3 hint quiz! When is your birthday?


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Presentation transcript:

3 hint quiz! When is your birthday? Let’s have a birthday quiz. I will show you some people. And I will ask you “When is the birthday?” I will give 3 hints for you, so, you guess ‟When is the birthday?“ Are you ready?

名前を書きます。 写真を張り付けます。 This is ○○.(3月生まれの人の顔を張り付けてください) When is his(her) birthday?

Hint1 In America Hint1, in America. People enjoy cherry blossoms along the Potomac River. The cherry trees were a present from the mayor of Tokyo in Japan over 100 years ago. So, when is the birthday?

Hint2 Hint 2(スライドin) Spring comes like a marching band. When is the birthday?

Hint3 M Hint3 The first letter is(スライドin) M. When is the birthday?

March 3月 It’s・・・ It’s・・・(スライドin) March. His (her) birthday is Marth ○○.

名前を書きます。 写真を張り付けます。 This is ○○.(5月生まれの人の顔を張り付けてください) When is his(her) birthday?

Hint1 In Belgium Hint1, in Belgium. (スライドin) People wear cat costumes and make up. Do you like cats?(児童に尋ねてみましょう)

Hint2 Hint 2. There are many holidays. Children’s day, and green day, and more. We call that ‟golden week”

Hint3 M Hint3 The first letter is(スライドin) M. When is the birthday?

It’s・・・ May 5月 It’s・・・(スライドin) May. His (her) birthday is May ○○.

名前を書きます。 写真を張り付けます。 This is ○○.(11月生まれの人の顔を張り付けてください) When is his(her) birthday?

Hint1 In America Hint1, in America. (スライドin) It’s thanksgiving day. I eat roast turkey . What’s food is this?(児童に尋ねましょう) Yes, it’s a chicken. So, when is the birthday?

Hint2 In Japan Hint2, in Japan. (スライドin) You can celebrate 七五三. Boys will celebrate at the age of five, girls will celebrate at the age of three and seven. When is the birthday?

1 Nov 1 Hint3 Hint3 The first letter is (スライドin) N. When is the birthday?

November 11月 It’s・・・ It’s・・・(スライドin) November. His (her) birthday is May ○○.

名前を書きます。 写真を張り付けます。 This is ○○.(4月生まれの人の顔を張り付けてください) When is his(her) birthday?

Hint1 Hint1, in many countries. (スライドin) It’s Easter. (スライドin) The rabbit is a symbol. You can paint the egg colorfully. When is the birthday?

Hint2 Hint2, the day first, you can lie. (スライドin) Because it’s April fool. When is the birthday?

Apr Hint3 Hint3 The first letter is(スライドin) A. So,when is the birthday?

April 4月 It’s・・・ It’s・・・(スライドin) April. His (her) birthday is April ○○.

名前を書きます。 写真を張り付けます。 This is ○○.(12月生まれの人の顔を張り付けてください) When is his(her) birthday?

Hint1 In Hawaii https://aloha-network.co.jp/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Course.jpg Hint1, in Hawaii. (スライドin) The most famous marathon starts in Honolulu.(ハイパーリンクから画像を紹介) People run for over 40km. When is his(her) birthday?

Hint2 In Norway Hint2, in Norway. (スライドin) This is Novel Prize . Some Japanese people get a Nobel prize. Do you know Dr. Yamanaka Shinya?(何人かに尋ねましょう。) He studies about iPS cells.

Dec 1 Hint3 Hint3 The first letter is(スライドin) D. Please look carefully. (スライドin) One…two…ということは? When is the birthday?

December 12月 It’s・・・ It’s・・・(スライドin) December. His (her) birthday is December ○○.

名前を書きます。 写真を張り付けます。 This is ○○.(6月生まれの人の顔を張り付けてください) When is his(her) birthday?

Hint1 In Pelu Hint1, in Peru. (スライドin) This is ‟Inti Raymi Festival” It’s a big festival in South America. People from all over the world come to Cusco and enjoy festival. So, when is the birthday?

Hint2 Hint2. It’s happy wedding. (スライドin) You can be happy when you get married in this month. So, when is the birthday?

Hint3 J Hint3 The first letter is (スライドin) J.

It’s・・・ 6月 June It’s・・・(スライドin) June. His (her) birthday is June ○○.

名前を書きます。 写真を張り付けます。 This is ○○.(8月生まれの人の顔を張り付けてください) When is his(her) birthday?

Hint1 In Italy https://thumbor.thedailymeal.com/JxhQOIFozRJu2TXfRs4OLlR3GgE=/840x565/https://www.thedailymeal.com/sites/default/files/story/RAW_Tomatina.jpg Hint1, in Italy. (スライドin) A lot of tomato. It’s tomato festival. Everyone throws tomatoes, and everyone dives into the tomato. So, when is the birthday?

Hint2 Hint2, It’s summer vacation. (スライドin) We do radio exercise, and (スライドin) we go to the sea. When is the birthday?

Aug Hint3 Hint3 The first letter is (スライドin) A. Please look carefully. (スライドin) Eight…ということは?

August 8月 It’s・・・ It’s・・・(スライドin) August. His (her) birthday is August ○○.

名前を書きます。 写真を張り付けます。 This is ○○.(9月生まれの人の顔を張り付けてください) When is his(her) birthday?

Hint1 In many countries Hint1, In many countries. (スライドin) A new school year begins, but it starts in April in Japan.

Hint2 In Japan Hint2, (スライドin) This is the 敬老の日. When is his(her) birthday?

Sep Hint3 Hint3 The first letter is(スライドin) S. Please look carefully. (スライドin) nine…ということは?

September 9月 It’s・・・ It’s・・・(スライドin) September. His (her) birthday is September ○○.

名前を書きます。 写真を張り付けます。 This is ○○.(1月生まれの人の顔を張り付けてください) When is his(her) birthday?

Hint1 In Japan Hint1, In Japan. (スライドin) I am twenty years old.(なりきってください) This is 成人式。 When is the birthday?

Hint2 In Japan Hint2(スライドin) This is 獅子舞。 獅子舞 bites me, I am very happy.

Jan J Hint3 Hint3 The first letter is(スライドin) J. Please look carefully. (スライドin) one…ということは? When is the birthday?

January 1月 It’s・・・ It’s・・・(スライドin) January. His (her) birthday is January ○○.

名前を書きます。 写真を張り付けます。 This is ○○.(2月生まれの人の顔を張り付けてください) When is his(her) birthday?

Hint1 In Brazil Hint1, In Brazil. This is a carnival in Rio. I enjoy dance, and costume. When is the birthday?

Hint2 Hint2, (スライドin) This is the Valentine’s day. I get many chocolates. When is the birthday?

Feb 二 Hint3 Hint3 The first letter is(スライドin) F. Please look carefully. (スライドin)漢字の二、ということは?

February 2月 It’s・・・ It’s・・・(スライドin) February. His (her) birthday is February ○○.

名前を書きます。 写真を張り付けます。 This is ○○.(7月生まれの人の顔を張り付けてください) When is his(her) birthday?

Hint1 In Spain https://cdni.rt.com/actualidad/public_images/2016.07/original/5783f2a3c36188677f8b4584.jpg Hint1, In Spain. (スライドin) This is 牛追いfestival. It’s very dangerous. If you are brave , let’s try it. When is his(her) birthday?

Hint2 Hint2, (スライドin) This is the 七夕. Orihime meets Hikobosi. When is the birthday?

Hint3 J Hint3 The first letter is(スライドin) J. When is the birthday?

It’s・・・ 7月 July It’s・・・(スライドin) July. His (her) birthday is July ○○.

名前を書きます。 写真を張り付けます。 This is ○○.(10月生まれの人の顔を張り付けてください) When is his(her) birthday?

Hint1 Hint1, (スライドin) I get pumpkin,mushroom,chestnut,さんま, and more They celebrate harvest. When is his(her) birthday?

Hint2 Hint2, (スライドin) You can get many candies , cookies and chocolates. Do you know “trick or treat”? (尋ねてみましょう) 

O J Hint3 Hint3 The first letter is (スライドin) o. Please look carefully. (スライドin) Number ten,ということは・・・ When is his(her) birthday?

October 10月 It’s・・・ It’s・・・(スライドin) October. His (her) birthday is October ○○.