBL BPAC E398実験承認 (2013/3) 散乱槽、標的駆動装置、γ線検出器(NaI)などの実験準備は予定通り完了した。 残念ながら今年度はビームタイムをいただけなかったため、 VDCの新プリアンプ&TDCテストに混ぜてもらいテスト実験を行った テスト反応:13C+p(65MeV)→12C*(2+,4.4MeV)+d, Cross section = 15mb/sr 12C*→12C+γ (4.4MeV, 放出率100%) GR=0°,陽子ビーム, Ep=65MeV, 20nA, 85分 標的駆動装置 γ線検出器 5x5 NaI Array 散乱層 γ線検出器 γ線検出器
テスト実験写真 p p p 標的からγ線検出器までの距離~10cm パレレル:Ge検出器, VDCテスト 標的駆動装置 散乱層まわり全体図 鉛ブロック p 散乱層 p p 標的 DAQ回路 標的 標的からγ線検出器までの距離~10cm パレレル:Ge検出器, VDCテスト
13C(p,dγ)12C Feasibility study [Sep.25] Purpose is to check that not too many charged particles come into gamma counters. Exited states (Ex) can be identified by the TOF counters Can we measure the gamma-ray branching ratio? Yes, we can observe 4.4MeV γ-rays when we tag Ex at 4.4 MeV. NaI検出器で計測された γ線のエネルギースペクトル TOF (→Ex of 12C) Ground state tag (Background) 4.4MeVでtag 2+,4.4MeV Count 4.4MeV-γ線 ダブルエスケープ Gs (0+) シングルエスケープ ADC ch
テスト実験結果 散乱層、標的駆動装置、γ線検出器ともに問題なし 今回はビームはD1で止めているためγ線のバックグラウンドが心配であったが、 2+,4.4MeVへの励起と、4.4MeVの放出γ線を問題なく同時測定できた。 今回テストした、12C*(2+,4.4MeV)は12C(p,p’)でも含まれており、 γ線検出器の較正(エネルギー、検出効率)に利用できる。[in-situ] 16O*→2+[6.9MeV, γ:100%], 12C* →2+[4.4MeV, γ:100%] & 1+[15.1MeV, γ:76%] 補足:実験データとGEANT4との比較 (NaI 中央の一本だけ) ●4.4MeV励起レート[/s]=3.76×thickness[mg/cm2]×Intensity[nA]×dσ/dΩ×Ω×1/A =3.76×1.5×20×15×2.4×1/13= 312 [/s] ●4.4MeVへ励起した数 85分→312[/s]×5100[s]~1600000イベント ●実験データ中の4.4MeV-γ線ピーク数=900イベント→検出効率=0.056% ●GEANT4で見積もった検出効率=0.12% ●オーダーでは合っている。 (4.4MeVが全部入っているか、4.4MeVへの励起のレートをVDCのデータを使って評価する)
Summary E398:Measurement of γ-rays from O(p,p’) and C(p,p’) plans to measure the γ-ray branching ratios from giant resonance (JP=1-,2-,1+) of 16O and 12C in 1 MeV step at 1% statistical accuracy. The experiment will be done in May, 2014. We performed a test beam experiment last September. It looks feasible. We hope to extend this experiment in GRFBL and CAGRA project in which the better accuracy can be obtained. In T2K, the γ-ray branching ratios from 15N and 15O are relevant. Previously, E148 experiment (Prof.Totsuka) measured Br(15Ng). We can do the measurements with much better accuracy. Ref. Ankowski et al., PRL108,052505, 2012.
GRFBL (Grand-Raiden Forward Beam Line, RCNP, Osaka) - Almost complete; operational this Spring- -A.Tamii (GRFBL workshop, Nov.28-29,2013)
Clover (Ge) Array (RCNP) -N. Aoi (RCNP) @ GRFBL workshop (Nov