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Ministry of the Environment

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1 Ministry of the Environment
Country Presentation: Japan Ministry of the Environment Japan

2 G7 Toyama Environmental Ministers’ Meeting
・Held in Toyama, Japan on May 15th - 16th 2016 ・G7 Members: Italy, Canada, France, US, UK, Germany, EU, and Japan ・joined by GEF, ICLEI, OECD, UNEP, UN Global Compact, 100 RESILIENT CITIES, and representatives from cities. ・Shared the political will to take the initiative in addressing global challenges locally and globally such as climate change and environmental pollution ・Discussed Agenda for Sustainable Development - Resource Efficiency and the 3Rs - Biodiversity - Climate Change and Related Measures - Chemicals Management - The Role of Cities - Marine Litter 今申し上げました通り、本年は日本が議長国を務めております。 5月には、2009年にイタリア・シラクサで開催されて以来、7年ぶりに、富山市にてG7環境大臣会合を開催いたしました。 G7メンバーのほか、シュタイナーUNEP事務局長や玉木OECD事務次長そのほかの重要な方々の参加を得て、8つの議題を議論いたしました。 この中には、資源効率性・3Rも含まれ、最終日には、G7環境大臣によるコミットメントが盛り込まれたコミュニケの採択が行われました。

3 Toyama Framework on Material Cycles
Goal 1: Leading Domestic Policies for Resource Efficiency and the 3Rs 1-1 Integration of Policies and Policy Mix 1-2 Efficient and Maximized Utilization of Resources 1-3 Initiatives in Cooperation with Diverse Local Actors (Industrial and Community Symbiosis) 1-4 Actions to Final Demands/Consumers Concrete Example: Ambitious Initiatives for Organic Waste Including Food Loss and Waste Goal 2: Promote Global Resource Efficiency and the 3Rs 2-1 Cooperation with Other Countries 2-2 Cooperation across the Global Supply Chain Concrete Example: Management of E-Waste Goal 3: Steady and Transparent Follow-Up Process 3-1 G7’s Domestic Efforts 3-2 Global Efforts とりわけ重要なアチーブメントは、「富山物質循環フレームワーク」でありました。 本会合では、brochureを配布しておりますので、ぜひお手に取ってご覧ください。 このフレームワークの採択に当たっては、2015年のエルマウ・サミットでの首脳宣言を踏まえて、OECDとUNEP-International Resource Panelからそれぞれ資源効率性に関するレポートが報告されました。 このフレームワークにおける最も重要な要素の一つは、Common Vision to Enhance Resource Efficiency and Promote the 3Rsであり、次の通りです。 “to realize a society which uses resources including stock resources efficiently and sustainably across the whole life cycle, by reducing the consumption of natural resources and promoting recycled materials and renewable resources so as to remain within the boundaries of the planet.” これは資源効率性と3Rの取組の方向性を示しております。

4 Reduction Target (from FY2012 to FY2022)
Policy Update 1 - Revision of “Basic Policy” under the Waste Management Law [Main Point 1] Revised the targets for next term under the Waste Management Law This revision was based on the new target under the 3rd Fundamental Plan for Establishing a Sound Material-Cycle Society (2013) Reduction Target (from FY2012 to FY2022) General Waste Industrial Waste Generation 12% reduction 3% increase Recycling Rate From 21% to 27% From 55% to 57% Final Disposal Volume 14% reduction 1% reduction

5 Policy Update 1 - Revision of “Basic Policy” under the Waste Management Law [Main Point 2] Revised regarding disaster waste management Basic policy Each entity’s role and cooperation Facilities development and its operation in disaster Technology development and information dissemination

6 Policy Update 2 - Guidelines for PV Recycling
Background PV has been widely and exponentially spreading, particularly due to FIT introduced in FY 2012. The amount of PV waste will be huge in near future. Urgent challenge is to avoid confusion on how to handle them and to promote the 3Rs for PVs. Outlines of the guidelines Overview the current practices , waste flow and other situation Summarize the rules under the current legislation and what should be considered Accumulated capacity 25GW 15GW Single year Photovoltaic application in Japan 2015 (IEA)

7 Policy Update 3 – Progress Update
378,000yen/ton (FY2013) 16.1% (FY2013) 16.3 million tons (FY2013)

8 Policy Update 4 – 3R Cooperation
Memorandum of Cooperation in the field of Municipal Waste between MOJ and Municipality of Kuwait. (Feb 2016) Memorandum of Cooperation on Industrial Waste between MOJ and Department of Industrial Work of Thailand. (Mar 2016) Environmental Dialogue between Japan and Philippines (Oct 2015)

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