Introduction to New Media Development Association June 2001 このプレゼンテーションでは、出 席者間で討論をし、アクション アイテムを作成する場合があり ます。 PowerPoint を使ってプ レゼンテーションの実行中にア クション アイテムを作成する.


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Presentation transcript:

Introduction to New Media Development Association June 2001 このプレゼンテーションでは、出 席者間で討論をし、アクション アイテムを作成する場合があり ます。 PowerPoint を使ってプ レゼンテーションの実行中にア クション アイテムを作成する には... スライド ショーの実行中にマ ウスの右ボタンをクリック [ 会議メモ ] をクリック [ アクション アイテム ] タブを クリック アクション アイテムを入力す る [OK] をクリック このようにすると、入力したアク ション アイテムを集めたスラ イドが、プレゼンテーションの 最後に自動的に作成されます。

What is the NMDA? Non-profit and an auxiliary organization of Ministry of Economy, International Trade and Industry Established to develop the Hi-OVIS (the world first interactive information optical visual system) in 1972 Refer to City of Light: The Story of Fiber Optics by Jeff Hecht, Oxford University Press 1999 To promote the spread on New Media and to contribute to the realization of the information society

What is the NMDA? (Continued) Scope: System design, research and development, experimental operation of systems related to new media, and study on new media applications Budget: 5,442 million yen (about 45 million US dollars) in fiscal year 2000 and more than 90 % comes from METI Location: Mita-kokusai Bldg Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo , Japan

Hosting Organizations Internet Association Japan Trade organization for major Internet/online service providers and Internet business companies in Japan Mellow Society Forum Promotion body of the Mellow Society Concept (Elderly Persons Online) Association for the Promotion of Advanced Information City Promotion body of the Advanced Information City Concept

Activities at the NMDA As a R & D platform with companies for the the information society Rating and filtering on the Internet Electronic administrative agencies Smart card systems as an infrastructure To support the narrowing of information gaps between cities and rural areas Preparation of advanced information systems in local areas As a consultant to local governments for the planning of information systems

Activities at NMDA (Continued) Promotion to build a society in which elderly persons can play active role with information systems Campaigns to boost awareness of the Mellow Society Concept (Elderly Persons Online) Implementation of information systems for elderly persons Experiment of Electronic Commerce for elderly persons