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10 年前から始まった マイクロソフトの DevOps ~ 今とこれから ~

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1 10 年前から始まった マイクロソフトの DevOps ~ 今とこれから ~
Windows Azure 12/3/2018 10 年前から始まった マイクロソフトの DevOps ~ 今とこれから ~ 日本マイクロソフト エバンジェリスト 高添 修・長沢 智治 © 2011 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

2 Agenda それは、 10 年前から始まった Enterprise DevOps DevOps の下準備 まとめ
正しいアーキテクチャーの重要性は誰もが知るところ     ただし、どんなアーキテクチャーであってもやるべきことがある それは、 10 年前から始まった Enterprise DevOps DevOps の下準備 まとめ

3 それは、10 年前から始まった 2003 年と2007年に発表したマイクロソフトとしての大きな戦略

4 Dynamic Systems Initiative (2003.05)
18/12/3 19時22分 Dynamic Systems Initiative ( ) 既存、あるいは 新しいシステムの モデルを作成 モデルに則した システム運用 Merc. Stage Shuttle Job Cache HTTP SQL Feed Store DSS FTP 必要なリソース 運用特性 運用ポリシー モデルに則した自動的なリソース確保とシステム構成 ストレージ サーバー ネットワーク ITライフサイクルをつなぐ 共通定義モデル © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

5 Oslo (2007.10) *.d Quadrant Runtimes Visual Studio *.sql dc.exe
Oslo Process Server System Center DCM Visual Studio TFS SharePoint RedDog “F5” Export *.d *.sql Repository Models dc.exe First, this slide really is the summary slide for the multi hour arch review that we are scheduling, so we’re really only going to scratch the surface here. There are three key pieces to our architecture: The runtimes that participate in this model driven world and their associated content, a place to store content called the repository and a tool to manipulate that content called Quadrant. Executable content is the center of value I mean two things by this: first is that we see many runtimes storing and leveraging their content inside the repository and using it directly, not via codespit. We’re trying to create a very dynamic environment that is not modal in the way many systems are today, no design time vs. run time. Updating the database is enough to change the application. You’re going to see an example of this in our demo. Second is that we are recognize that the system gets more value as we get more content and as we get the associated runtimes that leverage the content. We have a staged approach for targeting content and in the Oslo timeframe we’ll be focused on the middle tier (SOA) and systems management. We’re working with other groups like SharePoint and TFS to get them in our next product iteration. We store this content in a “Natural” SQL database repository This means that our repository is designed to be a classic database application that deeply bets on the features of the database and doesn’t try to encapsulate it or build multiple layers on top of it. This approach allows us to not only leverage the features that the SQL team is building, but it also allows us to leverage the whole database ecosystem that exists, things like reporting, BI, integration with Office and other tools for example. When a customer looks at the repository through an existing tool, our goal is to ensure that they can make sense of what is there and leverage that tool. We are focused on modeling for the masses, not the ivory tower. We want a very broad base of developers to be able to use our system, and we want customers like business analysts, architects and systems management folks to also be comfortable editing these models. Thus we need a broadly approachable, general-purpose modeling tool. We call this tool Quadrant. It is designed to be able to edit any model in the repository using a set of generic viewers such as table, tree and diagram, much like Excel or Access can edit any tabular data. These views can also be customized to provide a more specific experience when editing certain models. You’ll see lots of examples of this in the demo. Finally it is important to note that Quadrant is really the first customer of this platform in that it, itself is model-driven. I’ve got a couple of slides that drill into Quadrant next and we’ll go into that in a little more detail. Because the file based world is not going away anytime soon, we are also creating a human-friendly textual representation of the content which is a modeling language called “D” D is a new declarative language designed for cases where you need a text based representation of your repository content and has a compiler and tool chain that allows you to build your .D files into SQL Scripts you can store in the repository or visa versa. Visual studio can then operate on these files directly in the file system. We also recognize that there is much content already in the world that will we will want to get in and out of the repository. Depending on the content, we expect customers to either load it directly into the repository (“Loaders”) or transform it to .D or .SQL files which can then be loaded via D. Instances & Observations Compile *.csdl *.ssdl *.msl SAP MQ Adapters XAML (WF, WPF, …) SML / CML WSDL Converters CLR Metadata Active Directory WMI / WS-Man Loaders

6 Enterprise DevOps そして今・・・

7 ビジネスと IT ビジネスのトレンド IT の戦略的な役割 クラウド時代の到来 新たな価値を 創出する新技術 競争の激化
利用者への 直接的な貢献 多様なデバイスと活用シーン IT の戦略的な役割 バランスのとれた ビジネス アジリティ   品質/スケール/法令順守 先手必勝な ビジネスをけん引 規模の経済を 最大化 マーケットに追随、 マーケットをリード ビジネス価値を 継続的に提供 First, this slide really is the summary slide for the multi hour arch review that we are scheduling, so we’re really only going to scratch the surface here. There are three key pieces to our architecture: The runtimes that participate in this model driven world and their associated content, a place to store content called the repository and a tool to manipulate that content called Quadrant. Executable content is the center of value I mean two things by this: first is that we see many runtimes storing and leveraging their content inside the repository and using it directly, not via codespit. We’re trying to create a very dynamic environment that is not modal in the way many systems are today, no design time vs. run time. Updating the database is enough to change the application. You’re going to see an example of this in our demo. Second is that we are recognize that the system gets more value as we get more content and as we get the associated runtimes that leverage the content. We have a staged approach for targeting content and in the Oslo timeframe we’ll be focused on the middle tier (SOA) and systems management. We’re working with other groups like SharePoint and TFS to get them in our next product iteration. We store this content in a “Natural” SQL database repository This means that our repository is designed to be a classic database application that deeply bets on the features of the database and doesn’t try to encapsulate it or build multiple layers on top of it. This approach allows us to not only leverage the features that the SQL team is building, but it also allows us to leverage the whole database ecosystem that exists, things like reporting, BI, integration with Office and other tools for example. When a customer looks at the repository through an existing tool, our goal is to ensure that they can make sense of what is there and leverage that tool. We are focused on modeling for the masses, not the ivory tower. We want a very broad base of developers to be able to use our system, and we want customers like business analysts, architects and systems management folks to also be comfortable editing these models. Thus we need a broadly approachable, general-purpose modeling tool. We call this tool Quadrant. It is designed to be able to edit any model in the repository using a set of generic viewers such as table, tree and diagram, much like Excel or Access can edit any tabular data. These views can also be customized to provide a more specific experience when editing certain models. You’ll see lots of examples of this in the demo. Finally it is important to note that Quadrant is really the first customer of this platform in that it, itself is model-driven. I’ve got a couple of slides that drill into Quadrant next and we’ll go into that in a little more detail. Because the file based world is not going away anytime soon, we are also creating a human-friendly textual representation of the content which is a modeling language called “D” D is a new declarative language designed for cases where you need a text based representation of your repository content and has a compiler and tool chain that allows you to build your .D files into SQL Scripts you can store in the repository or visa versa. Visual studio can then operate on these files directly in the file system. We also recognize that there is much content already in the world that will we will want to get in and out of the repository. Depending on the content, we expect customers to either load it directly into the repository (“Loaders”) or transform it to .D or .SQL files which can then be loaded via D.

8 戦略的な IT への変化 便利 有効 不可欠 1990年代 2000年代 2010年代 Business Business IT IT IT
Cost Center Key Infrastructure Morphing IT First, this slide really is the summary slide for the multi hour arch review that we are scheduling, so we’re really only going to scratch the surface here. There are three key pieces to our architecture: The runtimes that participate in this model driven world and their associated content, a place to store content called the repository and a tool to manipulate that content called Quadrant. Executable content is the center of value I mean two things by this: first is that we see many runtimes storing and leveraging their content inside the repository and using it directly, not via codespit. We’re trying to create a very dynamic environment that is not modal in the way many systems are today, no design time vs. run time. Updating the database is enough to change the application. You’re going to see an example of this in our demo. Second is that we are recognize that the system gets more value as we get more content and as we get the associated runtimes that leverage the content. We have a staged approach for targeting content and in the Oslo timeframe we’ll be focused on the middle tier (SOA) and systems management. We’re working with other groups like SharePoint and TFS to get them in our next product iteration. We store this content in a “Natural” SQL database repository This means that our repository is designed to be a classic database application that deeply bets on the features of the database and doesn’t try to encapsulate it or build multiple layers on top of it. This approach allows us to not only leverage the features that the SQL team is building, but it also allows us to leverage the whole database ecosystem that exists, things like reporting, BI, integration with Office and other tools for example. When a customer looks at the repository through an existing tool, our goal is to ensure that they can make sense of what is there and leverage that tool. We are focused on modeling for the masses, not the ivory tower. We want a very broad base of developers to be able to use our system, and we want customers like business analysts, architects and systems management folks to also be comfortable editing these models. Thus we need a broadly approachable, general-purpose modeling tool. We call this tool Quadrant. It is designed to be able to edit any model in the repository using a set of generic viewers such as table, tree and diagram, much like Excel or Access can edit any tabular data. These views can also be customized to provide a more specific experience when editing certain models. You’ll see lots of examples of this in the demo. Finally it is important to note that Quadrant is really the first customer of this platform in that it, itself is model-driven. I’ve got a couple of slides that drill into Quadrant next and we’ll go into that in a little more detail. Because the file based world is not going away anytime soon, we are also creating a human-friendly textual representation of the content which is a modeling language called “D” D is a new declarative language designed for cases where you need a text based representation of your repository content and has a compiler and tool chain that allows you to build your .D files into SQL Scripts you can store in the repository or visa versa. Visual studio can then operate on these files directly in the file system. We also recognize that there is much content already in the world that will we will want to get in and out of the repository. Depending on the content, we expect customers to either load it directly into the repository (“Loaders”) or transform it to .D or .SQL files which can then be loaded via D. 確立したビジネスモデル 全体計画→全体リリース 技術的な意思決定は IT 部門 ビジネスモデルに IT が関与 ニーズに応じたリリース 技術的な方向性は 経営者層へ ビジネスを IT がけん引 ジャスト イン タイム IT 計画と投資は、 顧客中心に クライアント/サーバー Web / Web サービス デバイスとサービス

9 DevOps: ビジネスにフォーカス Define Operate Develop 開発 運用 要求 サイクルタイム MTTR
ユーザー / 関係者 要求 プロダクト バックログ Define ビジネス 価値の創発 開発 運用 運用 開発&テスト First, this slide really is the summary slide for the multi hour arch review that we are scheduling, so we’re really only going to scratch the surface here. There are three key pieces to our architecture: The runtimes that participate in this model driven world and their associated content, a place to store content called the repository and a tool to manipulate that content called Quadrant. Executable content is the center of value I mean two things by this: first is that we see many runtimes storing and leveraging their content inside the repository and using it directly, not via codespit. We’re trying to create a very dynamic environment that is not modal in the way many systems are today, no design time vs. run time. Updating the database is enough to change the application. You’re going to see an example of this in our demo. Second is that we are recognize that the system gets more value as we get more content and as we get the associated runtimes that leverage the content. We have a staged approach for targeting content and in the Oslo timeframe we’ll be focused on the middle tier (SOA) and systems management. We’re working with other groups like SharePoint and TFS to get them in our next product iteration. We store this content in a “Natural” SQL database repository This means that our repository is designed to be a classic database application that deeply bets on the features of the database and doesn’t try to encapsulate it or build multiple layers on top of it. This approach allows us to not only leverage the features that the SQL team is building, but it also allows us to leverage the whole database ecosystem that exists, things like reporting, BI, integration with Office and other tools for example. When a customer looks at the repository through an existing tool, our goal is to ensure that they can make sense of what is there and leverage that tool. We are focused on modeling for the masses, not the ivory tower. We want a very broad base of developers to be able to use our system, and we want customers like business analysts, architects and systems management folks to also be comfortable editing these models. Thus we need a broadly approachable, general-purpose modeling tool. We call this tool Quadrant. It is designed to be able to edit any model in the repository using a set of generic viewers such as table, tree and diagram, much like Excel or Access can edit any tabular data. These views can also be customized to provide a more specific experience when editing certain models. You’ll see lots of examples of this in the demo. Finally it is important to note that Quadrant is really the first customer of this platform in that it, itself is model-driven. I’ve got a couple of slides that drill into Quadrant next and we’ll go into that in a little more detail. Because the file based world is not going away anytime soon, we are also creating a human-friendly textual representation of the content which is a modeling language called “D” D is a new declarative language designed for cases where you need a text based representation of your repository content and has a compiler and tool chain that allows you to build your .D files into SQL Scripts you can store in the repository or visa versa. Visual studio can then operate on these files directly in the file system. We also recognize that there is much content already in the world that will we will want to get in and out of the repository. Depending on the content, we expect customers to either load it directly into the repository (“Loaders”) or transform it to .D or .SQL files which can then be loaded via D. Operate ソフトウェアを ビジネス価値として提供 運用バックログ Develop アイデアを 動くソフトウェアへ サイクルタイム MTTR 動くソフトウェア

10 DevOps: バリアによる損失 Define Operate Develop 開発 コストの増大 サイクル タイム の遅延
ビジネス 価値の創発 Develop アイデアを 動くソフトウェアへ Operate ソフトウェアを ビジネス価値として提供 ユーザー / 関係者 開発&テスト 運用 要求 プロダクト バックログ 運用バックログ 開発 動くソフトウェア サイクルタイム MTTR 利用者 / 関係者 開発チーム テストチーム 運用チーム コストの増大 サイクル タイム の遅延 ビジネス機会 の損失 | | 利用者と関係者の不満 First, this slide really is the summary slide for the multi hour arch review that we are scheduling, so we’re really only going to scratch the surface here. There are three key pieces to our architecture: The runtimes that participate in this model driven world and their associated content, a place to store content called the repository and a tool to manipulate that content called Quadrant. Executable content is the center of value I mean two things by this: first is that we see many runtimes storing and leveraging their content inside the repository and using it directly, not via codespit. We’re trying to create a very dynamic environment that is not modal in the way many systems are today, no design time vs. run time. Updating the database is enough to change the application. You’re going to see an example of this in our demo. Second is that we are recognize that the system gets more value as we get more content and as we get the associated runtimes that leverage the content. We have a staged approach for targeting content and in the Oslo timeframe we’ll be focused on the middle tier (SOA) and systems management. We’re working with other groups like SharePoint and TFS to get them in our next product iteration. We store this content in a “Natural” SQL database repository This means that our repository is designed to be a classic database application that deeply bets on the features of the database and doesn’t try to encapsulate it or build multiple layers on top of it. This approach allows us to not only leverage the features that the SQL team is building, but it also allows us to leverage the whole database ecosystem that exists, things like reporting, BI, integration with Office and other tools for example. When a customer looks at the repository through an existing tool, our goal is to ensure that they can make sense of what is there and leverage that tool. We are focused on modeling for the masses, not the ivory tower. We want a very broad base of developers to be able to use our system, and we want customers like business analysts, architects and systems management folks to also be comfortable editing these models. Thus we need a broadly approachable, general-purpose modeling tool. We call this tool Quadrant. It is designed to be able to edit any model in the repository using a set of generic viewers such as table, tree and diagram, much like Excel or Access can edit any tabular data. These views can also be customized to provide a more specific experience when editing certain models. You’ll see lots of examples of this in the demo. Finally it is important to note that Quadrant is really the first customer of this platform in that it, itself is model-driven. I’ve got a couple of slides that drill into Quadrant next and we’ll go into that in a little more detail. Because the file based world is not going away anytime soon, we are also creating a human-friendly textual representation of the content which is a modeling language called “D” D is a new declarative language designed for cases where you need a text based representation of your repository content and has a compiler and tool chain that allows you to build your .D files into SQL Scripts you can store in the repository or visa versa. Visual studio can then operate on these files directly in the file system. We also recognize that there is much content already in the world that will we will want to get in and out of the repository. Depending on the content, we expect customers to either load it directly into the repository (“Loaders”) or transform it to .D or .SQL files which can then be loaded via D.

11 継続的フィードバック | 継続的品質 | 継続的デリバリー
DevOps: 継続的に価値を提供 継続的フィードバック | 継続的品質 | 継続的デリバリー Define ビジネス 価値の創発 Develop アイデアを 動くソフトウェアへ Operate ソフトウェアを ビジネス価値として提供 ユーザー / 関係者 開発&テスト 運用 要求 プロダクト バックログ 運用バックログ 開発 動くソフトウェア サイクルタイム MTTR First, this slide really is the summary slide for the multi hour arch review that we are scheduling, so we’re really only going to scratch the surface here. There are three key pieces to our architecture: The runtimes that participate in this model driven world and their associated content, a place to store content called the repository and a tool to manipulate that content called Quadrant. Executable content is the center of value I mean two things by this: first is that we see many runtimes storing and leveraging their content inside the repository and using it directly, not via codespit. We’re trying to create a very dynamic environment that is not modal in the way many systems are today, no design time vs. run time. Updating the database is enough to change the application. You’re going to see an example of this in our demo. Second is that we are recognize that the system gets more value as we get more content and as we get the associated runtimes that leverage the content. We have a staged approach for targeting content and in the Oslo timeframe we’ll be focused on the middle tier (SOA) and systems management. We’re working with other groups like SharePoint and TFS to get them in our next product iteration. We store this content in a “Natural” SQL database repository This means that our repository is designed to be a classic database application that deeply bets on the features of the database and doesn’t try to encapsulate it or build multiple layers on top of it. This approach allows us to not only leverage the features that the SQL team is building, but it also allows us to leverage the whole database ecosystem that exists, things like reporting, BI, integration with Office and other tools for example. When a customer looks at the repository through an existing tool, our goal is to ensure that they can make sense of what is there and leverage that tool. We are focused on modeling for the masses, not the ivory tower. We want a very broad base of developers to be able to use our system, and we want customers like business analysts, architects and systems management folks to also be comfortable editing these models. Thus we need a broadly approachable, general-purpose modeling tool. We call this tool Quadrant. It is designed to be able to edit any model in the repository using a set of generic viewers such as table, tree and diagram, much like Excel or Access can edit any tabular data. These views can also be customized to provide a more specific experience when editing certain models. You’ll see lots of examples of this in the demo. Finally it is important to note that Quadrant is really the first customer of this platform in that it, itself is model-driven. I’ve got a couple of slides that drill into Quadrant next and we’ll go into that in a little more detail. Because the file based world is not going away anytime soon, we are also creating a human-friendly textual representation of the content which is a modeling language called “D” D is a new declarative language designed for cases where you need a text based representation of your repository content and has a compiler and tool chain that allows you to build your .D files into SQL Scripts you can store in the repository or visa versa. Visual studio can then operate on these files directly in the file system. We also recognize that there is much content already in the world that will we will want to get in and out of the repository. Depending on the content, we expect customers to either load it directly into the repository (“Loaders”) or transform it to .D or .SQL files which can then be loaded via D. 高い透明性 | 価値の流れ | ムダ取り

12 DevOps: 課題 Define Operate Develop 開発 要求 サイクルタイム MTTR 動くソフトウェア
ビジネス 価値の創発 Develop アイデアを 動くソフトウェアへ Operate ソフトウェアを ビジネス価値として提供 ユーザー / 関係者 開発&テスト 運用 要求 プロダクト バックログ 運用バックログ 開発 動くソフトウェア サイクルタイム MTTR 実行可能なフィードバックの欠如による MTTR の長期化 運用が欠如した 受け入れ基準 価値との相関関係が不明瞭 技術的負債 の蓄積 デバッグが困難な本番環境での対応 本番稼働中の障害への対応 運用を考慮した 設計の欠如 First, this slide really is the summary slide for the multi hour arch review that we are scheduling, so we’re really only going to scratch the surface here. There are three key pieces to our architecture: The runtimes that participate in this model driven world and their associated content, a place to store content called the repository and a tool to manipulate that content called Quadrant. Executable content is the center of value I mean two things by this: first is that we see many runtimes storing and leveraging their content inside the repository and using it directly, not via codespit. We’re trying to create a very dynamic environment that is not modal in the way many systems are today, no design time vs. run time. Updating the database is enough to change the application. You’re going to see an example of this in our demo. Second is that we are recognize that the system gets more value as we get more content and as we get the associated runtimes that leverage the content. We have a staged approach for targeting content and in the Oslo timeframe we’ll be focused on the middle tier (SOA) and systems management. We’re working with other groups like SharePoint and TFS to get them in our next product iteration. We store this content in a “Natural” SQL database repository This means that our repository is designed to be a classic database application that deeply bets on the features of the database and doesn’t try to encapsulate it or build multiple layers on top of it. This approach allows us to not only leverage the features that the SQL team is building, but it also allows us to leverage the whole database ecosystem that exists, things like reporting, BI, integration with Office and other tools for example. When a customer looks at the repository through an existing tool, our goal is to ensure that they can make sense of what is there and leverage that tool. We are focused on modeling for the masses, not the ivory tower. We want a very broad base of developers to be able to use our system, and we want customers like business analysts, architects and systems management folks to also be comfortable editing these models. Thus we need a broadly approachable, general-purpose modeling tool. We call this tool Quadrant. It is designed to be able to edit any model in the repository using a set of generic viewers such as table, tree and diagram, much like Excel or Access can edit any tabular data. These views can also be customized to provide a more specific experience when editing certain models. You’ll see lots of examples of this in the demo. Finally it is important to note that Quadrant is really the first customer of this platform in that it, itself is model-driven. I’ve got a couple of slides that drill into Quadrant next and we’ll go into that in a little more detail. Because the file based world is not going away anytime soon, we are also creating a human-friendly textual representation of the content which is a modeling language called “D” D is a new declarative language designed for cases where you need a text based representation of your repository content and has a compiler and tool chain that allows you to build your .D files into SQL Scripts you can store in the repository or visa versa. Visual studio can then operate on these files directly in the file system. We also recognize that there is much content already in the world that will we will want to get in and out of the repository. Depending on the content, we expect customers to either load it directly into the repository (“Loaders”) or transform it to .D or .SQL files which can then be loaded via D. 長い開発とテストの仕掛かり 運用準備が整わないソフトウェア 長いデプロイの仕掛かり 開発と運用のワークフローの相違と分離

13 DevOps: Operation Readiness
開発における運用への備えを 運用要件を満たしていないソフトウェア 最終的な段階での阻害要因となる 本番稼働時に情報収集が困難となる害要因になる Problem 早期の要求獲得と品質の作りこみ 運用の受け入れ駆動開発 (ATDD), ラボによる自動化 継続的インテグレーション, 継続的デプロイメント害要因になる Solution ビジネス価値に到達するソフトウェアへ ソフトウェアをビジネス価値として提供する サイクルタイムを短縮できる Value

14 DevOps: Operation Readiness
開発における運用への備えを 開発 運用要件含めた品質の作りこみ 要求 継続的な開発とテスト テスト 疑似本番環境でのテスト 運用要件 (ログ/QoS)

15 DevOps: Just-in-Time Delivery
開発のアジリティと継続的カイゼンへ 顧客ニーズにアラインできない開発サイクル ビジネス価値の提供が不定期となり、ユーザーの期待に応えられない 開発サイクルが定まらず、品質とデリバリーがビジネスに合わない害要因になる Problem アジャイルプラクティスとカイゼン スクラムのフレームワークによる「検査と適応」 継続的にフィードバックを得る仕組みと体質づくり害要因になる Solution ビジネス価値に到達するソフトウェアへ 適切なビジネス価値を定期的に提供し続ける サイクルタイムの短縮と QCDS のバランス調整ができる Value

16 DevOps: Just-in-Time Delivery
開発のアジリティと継続的カイゼンへ スクラムマスター デイリースクラム スプリント (2週間) PRIORITIZE PLAN EXECUTE RESPOND プロダクトオーナー チーム

17 DevOps: Mean time to Repair
本番稼働中の対応の最適化へ 運用中の障害検出と解決が極めて困難 高い MTTR によるビジネス価値への浸食 継続的なフィードバックへの阻害になる Problem 本番稼働環境でも開発プラクティスを実践 本番環境相当でのテストの継続的な実施 (仮想テスト環境) 統合されたインシデント管理, 本番環境でのデバッグの実践害要因になる Solution MTTR の短縮 ソフトウェアをビジネス価値として提供し続ける サイクルタイムを短縮できる Value

18 DevOps: Mean time to Repair
継続的な開発とテスト 運用要件含めた品質の作りこみ DevOps: Mean time to Repair 開発における運用への備えを 運用の問題解決フロー 開発の問題解決フロー 問題検知 問題受入 改修依頼 分析調査 開発 運用 情報提供 改修 解決確認 問題解決 問題解決

19 DevOps の下準備 すでに存在している Enterprise DevOps 向けのツール

20 継続的な流れを生む仕組みへ 継続的運用テスト 継続的フィードバック 継続的インテグレーション 継続的テスト 継続的デプロイメント

21 “MTTR 短縮” のためのアプリ監視 アラート より詳細な情報 動作パターン識別

22 監視から開発のアサイン Visual Studio から 確認したところ 開発のアサイン Ops & Dev Tool のアラート連携

23 Web テストと世界から自動監視 Operations Manager Global Service Monitor 世界中にある
マイクロソフトの データセンターから監視 Visual Studio にて テスト定義ファイル .webtest の保存 レスポンスだけ見ても こんなに違いが ! Operations Manager Global Service Monitor

24 ビルドとアプリ管理の自動化 Orchestrator Integration Pack Orchestrator への インプット
受け取り 実際の業務処理 (普通のコード) 2 1 TFS 連携による 開発環境管理の 自動化 自動 プロセスへ Integration Pack

25 開発とテスト環境の構築 Virtual Machine Manager 開発環境用の プライベートクラウドを 自動構築 リソースの解放と制限
開発者用のツールから 仮想マシンを管理 ※ スナップショットも

26 まとめ

27 ビジネスのための IT には必須 できていないのであれば、ぜひともご検討を

28 Resources 概念とソリューションについて Enterprise DevOps ホワイトペーパー (英語)
ソフトウェア開発環境の最新動向と出張セミナー マイクロソフト製品による実現方法について Integrating Operations Manager with Development Processes (DevOps) Topics How to Synchronize Alerts with TFS in System Center 2012 SP1

29 12/3/2018 7:22 PM © 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION. © 2010 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

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