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Chopsticks etiquette and how to use them

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Presentation on theme: "Chopsticks etiquette and how to use them"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chopsticks etiquette and how to use them
お箸のマナーと使い方 はし つか かた Chopsticks etiquette and how to use them

2 The history of chopsticks
Around the 2nd century Japan already had chopsticks. But people did not use them. Because people thought chopsticks were only used by gods. The beginning of the 7th century The Japanese dynasty dispatched a mission to China, and they saw that dynastic people in China also use chopsticks. They reported this on their return to Japan. Then, Japanese people began to use chopsticks. Around the 8th century Chopsticks popularized. 「はし」という日本語は向うとこちらの二つの世界をつなぐ橋渡しの役目を持つ道具につけられたもの。端と端をつなぐ「橋」、高いところと地上をつなげる「はしご」。「お箸」も例外ではなく、口に運ぶ先は人のもの、もう片方の端は神様のものとして考えられていました。ですから食事の時にはお箸に神様が宿ると考えられていたのです。

3 Countries which use chopsticks
日本(にほん):Japan 中国(ちゅうごく):China タイ(たい):Thailand 台湾(たいわん):Taiwan ラオス(らおす):Laos ベトナム(べとなむ):Vietnam 韓国(かんこく):South Korea モンゴル(もんごる):Mongolia カンボジア(かんぼじあ):Cambodia シンガポール(しんがぽーる):Singapore 北朝鮮(きたちょうせん):North Korea etc. 割り箸…disposable wooden chopsticks 上から台湾・中国・チベット・ベトナム・朝鮮半島匙箸・日本夫婦箸・日本の子供用箸・日本の割り箸

4 The rules There are rules when you use chopsticks in Japan. However, there are lots of rules so most Japanese people do not know all the rules. Let me show you what not to do. Making a noise by striking dishes with chopsticks

5 刺し箸 (sashibashi) Spear…突き刺す Spearing food then eating it

6 迷い箸 (mayoibashi) Hover…ためらう、舞う Humming…ぶつぶつ言う Hawing…口ごもって発する声 Hovering chopsticks over the dishes while humming and hawing about what to eat

7 寄せ箸 (yosebashi) Pulling dishes closer to you with chopsticks

8 かみ箸 (kamibashi) Chewing chopsticks

9 渡し箸 (watashibashi) Resting chopsticks sideways across the top of dishes

10 涙箸 (namidabashi) Allowing drops of soup to drip from your chopsticks

11 立て箸 (tatebashi) Standing your chopsticks upright in a bowl of rice

12 指し箸 (sashibashi) Pointing at people or things with chopsticks

13 ねぶり箸 (neburibashi) Lick…なめる Licking your chopsticks

14 How to use chopsticks Hold the first chopstick firm and stationary in a fixed position.

15 The second chopstick is held like a pencil, with thumb, index finger and middle fingers.

16 The key is that the bottom chopstick remains still while only the upper chopstick moves.
The thumb holds the chopsticks firmly while the index finger and middle finger pivot to allow chopsticks to meet and grasp the food.

17 Let’s try to eat with chopsticks!

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