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Overview of WP3/13 WP3/13; Multi-protocol Networks and Mechanisms

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1 Overview of WP3/13 WP3/13; Multi-protocol Networks and Mechanisms
May 14, 2001 WP3 Chaiman; Yoichi Maeda (NTT, Japan)     ;  Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, good morning.  OHAN/FSAN 2001にようこそ。本ワークショップは、電子情報通信学会通信ソサイエティとIEEE ComSoc Japan Chapterの共催により本日開催する運びとなりました。ホスト国を代表して、準備に携わってこられた皆様、そして本日ご参加いただいた皆様に厚く御礼申し上げます。  本日は、日本におけるブロードバンドサービスの状況と、光をベースとした情報流通ビジネス実現に向けたNTTの取り組みをご紹介したいと思います。

2 Questions in WP3/13 Question2/13: ATM layer and its Adaptation (AAL)
Rapporteur; Mr. K. Ahmad (Nortel Networks) Question 3/13: OAM and Network Management in IP-Based and Other Networks Rapporteur; Mr. H. Ohta (NTT) Question 11/13: Mechanisms to Allow IP-Based Services Using MPLS to Operate in Public Networks Rapporteurs; Mr. M. Carugi (FT) Mr. S. Shimizu (Hitachi)

3 Q.2 ; Issues on ATM Key issues
ATM layer has been mostly completed in past study periods and is in a stable condition in Recommendations I.150 and I.361 I.150; B-ISDN ATM functional characteristics I.361; B-ISDN ATM layer specification Key issues ATM layer capabilities to support multicast services and other point-to-multipoint, multipoint-to-point, multipoint-to-multipoint services. Potential additional pre-assigned ATM cell header values

4 Q.2 ; Issues on AAL Key issues
Much of the work on ATM Adaptation Layer (AAL) specifications has been completed in past study periods. Specifications have been prepared for AAL Types 1, 2, 3/4 and 5 together with a number of service specific convergence sublayers (SSCSs). I.363.x; B-ISDN AAL specification: AAL Types I.366.x: Segmentation and Reassembly SSCS for AAL types Key issues New or enhancements to existing Recs. for AAL types: AAL type 1 for interworking between AAL type1 and AAL type2 ATM layer transfer capabilities and QoS suitable for particular AAL protocols, etc.

5 Q.3 : Issues on OAM for IP-based NW
OAM and protection switching issues of IP-based networks are to be considered to protect small numbers of premium services which rely on high reliability when multiplexed with a large number of unprotected services. Key issues New draft Recommendations are expected to be consented in Caracas meeting Y.17oam.1: OAM functionality for MPLS networks Y.17ps: Protection switching for MPLS networks

6 Q.3 : Issues on OAM enhancements
The OAM aspects for ATM layer have been enhanced in the study period I.610 : B-ISDN OAM principles and functions I.630 : ATM protection switching Key issues Enhancement of I.610; OAM studies of AALs and other evolving link layer management, and OAM functions for Point-to-Multipoint connections Enhancement of I.630; Protection aspects on 1:n and m:n protection configuration, semi-dedicated protection, ATM ring protection, performance of protection switching and protection against signal degrade

7 Q.11 : Multi-protocol mechanisms
Recommendation Y.1310 selected MPLS as the preferred architecture for IP transport over ATM Y.1310: Transport of IP over ATM in Public Networks Key issues mechanisms to support QoS-aware IP services in MPLS based networks. mechanisms for transport of IP diffserv (and intserv) over MPLS based networks mechanisms to support each identified additional IP-based service over MPLS networks e.g. Voice over MPLS; Liaison from MPLS Forum requirements and mechanisms for IP-VPN service

8 Q.11 : Definition of IP-VPN
A network infrastructure delivering private network services over a public infrastructure. VPN Public network (Internet, FR, ATM, etc.)  Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, good morning.  OHAN/FSAN 2001にようこそ。本ワークショップは、電子情報通信学会通信ソサイエティとIEEE ComSoc Japan Chapterの共催により本日開催する運びとなりました。ホスト国を代表して、準備に携わってこられた皆様、そして本日ご参加いただいた皆様に厚く御礼申し上げます。  本日は、日本におけるブロードバンドサービスの状況と、光をベースとした情報流通ビジネス実現に向けたNTTの取り組みをご紹介したいと思います。 VPN has become a hot issue, one of the new “killer application” of the IP based network, a $24B business. (Source: CIMI Corp.)

9 Q.11 : Issues on IP VPN A number of IP VPN proposals in the market
would like to define common requirements Interoperability towards multi-vendor environments would like to define applicability scenarios for the various solutions integration of Service Provider added-value requirements Two draft versions of Recommendations on IP VPNs have been produced up to now Y.1311 “Network based IP VPN Service - Generic framework and service requirements” Y “Network based IP VPN over MPLS Architecture” (expect to be consented in Caracas)

10 Q.11: Further study issues on VPN
Ensure scalability over the next several years Flexibility to accomodate future requirements non-IP services over the same VPN e.g. ATM/FR/SDH/Ethernet over MPLS (L2 VPN) Layer 1 VPNs (optical VPN) Interoperability scope Segmentation of the service offer (Carrier/Service Provider VPNs vs Enterprise VPNs) Necessity of the synergy is identified to ensure mutual exchange, cooperation and progress between ITU-T (Y ) and IETF (PPVPN)

11 Muchas gracias ! Conclusion
WP3/13 will study multi-protocol networks and mechanisms to deliver high-quality and reliable networking. Muchas gracias !

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