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Epigenetic performers in plants Ming Chen, Shaolei Lv and Yijun Meng

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1 Epigenetic performers in plants Ming Chen, Shaolei Lv and Yijun Meng
The Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists Develop. Growth Differ.,(2010),52:555–56

2 EPIGENETICS Introduction エピジェネティクスという言葉はコンラッド・ウォディントンに よって1942年に提唱
定義:「エピジェネテェクス         =表現型を取り込む環境と遺伝型の相互作用」 Epigenetics, as originally coined by Conrad Waddington in 1942, referred to the intermediate factor between genotype and  phenotype 表現型 (Phenotype) = 遺伝型 (Genotype) × 環境(Environment) EPIGENETICS ※EPIGENETICS= EPIGENESIS +GENETICS EPIGENESIS(後成説)⇔ Preformation theory(前成説) 分化 Introduction fertilized egg

3  エピジェネティクス研究は・・・ 植物における生理学や分子遺伝学において最先端である 高等植物においては発生やストレス応答の研究に役立つ しかし、研究の多くは動物、とくに哺乳類 植物における研究は少なく、シロイヌナズナやイネ、コムギ等 Epigenetic research is at the forefront of plant biology and molecular genetics. Studies on higher plants underscore the significant role played by epigenetics in both plant development and stress response. Although there have been fewer epigenetic studies on plants, there is a fair amount of epigenetic information on certain plant models such as Arabidopsis ,Oryza sativa and maize

4 INTRODUCTION DNA ATCGACTACTGA DNAのメチル化 ①DNAの塩基対上に起こるエピジェネティック制御のひとつ
②主にシトシンのピリミジン環の五番目の炭素にメチル基が付加 ③細胞分裂をしても付加されたまま DNA methylation is a type of epigenetic modification that occurs at the bases of the DNA strands DNA methylation is mostly found at the fifth carbon of the cytosine pyrimidine ring The same modification pattern found in parental cells can be inherited in subsequent generations. Cytosine DNA methylation is an epigenetic modification in eukaryotes that maintains genome integrity and regulates gene expression. The DNA methylation patterns in plants are more complex than those in animals, and plants and animals have common as well as distinct pathways in regulating DNA methylation. Me INTRODUCTION ATCGACTACTGA DNA

5 DNA ATCGACTACTGA メチル化の機能 ①遺伝子の発現制御 ②トランスポゾンを安定化する
Methylation on DNA may alter the transcriptional activity of associated genes or maintain genome integrity by repressing transposable elements ①遺伝子の制御 ②トランスポゾンを抑える DNAにメチル化関連遺伝子の転写活性を変化させることができる、または 転移因子を抑制することによって、ゲノムの完全性を維持 エピジェネティックな修飾の種類として、全体的なDNAメチル化状態は遺伝であるいくつかの遺伝子座のメチル化状態は、外部または内部信号に応答することができる。 Me transposable elements   ↓ ATCGACTACTGA DNA Not work

6 動物と植物のDNAメチル化の違い 動物 メチル化が起きる場所→CGのCだけ 植物 メチル化が起きる場所→すべてのC  3パターン  CG ,CHG ,CHH (H:A,T,C) In animals, almost all methylated cytosines occur in the only CG sequence context Incontrast to DNA methylation in animals, plant cytosine methylation has been found at all cytosine sequence contexts— CG, CHG and CHH (H=A, T or C)

7 バイサルファイト法を使ったゲノムワイドなメチル化解析により 一塩基単位のDNAのメチル化が解析可能に
By combining bisulfite conversion and highthroughput  sequencing, genome-wide DNA methylation has been profiled in the model plant Arabidopsis 5週間育てたシロイヌナズナのシトシンのメチル化レベル  cytosine methylation levels of five-week-old Arabidopsis CG:24.0% CHG: 6.7% CHH: 1.7%

8 Me ATCGACTACGGA DNA DNA replication Me ATCGACTACGGA CGはメチル化されているなら Most CG sites are at the % level , either unmethylated or methylated , suggesting that CG methylation is precisely maintained after DNA replication. 80~100%がメチル化  メチル化されていないなら 80~100%がされていない →CGにおけるメチル化は 細胞分裂を経ても安定して残る We first discuss the DNA methylation landscapes in plants. Then we describe the mechanisms underlying de novo DNA methylation, maintenance of DNA methylation in different sequence contexts and DNA demethylation in plants.

9 CHGは均一で幅のあるメチル化レベル CHHはメチル化されていてもメチル化レベルが低い →特異的に異なる細胞でメチル化が生じる? In contrast, methylated CHG sites have a wide range of methylation levels, and most methylated CHH sites have a low methylation level, suggesting that differentially methylated CHG and CHH loci exist in different cells.

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