Computer Replacement at Subaru Telescope ~ How it will affect you ~

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1 Computer Replacement at Subaru Telescope ~ How it will affect you ~
Junichi Noumaru Subaru Telescope Computer Replacement at Subaru Telescope ~ How it will affect you ~

2 Replacement Schedule September 2007: Examination of proposals. Open bid. October : System Design with the vendor Functions on the new system Intermediate system Data transfer Application transition October : Delivery and installation of the new hardware December : New system test January : Gradual termination of the current system and transition either to the intermediate system or the new system. February 29, 2008: Stop operation of the current system March 1, 2008: Start operation of the new system

3 Downgrade? Due to a serious restructuring of the budget in NAOJ, our computer system will be drastically downsized and functions for observation and data archive are prioritized. Great cut of computer budget for NAOJ as well as for Subaru. But, computation performance of each workstation (ows, ana…) will be upgraded.

4 Hawaii Functions STN2 2003-2007 STN3 2008-2012
STARS (Data Archive System) High Performance Processing (axx) Data Processing (gxx) Summit Simulation (mxxxx) Hilo Remote Observation (hxxxx) Development & Testing Environment (dxxxx) Summit (SOSS) Hilo – Summit Network Hilo – Japan Network Internet

5 Mitaka Functions STN2 2003-2007 STN3 2008-2012 Mitaka Remote  MASTARS
Data Analysis Terminals (sbxx) Development & Testing Environment (skxx)

6 High Performance Processing
MK Weather Forecast will be discontinued by December 31, 2007.

7 Change of Storage Capacity
Storage Capacity for STN3 is based on our specifications.

8 Remaining Functions Hilo Summit STARS, Remote observation
Business Services (Web servers, mail servers, file servers, web applications) Summit Simulation System Network Summit SOSS (w/o ows3)

9 STN3 will provide open-use observers with
Observation system at the summit (w/o ows3) Remote observation system at Hilo (no change) User workstations/PCs at the summit, in the visitor room, the remote observation room and HP (no change) STARS (new version) No g-workstation, no a-machines for data reduction No storage

10 STARS AND Mastars new version
Will be released in 2008 Separate account database from STN3 STARS LDAP info is copied from the current STN2 database One account database for STARS and MASTARS Hilo Mitaka STN3 LDAP Server SOSS LDAP Server STARS LDAP Server MASTARS LDAP Server Replication

11 STARS and MaSTERS new Version
STARS new version has its own copy area = STN account not necessary to copy data from STARS STARS new version needs one less copy of files. Mailing tapes upon request STARS Server w/ staging disk (RAID) Data copy by user (ftp) Data copy by STARS Data copy by STARS Current Data analysis on g-ws, etc. PetaSite Tape Library Scratch area under STN Download by user (http wget) STARS Server w/ RAID Data copy by STARS New Scratch area under STARS Mailing tapes upon request

12 Do open-use observers need an STN3 account for observation and data retrieval?
No longer. STN account policy will be reviewed.

13 Do open-use observers need a STARS Account ?
Only if observers need to get data outside STN. More and more observers copy data from ana to their own computers on site, that does not need either STARS or STN account.

14 Data backup これから(S07B以降)観測される方へ; 観測所のストレージ領域にデータを置かず、観測の都度お持ち帰りください。
グループ領域 (/grpNN): バックアップの円滑な遂行のため、アクセス制限を実施しています。新規の書き込みは2007年11月30日をめどに終了いたします。 ハードディスク上の領域(/home,/scr/local,/ksdatNN,Web/メールサーバ上のデータなど): 2008年1月中に運用を停止いたします。/home,/scr/local,/ksdatNNのデータは新システムには移行されませんので、ご自身でバックアップをお願いします。Web/メールサーバ上のデータは新システムにアカウントが移行するユーザに関しては、計算機部門で新システムに移行します。ただし、重要なデータはユーザでのバックアップをお願いします。 スクラッチ領域 (/scrNN): 2007年12月31日をめどに新規・更新割り当てを廃止します。

15 Data Backup すでにデータをため込んでいる方は; グループ領域 (/grpNN)内のデータ
引き取りたいファイルを特定し、ハワイ観測所に通知してください。 ハワイ観測所がファイルを一時格納場所に移した後、その一時格納場所にあるファイルがただしいデータであることをすみやかに確認してください。 最終的なデータの格納場所を用意し、データを引き取ってください。 必要なデータをテープにコピーして送付することもできます。 それ以外の領域 (/ksdat, /scr/local, /homeなど)のデータ できるだけ今年中に必要なデータをバックアップしてください。

16 Visit for details.

17 Sb system in Mitaka Operation ends 2008/01-02 (schedule not fixed).
MASTARS 1.0 => New Version 2007/11 start beta test (1.0/New Version parallel operation) 2008/01 stop current MASTARS 1.0 mail accounts disabled 2007/12? (not fixed) /mb** gradually ends operation 2007/12 Please backup data by yourself. Schedule/Date will be fixed and announced mid-late October 2007.

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