Japanese for Korean Learners

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1 Japanese for Korean Learners
Genki I Textbook

2 Note This is a basic guide to assist you in you acquisition of Japanese. It provides equivalents between Japanese and Korean. You will still need to use your own intuition to see how things work. The hope is that this assists in your understanding of Japanese grammar through your understanding of Korean. If you find any typos, please let me know so I can fix them for the next year!

3 は = 은/는 です/だ = 입니다 (이다) の = 의
Chapter 1 は = 은/는 です/だ = 입니다 (이다) の = 의

4 Chapter 2 ここ、そこ、あそこ = 여기, 거기, 저기 これ、それ、あれ = 이거,그것, 저저 この、その、あの = 이,그,저 だれ/だれの = 누구/누구의 も = 도

5 Chapter 3 を = 을/를 で = 에서 に = 에 に = 으로/로 へ = 으로/로

6 Chapter 4 Coming soon!


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