Grounded Theory Observation / Survey of Individual Cases (the “ground”) ↓ Analysis and Synthesis of Empirical Data = Identify patterns and relationships.

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Presentation on theme: "Grounded Theory Observation / Survey of Individual Cases (the “ground”) ↓ Analysis and Synthesis of Empirical Data = Identify patterns and relationships."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grounded Theory Observation / Survey of Individual Cases (the “ground”) Analysis and Synthesis of Empirical Data = Identify patterns and relationships within the data by coding and cross-referencing (相関性を特定する) Develop conceptual categories to explain the data Your Theory / Theoretical Analysis

2 社会調査を学びたい人のために (マン著) Grounded Theory (Charmaz)
Theories = Explaining your Data 6.Grounded Theory =現場との接触から来る   「経験データ」、アンケート調査や聞き取り調査の 結果と、概念的な枠組みの統合。先行研究から持ってきた概念的な枠組みと現場での経験を照合し、「基盤がある」理論を出せる方法論。 Combining field data with conceptual frameworks. This methodology is “grounded” because you check the field data against the conceptual frameworks in your hypothesis. This is done in order for you to produce your own theory / conclusions based on your data, not on the literature.

3 Grounded Theory Combine quantitative and qualitative methods
Qualitative and descriptive methods can also be used to develop a theory At final stage, develop analytic categories from the data, not only from the hypotheses Theoretical sampling: (in addition to representative sampling) to make a sample that can check the researcher’s theory

4 Collecting Data – Generating Data
Grounded Theory Collecting Data – Generating Data Construct the survey and the data together with your informants Refine / revise your survey questions while you are conducting the survey, to reflect new information and views from the informants Obtain and rely on “thick” description (see below). Include thoughts, feelings, and actions. Include descriptions of the physical environment.

5 Grounded Theory Collecting Data – Making Meanings Explicit
Informants’ actions have multiple meanings and multiple consequences Formation of questions that will “generate” data (responses), that is, will help the informant to state things that he/she takes for granted Use Goffman’s suggestion of participating directly in the research site’s daily activities

6 社会調査を学びたい人のために (マン著) Grounded Theory (Charmaz)
1.Thick description = フィールドワーク対象地や人々に関する最大の記述内容 ( ギアーツ、クリッフォード『文化の解釈学』1973年) Thick Description: Maximum amount of description the researcher is capable of noting down about the fieldwork site and people.  (Geertz, Clifford. The Interpretation of Cultures, 1973.)

7 Grounded Theory Coding the Data Line-by-line coding (= Open Coding)
Focused coding Codes in Grounded Theory are created while you are analyzing the data Coding provides the link between data ⇔ theory / concept / explanation  

8 社会調査を学びたい人のために (マン著) Grounded Theory (Charmaz)
2. Codes = 質的データ・聞き取りデータへのミクロレベルでの諸解釈。研究の仮説から生じるか、データ自体から生じる。 “Codes”   Micro-level interpretations that the researcher applies to short segments of qualitative data. These can be derived from the hypothesis of the research OR from the data themselves.

9 社会調査を学びたい人のために (マン著) Grounded Theory (Charmaz)
3.Open Coding = 質的データ(記録)に、line-by-lineごとに総括的な解釈を入れる。   「自由回答のカテゴリー分類」。研究の仮説に基づいている・繋がっているはず。 Going through the text data line-by -line to add preliminary interpretations, based on the hypothesis you have already formed, or on ideas that arise when you read your data. Data text notes.

10 社会調査を学びたい人のために (マン著) Grounded Theory (Charmaz)
Focused Coding Choose a repeated theme from your line-by-line coding. Go through your text data again, and identify the points where this major theme occurs. If there are many such important points, your theme becomes a category.

11 Grounded Theory Memo-writing Memo-writing is the link between
coding  ⇔ analysis In memo-writing, you formulate categories, patterns, and processes. Define the categories in as detailed a way as possible. Define their component parts and the assumptions behind them.

12 社会調査を学びたい人のために (マン著) Grounded Theory (Charmaz)
4.Categories = 先行研究から持ってきた概念的な枠組み、理論、説 Categories: Conceptual frameworks, theories, and explanations brought in from your review of the current literature about your topic.

13 Grounded Theory Coding the Data Data Theory Line-by-Line Coding
  Line-by-Line Coding Patterns, Categories Data Theory

14 Grounded Theory: Expected Feedback Loop
4 Memo-writing 3 Line-by-Line Coding 5 Identification of Patterns, Categories 2 Data Collection 6 New Questions 7 Theory 1 Questions Goal of Theory: to prove that there is a “process” that explains the behaviors you have surveyed.

15 社会調査を学びたい人のために (マン著) Grounded Theory (Charmaz)
Theories = Explaining your Data 5. Processes = 時間を通して、社会状況の中としての、対象者における自分の行動を説明する可能性がある「過程」 An idea of a process or sequence that can explain the informant’s behaviour over time, and within a social context.

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