Towards implementation of the restated OECD Jobs Strategy Present situation and future challenges in Japan OECD新雇用戦略の実施に向けて ~日本の現状と課題~ A forum on the.

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Presentation on theme: "Towards implementation of the restated OECD Jobs Strategy Present situation and future challenges in Japan OECD新雇用戦略の実施に向けて ~日本の現状と課題~ A forum on the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Towards implementation of the restated OECD Jobs Strategy Present situation and future challenges in Japan OECD新雇用戦略の実施に向けて ~日本の現状と課題~ A forum on the restated OECD Jobs Strategy in Tokyo October 30-31, 2006 Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Japan

2 Percentage of population
Changes in the Total Population 総人口の動向 The total population declined for the first time (10,000 people) Actual Prospect 65 years old and over 15~64 years old 14,000 14 years old and under 12,692 12,778 12,776 12,748 12,627 12,557 12,411 12,114 11,758 12,000 1,826 2,227 2,488 2,682 2,874 3,277 3,456 3,473 10,000 3,477 8,000 8,717 6,000 8,600 8,508 8,337 8,167 7,730 7,445 7,233 6,958 4,000 2,000 2,001 1,845 1,773 1,740 1,707 1,620 1,510 1,409 1,323 Percentage of population 65 and over to population 15-64(%) 1995 2000 2004 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 (Year) (20.9%) (25.9%) (29.2%) (32.2%) (35.2%) (42.4%) (46.4%) (48.0%) (50.0%) Source: Figures of 1995, 2000 and 2005 from Statistics Bureau, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, “National Population Census ”. Figures of 2004 from Statistics Bureau, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, “Population Estimates;” and figures of 2010 and after from the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, “Projected Population of Japan (estimated in January 2002)Medium variant ” .

3 Recent Employment Situation 完全失業率と有効求人倍率の動向
Trends in Unemployment Rate, and Ratio of Active Job Openings to Applicants (倍) (%) 1.10 Record-high unemployment rate 5.5% (June and August 2002 and January 2003) 6.0 Ratio of Active job Openings to Applicants: 1.08 (August. 2006) 過去最高 5.5%  14年8月、15年1月 Record-high number of unemployed: 3.85 million (April ) 1.05 Over 5% for the first time(5.0%, July 2001) 1.00 5.5 有効求人倍率 0.95 0.90 Over 4% for the first time (4.0% April 1998) 5.0 0.85 Unemployment rate (right scale) 完全失業率(右目盛) 0.80 Unemployment Rate: 4.1% Number of Unemployed: 2.72 million (August. 2006) Ratio of Active Job Openings to Applicants 0.75 4.5 Recent peak of (from November 2000 to January 2001) 0.70 0.65 4.0 Under 0.5 for the first time (0.49, September 1998) 0.60 Ratio of active job openings to applicants (left scale) 有効求人倍率(左目盛) 完全失業率 0.55  Recent bottom of 0.51 (from December 2001 to February 2002) Unemployment Rate 3.5 0.50 Record-low ratio of 0.46 (May and June 1999 0.45 0.40 3.0 4 6 8 10 12 2 4 6 8 10 12 2 4 6 8 10 12 2 4 6 8 10 12 2 4 6 8 10 12 2 4 6 8 10 12 2 4 6 8 10 12 2 4 6 8 10 12 2 4 6 8 (月) 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

4 An increase of 3 million workers An increase of 5.1 million workers
Changes in labour force 労働力人口の見通し 2015年 2030年 2004年 (Total population: million) (Total population: million) (Total population: million) An increase of 3 million workers 66.42 million workers An increase of 5.1 million workers 9.6 42.92 13.89 Down 4.1 million Down 1.1million 60 and over Down5.3 million 65.35 Down 1.05 million 62.37 Workers can continue to work until 65 →up 0.5 million 11.33 42.32 11.70 10.79 40.70 10.89 Workers can continue to work until 65 →up 0.7 million 61.09 10.77 39.33 11.00 55.97 30 to 59 10.02 36.24 9.71 Balancing work and family responsibilities →up 1.7 million(of which 1,300,000 are women) Balancing work and family responsibilities →up 3.1 million(of which 2,700,000 are women) Young people play active role →up 0.8 million Young people play active role →up 1.3 million 15 to 29 If no measures were taken If various measures were implemented If no measures were taken If various measures were implemented Source: Figures of 2004 from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication, “Labour Force Survey”.       Figures of “If no measures were taken” were estimated by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, based on “Labour Force Survey”.       Figures of “If various measures were implemented” were estimated by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.

5 To promote labour participation 労働市場参加の促進のための施策
Public Employment Services     公共職業安定所におけるサービス Job-search assistance well integrated with provision of unemployment benefit system 雇用保険の支給手続きと一体となった就職支援 More effective job-assistance; Plan-Do-Check-Action (2004~)   公共職業安定所の職業紹介機能の強化;PDCAサイクルによる目標管理 Guidance and assistance for enterprises   企業に対する指導・助言 Other labour market programs  その他各種雇用対策

6 To promote labour participation 労働市場参加の促進のための施策
Young people 若年者   Job-searching assistance towards regular employment 常用雇用に向けた就職支援の強化 Elderly persons 高齢者   Reform of pension system 年金制度改革   Duty of enterprises to raise the retirement age, to introduce a continuous employment system or to abolish the retirement age 企業における定年の引上げ、継続雇用制度の導入、又は定年の定めの廃止のいずれかの措置の義務づけ Women 女性   Promote family-friendly arrangements by employers 仕事と子育てを両立しやすい環境の整備:企業の取組の促進   Employment services with considerate treatments for women caring for children 子育て中の女性に配慮した就職支援 From welfare to work (People with disabilities, beneficiaries of public assistance, single parents…) 福祉から雇用へ(障害者、生活保護受給者、母子家庭の母・・・)   Benefit systems designed to make work pay 就労インセンティブを阻害しない給付制度   More effective assistance towards independence through closer cooperation among authorities 効果的な自立支援:関係機関の連携強化

7 Facilitate the development of labour force skills and competencies 人材育成の推進
Public vocational training 公共職業訓練   Providing training opportunities in public and private facilities (288 in total) 公共・民間の施設(計288カ所)における効果的な訓練機会の提供   Training to get more practical abilities: good mix of experience in workplace and classroom lecture (2006-) 実践型人材養成システム Promoting HRD conducted by employers 企業における能力開発の促進   Subsidies and accreditation 助成金の支給、認定 Vocational abilities evaluation systems 能力評価システム   Trade skill testing and white-collar evaluation test 技能検定、ビジネス・キャリア制度   Developing vocational ability evaluation standards classified by industries and types of job (2004-) 業種別、職種・職務別の職業能力評価基準の整備   Laying out basic skills that are required of young people by companies and certifying acquisition of these skills (2004-) YES-プログラム Facilitating school-to-work transition 学校から就労へ   Career guidance and support for secondary school students with collaboration between PES and schools 公共職業安定所と学校の連携による中学・高校生への職業指導・就職支援

8 Tackling obstacles to labour demand while addressing labour market duality 労働市場の二極化の問題に取り組みつつ労働需要の拡大を図る Regional disparity 地域間格差   Programs for industrial promotion and employment creation in cooperation with local governments 自治体とも連携した産業振興、雇用創出 Disparity in working forms 就業形態による格差   Ensuring balanced treatment according to job description, ability and working time is indispensable for decent work and labour demand 職務、能力、労働時間に応じた均衡ある処遇の確立がディーセント・ワークの確保、 労働需要の拡大のためにも重要

9 For more effective policies… 効果的な施策の推進に向けて
Discuss sufficiently with social partners and other stakeholders 労使をはじめとする関係者との十分な議論 Phase implementation as appropriate 施策によっては段階的な実施 Prepare adequate safety net 適切なセーフティネットの整備 Sharing experiences among countries …Support from the OECD is appreciated (in cooperation with other international institutions, especially the ILO) 各国間の経験の共有・・・OECDの役割に期待(ILO等とも協力)

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