日本語・JAPANESE Who ? Do you know ?.


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Presentation transcript:

日本語・JAPANESE Who ? Do you know ?

Who is this? ふくやま まさはる(福山 雅治)

Who is this? きむら たくや (木村 拓哉)

Who is this? ふじわら のりか (藤原 紀香)

Who is this? うえと あや (上戸 彩)

Who is this? こゆき (小雪)

Who is this? たけのうち ゆたか (竹野内 豊)

Who is this? やました ともひさ (山下 智久)

Who is this? なかた ひでとし(中田英寿) 

Who is this? どらえもん

Who is this? くれよん しん ちゃん

Who is this? あられ ちゃん

Who is this? けりー ちゃん 

Who is this? さみー ちぇん 

Who is this? まぎー ちゃん 

Who is this? とにー れおん 

Who is this? あんそにー うぉん 

Who is this? ぶるーす りー 

Who is this? あんでぃー らう 

Who is this? えりっく つぁん 

Who is this? えでぃそん ちゃん 

Who is this? じゃっきー ちぇん