俳句 - Haiku http://web-japan.org/kidsweb/explore/language/q2.html http://www.haikusociety.com/whatishaiku/


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Presentation transcript:

俳句 - Haiku http://web-japan.org/kidsweb/explore/language/q2.html http://www.haikusociety.com/whatishaiku/

Famous Haiku 松尾芭蕉 (Matsuo Basho) 古池や 蛙飛こむ 水のをと 古池や 蛙飛こむ 水のをと      furuike ya kawazu tobikomu mizu no oto ↓ The ancient pond A frog jumps in The sound of the water – translated by Donald Keene 正岡子規 (Masaoka Shiki) 柿くへば 鐘が鳴るなり 法隆寺 Kaki kueba kane ga narunari hooryuuji  ↓ the temple bell rings as I eat a persimmon– Hōryū-ji - translated by Paul Conneally

季語(kigo)- season words 春(haru) – Spring 夏(natsu) – Summer 秋(aki) – Fall 冬(fuyu) - Winter

春(haru) - Spring 春風、残雪、卒業、入学、雛遊(ひなあそび)、花見、蛙(かわず)、うぐいす、蝶、蜂、桃の花、桜、木の芽 など a spring wind, the remaining snow, graduation, entrance into a school, the Girls’ Festival, cherry blossom viewing, a frog, a bush warbler, a butterfly, a bee, a peach blossom, cherry blossom, a leaf bud, etc.

夏(natsu) - Summer 梅雨、虹、花火、風鈴、浴衣、団扇、サンダル、こどもの日、金魚、蝉、若葉、朝顔、向日葵、ラムネ、さくらんぼ、トマトなど the rainy season, a rainbow, fireworks, a wind-bell, a yukata (summer kimono), a paper fan, sandals, the Boys’ Day, a gold fish, a cicada, young leaves, a morning glory, a sunflower, ramune (Japanese soda pop), a cherry, a tomato, etc.

秋(aki) - Fall 月見、紅葉、稲刈り、運動会、七夕、蜻蛉、落ち葉、コスモス、栗、薩摩芋、とうもろこし、林檎、柿など View the moon, red(yellow) leaves(of autumn), harvesting rice, a sports meeting, the Star Festival, a dragonfly, fallen leaves, a cosmos, a chestnut, a sweet potato, corn, an apple, a persimmon, etc.

冬(fuyu) - Winter 大晦日、雪、霜、オリオン、ストーブ、炬燵、スキー、スケート、雪だるま、うさぎ、人参、大根、みかんなど New Year’s Eve, snow, frost, Orion, a heater, kotatsu, skiing, skating, a snowman, a rabbit, a carrot, daikon (a Japanese radish), a tangerine, etc.

俳句は短い表現~「短詩型」 (Haiku is a short representation/expression – a short poem/verse)    五七五 (go shichi go) の十七文字で 5, 7, 5  17syllables 季節に敏感~「季語」。 Be sensitive to a season!  Kigo リズム感がある~「音楽性」。 Get into the rhythm!  Musicianship 楽しんで!   Enjoy!

examples http://e-haiku.jp/result/2007/index.html http://www.international.ucla.edu/shenzhen/2002ncta/cunningham/Webpage-HaikuPoems.htm http://www.itoen.co.jp/new-haiku/ http://www1.odn.ne.jp/~ccw84010/jyuniahaiku180813.htm http://sp.cis.iwate-u.ac.jp/sp/lesson/j/doc/moraj.html