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2 おもかる石ってナニ? What is Omokaruishi rock?
灯ろうの上の石を持ち上げ、占う試し石です Lift up the rock on the tourou, you can read your own fortune.

3 おもかる石の手順 おさい銭をいれる 願い事を心の中で唱える どちらの石が軽いか考える 選んだ方の石の重さを予想する 持ち上げる

4 The way to read your fortune
Give money offering Say your wish in your heart Guess which rock is lighter Guess the weight of the rock you chose Lift it up If you feel the rock is lighter than you guessed, your wish will be realized.

5 おもかる石は、奥社奉拝所にあります。 Go torword then you will find OMOKARUISI‐rock

6 おもかる石へのアクセス方法 JR奈良線「稲荷」駅下車徒歩約2分 京阪本線「伏見稲荷」駅(急行停車)下車徒歩約3分

7 OMOKARUISI Information
2min. From JR INARI station on foot. 3mi. From Keihan Fushimi-Inari station on foot. There are not many express trains now. 5min. From Inari-taisha bus stop on foot.

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