Shogi Shogi is one of the forms of chess which is generally thought to have developed from the game Shaturanga or Shatranj.

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Presentation on theme: "Shogi Shogi is one of the forms of chess which is generally thought to have developed from the game Shaturanga or Shatranj."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shogi
Shogi is one of the forms of chess which is generally thought to have developed from the game Shaturanga or Shatranj. It is the Japanese form of the game which is known in the West as 'Chess' - more correctly, 'International Chess'. Shogi is the Japanese form of the game. There are others, for example Chinese Chess (Xiang-chi). Shogi is similar to International Chess in that it is played between two players ('black' and 'white'), and that the object is to checkmate the opponents king. Shogi is also very different from International Chess. Here are a few of the differences: There are several forms of Shogi, played on anything from a 7x7 board to a 25x25 board. The most common form is the 9x9 version - Shogi. Captured pieces may be re-entered by the capturing player. Most pieces may be promoted under certain circumstances.

2 VERB + のが + ADJ ですか Question Word + が
日本語のラボ VERB + のが + ADJ ですか Question Word + が

3 なにか なにも 何か 何も Translate the following with your partners
なにか  なにも 何か 何も Translate the following with your partners I ate something. I don’t know anything.  I am studying something. I am not studying anything. 

4 なにか なにも 何か 何も Translate the following with your partners
なにか  なにも 何か 何も Translate the following with your partners I ate something. 何か食べました。 I don’t know anything.  何も知(し)りません。 I am studying something. 何か勉強(べんきょう)しています。 I am not studying anything.  何も勉強(べんきょう)していません。

5 Are you good at eating with chopsticks? はしで食べるのがじょうずですか。
Do you like sleeping? ねるのがすきですか。 Do you like cooking りょうりするのがすきですか。 Are you good at taking pictures? しゃしんをとるのがじょうずですか。 Do you like to sing? うたうのがすきですか。 Are you good at making friends? ともだちを作るのがじょうずですか。 Do you like washing the car? 車をあらうのがすきですか。 Do you like going to karaoke? カラオケに行くのがすきですか。 Do you like studying kanji? かんじをべんきょうするのがすきですか。 Are you good at driving? うんてんするのがじょうずですか。 Do you like reading books? 本を読むのがすきですか。 Are you good at video games? ビデオゲームをするのがじょうずですか。

6 Do you like studying Japanese? 日本語をべんきょうするのがすきですか。
Do you like playing sports? スポーツをするのがすきですか。 Is your mother good at cooking? お母さんはりょうりするのがじょうずですか。 Do you like cleaning? そうじするのがすきですか。 Do you like to wear hats? ぼうしをかぶるのがすきですか。 Are you good at cutting tomatoes? トマトをきるのがじょうずですか。 Do you like taking baths? おふろに入るのがすきですか。 Do you like doing laundry? せんたくするのがすきですか。 Do you like having BBQs? バーベキューをするのがすきですか。 Do you like speaking in Japanese? 日本語をはなすのがすきですか。 Do you like watching the weather forecast? 天気よほうを見るのがすきですか。 Are you good at making breakfast? あさごはんを作るのがすきですか。 Do you like shopping? かいものするのがすきですか。

7 ☆ビンゴ☆ ? 今からビンゴをします! それから、「さんは~と言っていました」のパターンをつかって、リポートします!
今からビンゴをします! それから、「さんは~と言っていました」のパターンをつかって、リポートします! ビンゴができました!! First, lets make sure we know how to ask the bingo questions… ?

8 インタビュー・ビンゴ Ask questions to find people who match information
Up to two signatures per person Dictionary Form すき ですか。 きらい じょうず へた 8

9 Reporting! The bingo questions will be asked using the だれが question pattern. If you got that question then raise your hand and report! Remember that when you answer a question with [question word] + が___. You have to reply with [answer] + が_ _. Answer the questions with 「さんが~」

10 インタビュー・ビンゴ さん Dictionary Form すき と言っていました。 きらい じょうず へた 10

11 Opinion Survey Make 3 to 5 of your own questions inquiring about your classmates’ opinions. You can ask Y/N questions You can also use the 「~についてどう思いますか」 pattern! After everyone has their questions made, we’re all going to ask each other our questions. Answer questions with the 「~と思います。」 pattern After you have asked classmates your questions, you’ll report on new things you learned, so remember your classmates’ responses!!

12 Reporting! Report on an opinion that one of your classmates told you using the below pattern: さんは _____と言っていました

13 フリー トーク



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