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Japan American Security Alliance: Advantageous or Disadvantageous

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Presentation on theme: "Japan American Security Alliance: Advantageous or Disadvantageous"— Presentation transcript:

1 Japan American Security Alliance: Advantageous or Disadvantageous
For Japan? Ayaka Otaka

2 Against to collective right of self defense

3 Back ground of my presentation
Why Japanese government decided to accept the collective right of self defense? On the back ground of this decision, American power influences ??

4 Japan American Security Alliance:
Advantageous or Disadvantageous For Japan?

5 outline Introduction Defining terms Evidences for disadvantageous
Evidences for advantageous Analysis Conclusion

6 What is Japan American security alliance?
In Japanese… 日米安全保障条約 1951: concluded along with San Francisco Peace treaty 1960: revised -Japan- ☆To allow American army to stay in Japan -America- ☆To protect Japan from attack by other countries.

7 Defining terms ◎advantageous × disadvantageous
■Japan America security alliance New one revised in1960 ◎advantageous × disadvantageous damage benefit merit harmful No merit

8 evidences -For disadvantageous-
1) America use Japan skillfully to leave the strong power in Asia 2) The bases and osprey in Okinawa Prefecture -For advantageous- America will never be an enemy of Japan America protect Japan

9 evidences -For disadvantageous-
1) America use Japan skillfully to leave the strong power in Asia 2) The bases and osprey in Okinawa Prefecture -For advantageous- America will never be an enemy of Japan America protect Japan

10 3-1 America use Japan skillfully to leave the strong power in Asia
■according to Ishikawa “アジア太平洋地域におけるアメリカの安全保障政策は、日本の基地へのアクセ スとアメリカの作戦行動への日本の支援にかかっている。” (Ishikawa ) For American advantage

11 3-1 America use Japan skillfully to leave the strong power in Asia
figure1 China has been grow up so rapidly America is afraid and Want to care

12 3-1 America use Japan skillfully to leave the strong power in Asia
figure2 For America Just want to care this No merit

13 3-1 America use Japan skillfully to leave the strong power in Asia
Nixon Shock 1972 Nixon visited China without telling to Japan Then Japan did not recognize as one country damage America ignored Japan

14 evidences -For disadvantageous-
1) America use Japan skillfully to leave the strong power in Asia 2) The bases and osprey in Okinawa Prefecture -For advantageous- America will never be an enemy of Japan America protect Japan

15 3-2 Bases and osprey in Okinawa
■米軍基地観 figure3 Not only people in Okinawa but also all Japanese people think that we should reduce the amounts of American bases 78% 61% (NHK online 2012)

16 3-2 Bases and osprey in Okinawa
[Some accidents] ・沖縄米兵少女暴行事件 in 1995 … 3 America soldiers raped the 12-year-old girl. ・helicopter crashed into Okinawa International UNI. ・breaking in / robbery / driving drunk / fraud… damage harmful

17 evidences -For disadvantageous-
America use Japan skillfully to leave the strong power in Asia 2) The bases and osprey in Okinawa Prefecture -For advantageous- America will never be an enemy of Japan America protect Japan

18 4-1 America will never be an enemy of japan
America is the strongest country. And this country will never be an enemy of japan :very benefit. (Nakanishi 2010)

19 4-1 America will never be an enemy of japan
“ In two months, our alliance will mark its 50th anniversary -- a day when President Dwight Eisenhower stood next to Japan's Prime Minister and said that our two nations were creating "an indestructible partnership" based on "equality and mutual understanding." ”  2カ月後に、われわれの同盟(日米安保条約)は50周年を迎える。(当時の)アイゼンハワー大統領は、日本の首相と並んで立ち、米国と日本は「対等で相互理解」に基づく「不滅の協力関係」をつくりあげていくと語った。 (White house 2011)

20 4-1 America will never be an enemy of japan
[About Senkaku problem] Senkaku problem is coverage of Japan American Alliance Saying has an impact merit Hegel 国防長官

21 evidences -For disadvantageous-
America use Japan skillfully to leave the strong power in Asia 2) The bases and osprey in Okinawa Prefecture -For advantageous- America will never be an enemy of Japan America protect Japan

22 4-2 America protects japan
? Have you heard of the word… Nuclear umbrella The country which has nuclear power can protect the country which has no nuclear power (Britannica encyclopedia) 核保有国に働く抑止の機能を非核保有国に及ぼす状態。現代ではいかなる国の安全保障も核兵器の存在を抜きにしては考えられず,特に核兵器の圧倒的な破壊能力とそれに対する有効な防御手段がないことから,核保有国が非核保有国に及ぼす脅威は深刻な問題となる。

23 4-2 America protect japan
transparency [Asahi NEWS] America opened the information about the nuclear plant To emphasize the significance of nuclear power   Now, let me be clear: So long as these weapons exist, the United States will maintain a strong and effective nuclear deterrent that guarantees the defense of our allies -- including South Korea and Japan. American enemy protect Japan Is benefit

24 4-2 America protects japan
figure4 In % of all Japanese people And 53 % of people in Okinawa Say YES ■日米安保が日本の平和に役立っているか benefit

25 outline Introduction Defining terms Evidences for disadvantageous
Evidences for advantageous Analysis Conclusion

26 analysis 3-1 America use Japan skillfully to leave the strong power in Asia “第二次大戦後より長らく、米国は同盟国との二国間安全保障関係(日米・米韓・米豪・米比・米タイなど)の束によって、アジアの安全保障秩序を形成してきた。1951 年のサン フランシスコ条約とともに形成された二国間条約を基盤としていることから、サンフラン シスコ体制、「ハブ・スポークス」体制と呼ばれる所以である。” (神保 アジア太平洋の地域安全保障アーキテクチャと日米同盟 178)

27 analysis America conducted some alliances with many countries so don’t have to depend on Japan however

28 ANALYSIS America does not get along with China この1年、米中の火種は増した。特に中国が南シナ海の岩礁で埋め 立てを進め、港湾や滑走路とみられる施設を造っていることを懸念。 11、12日の米中首脳会談では経済や気候変動での成果を演 出したが、オバマ氏、習氏とも「両国には立場の違いがある」と繰り返 した。米中関係は、違いの方がより目立つようになっている。 米調査機関ピュー・リサーチ・センターによると、米国人の中国に対 する印象が「良くない」と答えた人が2014年は55%と半数を 超えた。ここ数年は年々悪化しており、05年の調査開始以来、最 悪だった。 (朝日新聞 2014) Japan is important to oppose to China

29 Bases and ospreys have only negative aspects??
analysis 3-2 The bases and osprey in Okinawa Prefecture Bases and ospreys have only negative aspects??

30 analysis 4-2 The bases and osprey in Okinawa Prefecture
[merit of osprey] ・Tomodachi-Sakusen  “after Oshima was destroyed by tsunami and fire after the March 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, U.S. marines based in Okinawa Prefecture provided assistance as part of Operation Tomodachi.” (The Japan News 2014)

31 analysis but figure5 Burden and opposition is stronger for people in Japan The low rate of accident

32 analysis I introduced about Senkaku problem …
5-1America will never be an enemy of Japan I introduced about Senkaku problem …

33 5-1 America will never be an enemy of japan
BUT [About Senkaku problem] Senkaku problem is coverage of Japan American Alliance Saying has an impact merit

34 analysis 4-1America will never be an enemy of Japan “東南アジア研究所(シンガポール)のマルコム・クック上級研究員は、南シナ海で中国に対抗するため米国が取り得る措置は「非常に限られている」と指摘する。尖閣諸島(沖縄県石垣市)を「日米安全保障条約の適用対象」と明言した東シナ海と違い、米国は南シナ海の領有権問題にはあくまで「中立」の立場だ。” (Sankē shinbun 2011)

35 analysis [article 5] Each Party recognizes that an armed attack against either Party in the territories under the administration of Japan would be dangerous to its own peace and safety and declares that it would act to meet the common danger in accordance with its constitutional provisions and processes. Any such armed attack and all measures taken as a result thereof shall be immediately reported to the Security Council of the United Nations in accordance with the provisions of Article 51 of the Charter. Such measures shall be terminated when the Security Council has taken the measures necessary to restore and maintain international peace and security.

36 analysis [in Japanese] 第五条   各締約国は、日本国の施政の下にある領域における、いずれ か一方に対する武力攻撃が、自国の平和及び安全を危うくす るものであることを認め、自国の憲法上の規定及び手続に 従って共通の危険に対処するように行動することを宣言する。  前記の武力攻撃及びその結果として執ったすべての措置は、 国際連合憲章第五十一条の規定に従って直ちに国際連合安全 保障理事会に報告しなければならない。その措置は、安全保 障理事会が国際の平和及び安全を回復し及び維持するために 必要な措置を執ったときは、終止しなければならない。 America For America advantageous It is not clear that America would cover Japan sacrificing itself so

37 The nuclear deterrent has no power
analysis 4-2 America protects Japan “核兵器の持つ巨大な破壊力は、軍事的な手段と国家が追及する事実上すべての政治的目的の間に不均等をもたらした。この目的と手段の乖離は、ほとんどの状況で究極の兵器の使用に麻痺状態を生み出した。1945年以来、核兵器は使用されていないため、核兵器が役に立つとみなす考えには限界がある。それは単にあまりにも強力で、あまりにも採算がとれないものなのである。” (ジョセフ・ナイ ~171) The nuclear deterrent has no power But just saying is weak so

38 outline Introduction Defining terms Evidences for disadvantageous
Evidences for advantageous Analysis Conclusion

39 Conclusion 3-1 America use Japan skillfully to leave the strong power in Asia 3‐2 The bases and ospreys in Okinawa 4-1 America will never be an enemy of Japan 4-2 America protect Japan

40 Japan America security alliance is Disadvantageous for Japan
conclusion Japan America security alliance is Disadvantageous for Japan

41 outline Introduction Defining terms Evidences for disadvantageous
1) America use Japan skillfully to leave strong power in Asia 2) The bases and ospreys in Okinawa Introduction Defining terms Evidences for disadvantageous Evidences for advantageous Analysis Conclusion 1) America will never be an enemy of Japan 2) America protects Japan

42 Thank you for listening

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