27.Jul.2018 koji Demachi, ISAJ President

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1 27.Jul.2018 koji Demachi, ISAJ President
ISA Japan Section  ISA-J business plan 27.Jul.2018 koji Demachi, ISAJ President 1

2 2018-19 Policy Mission Prior action
Following the mission of the ISA headquarters, ISA-J selects meaningful and viable measures, carries out existing businesses and cultivates new businesses, and revitalizes activities and increases the value of the organization. Prior action Promote end user participation in events. Work to increase information provision to members and stakeholders.

3 2018-19 Action Plan Technical seminor: 2 times
Annual meeting (summer), Technical forum(winter) ISA related topics to increas attendances, especially end-user by supplier News letter: 1 times (by pdf) including the annual conference and seminors Web site Maintaining and improving the Web site Providing information to members / non-members Past newsletters, link to supporters, news of related organizations Membership service Increase in contents Recruitment of Supporters

4 ISA-J News letter

5 2018-19 Budget 収入 円 支出 1 前年度繰越金 1,694,871 会場費(25万*2回) 500,000 2
収入 支出 1 前年度繰越金 1,694,871 会場費(25万*2回) 500,000 2 イベント参加費 480,000 参加者増加施策費 120,000  (30名*2回*8,000) 3 賛助会員のISA会費 60,000 ISA会費戻入金 85,000 4 インターネット運営費 25,000 賛助会員会費 240,000 5 通信費(電話会議4回) 40,000  (6社) 6 輸送費・雑費 30,000 7 予備費 8 繰越金 収入合計 2,499,871 支出合計

6 2018-19 ISA-J Officer President Hiroo Kanamaru(Mitsubishi elctric)
Vice President Kazuo Sueyoshi(Yokogawa Electric) Treasure Takanori Nishimura(Mitsubishi Electric) Membership Mutsumi Nagumo (Fuji Electric) Former President Koji Demachi(Yokogawa Electric)

7 ISAJ Supporters

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