G: Objectives Can I say my classroom objects? Quiz prep How can I ask how to say something in Japanese? Agenda A: Renshu N: Classroom objects vocab.


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Presentation transcript:

G: Objectives Can I say my classroom objects? Quiz prep How can I ask how to say something in Japanese? Agenda A: Renshu N: Classroom objects vocab A: Can I say my vocab? Quiz practice G: Tell me one word you learned today

Renshu Write the number kanji 1-10. Can I say my classroom objects? Quiz prep How can I ask how to say something in Japanese? Renshu Write the number kanji 1-10. Quiz yourself, if you forget, しようがない。。。

Can I write the first 20 hiragana? (test) What are the numbers in Japanese? 1 一 2 二 3 三 4 四 5 五 6 六 7 七 8 八 9 九 10 十

Can I say my classroom objects? Quiz prep How can I ask how to say something in Japanese?

Can I say my classroom objects? Quiz prep How can I ask how to say something in Japanese?

Can I say my classroom objects? Quiz prep How can I ask how to say something in Japanese?

Can I say my classroom objects? Quiz prep How can I ask how to say something in Japanese?

はさみ ほん じしょ ペン けしごむ えんぴつ かみ ノート リュック つくえ or デスク Can I say my classroom objects? Quiz prep How can I ask how to say something in Japanese? かみ けしごむ ほん じしょ はさみ えんぴつ リュック つくえ or デスク ノート ペン

G: Objectives Can I say my classroom objects? Quiz prep How can I ask how to say something in Japanese? What are the hiragana combinations? Agenda A: Renshu N: Hiragana combinations What is ___ in English? A: Quiz prep for tomorrow G: Are you ready for the quiz tomorrow?

Renshu ほん はさみ えんぴつ ちず What is it? Write the English. Can I say my classroom objects? Quiz prep How can I ask how to say something in Japanese? Renshu What is it? Write the English. Use your hiragana chart and school vocab sheets if you need to. ほん はさみ えんぴつ ちず

はさみ ほん じしょ ペン けしごむ えんぴつ かみ ノート リュック つくえ or デスク Can I say my classroom objects? Quiz prep How can I ask how to say something in Japanese? かみ けしごむ ほん じしょ はさみ えんぴつ リュック つくえ or デスク ノート ペン

日本語 にほんご How can I ask how to say something in Japanese? Can I say my classroom objects? Quiz 日本語  にほんご

(_____は)日本語で なんですか。 (_____は)えいごで なんですか。 What is ____ in Japanese? How can I ask how to say something in Japanese? Can I say my classroom objects? Quiz     にほんご (_____は)日本語で なんですか。 What is ____ in Japanese?   pencil (_____は)えいごで なんですか。 What is ____ in English?  ちょうちょう

Label your 10 objects in Japanese Can I say my classroom objects? Quiz prep How can I ask how to say something in Japanese? Draw a classroom that includes the 10 classroom objects you chose to remember Label your 10 objects in Japanese Be prepared to tell your classmates what the objects are in Japanese

G: Objectives Can I say my classroom objects? Quiz Can I write kanjis 1-10? Quiz prep What are the hiragana combinations? Agenda A: Renshu N: Hiragana combinations Quiz A: Kanji quiz prep, worksheet G: Are you ready for the number test tomorrow?

Write the numbers in kanji: れんしゅう  Write the numbers in kanji: 15 78 36 49

Can I write the first 20 hiragana? (test) What are the numbers in Japanese? 1 一 2 二 3 三 4 四 5 五 6 六 7 七 8 八 9 九 10 十

Classroom pictures Make sure… You have 10 objects labeled in Japanese What are the last 8 hiragana? Can I draw a classroom and say the objects in Japanese? Classroom pictures Make sure… You have 10 objects labeled in Japanese You know how to say your objects in Japanese

(_____は)日本語で なんですか。 Classroom pictures How can I ask how to say something in Japanese? Can I say my classroom objects? Quiz (_____は)日本語で なんですか。 What is ____ in Japanese?   pencil Classroom pictures Quiz TWICE, two different people Ask the tester a random 5, use the question above Write your name on back of their page, score ___/5

さ し す せ そ や しゃ sha ゆ しゅ shu よ しょ sho How can I combine hiragana? Can I make a sports card in Japanese? さ し す せ そ や ゆ よ しゃ sha しゅ shu しょ sho

さ し す せ そ ざ じ ず ぜ ぞ や ゆ よ じゃ ja じゅ ju じょ jo How can I combine hiragana? Can I make a sports card in Japanese? さ し す せ そ ざ じ ず ぜ ぞ や ゆ よ じゃ ja じゅ ju じょ jo

か き く け こ や きゃ kya ゆ きゅ kyu よ きょ kyo How can I combine hiragana? Can I make a sports card in Japanese? か き く け こ や ゆ よ きゃ kya きゅ kyu きょ kyo

か き く け こ が ぎ ぐ げ ご や ゆ よ ぎゃ gya ぎゅ gyu ぎょ gyo How can I combine hiragana? Can I make a sports card in Japanese? か き く け こ が ぎ ぐ げ ご や ゆ よ ぎゃ gya ぎゅ gyu ぎょ gyo

How can I combine hiragana? Can I make a sports card in Japanese? ぎょうざ

じゃまいか How can I combine hiragana? Can I make a sports card in Japanese? じゃまいか

べんきょう How can I combine hiragana? Can I make a sports card in Japanese? べんきょう

日本語 にほんご 英語 えいご How can I ask how to say something in Japanese? Can I say my classroom objects? Quiz 日本語  にほんご 英語  えいご

日本の文化 じゃんけん Janken さいしょはぐう Saisho wa GU じゃんけんぽん! Jan ken PON (POI)! Can I ask someone what they like? さいしょはぐう  Saisho wa GU じゃんけんぽん! Jan ken PON (POI)! ***rematch*** あいこう でしょ! Ai ko desho!

G: Objectives Can I read and write number kanji 1-10? Test 一から十まで、漢字が書けますか。 How can I say numbers 1-1000? Agenda A: Renshu N: Numbers 1-1000 A: Number kanji test Whiteboard practice G: Can I read any number 1-1000?

Write the Japanese words in hiragana: れんしゅう  Daily Routine Can I read and write all the hiragana? Write the Japanese words in hiragana: sushi kimono samurai manga

千 せん 百 ひゃく 100 百 200 二百 300 三百 400 四百 500 五百 600 六百 700 七百 800 八百 How can I say my height and weight in Japanese? 100 百 200 二百 300 三百 400 四百 500 五百 600 六百 700 七百 800 八百 900 九百 1000 千 ひゃく にひゃく さんびゃく よんひゃく ごひゃく ろっぴゃく ななひゃく はっぴゃく きゅうひゃく せん 百 ひゃく 千 せん

How can I say my height and weight in Japanese? 25 125 625 二十五 百二十五 六百二十五

How can I say my height and weight in Japanese? 九百三 四百五十 三百十一 七百三十八 500 654 222 1001

Write the kanji for numbers 1-10. れんしゅう  Can I read my Ra-wa hiragana flashcards? Can I understand Japanese in a movie? Write the kanji for numbers 1-10.

が び で ぽ ぞ Write the English sound: れんしゅう Daily Routine Can I read and write all the hiragana? Test How can I say numbers 1-1000? Write the English sound: が び で ぽ ぞ

日本語で身長と体重はどうやって言えますか。 G: Objectives How can I say my height and weight in Japanese? 日本語で身長と体重はどうやって言えますか。 Agenda A: Renshu N: Numbers 100-1000 Weight and height in Japanese A: Rajio Taiso, review game G: Show of fingers: I can say numbers 1-1000 in Japanese

Write the numbers in English. Remember 百= 100 れんしゅう  Can I say my height and weight in Japanese? Write the numbers in English. Remember 百= 100 五百 三百 七百三十 百五十九 二百十一

千 せん 百 ひゃく 100 百 200 二百 300 三百 400 四百 500 五百 600 六百 700 七百 800 八百 How can I say my height and weight in Japanese? 100 百 200 二百 300 三百 400 四百 500 五百 600 六百 700 七百 800 八百 900 九百 1000 千 ひゃく にひゃく さんびゃく よんひゃく ごひゃく ろっぴゃく ななひゃく はっぴゃく きゅうひゃく せん 百 ひゃく 千 せん

百 ひゃく なん センチ ですか。 なん キロ ですか。 inches x 2.54 = centimeters How can I say my height and weight in Japanese? Height なん センチ ですか。 senchi inches x 2.54 = centimeters 百 ひゃく Weight なん キロ  ですか。 kiro pounds x .45 = kilograms

日本語で身長と体重はどうやって言えますか。 G: Objectives Am I ready for the hiragana test tomorrow? How can I say my height and weight in Japanese? 日本語で身長と体重はどうやって言えますか。 Agenda A: Renshu N: Height and weight, metric conversions A: Practice test Converting your own height and weight into metric G: I can say my height or weight to 3 people

9 44 111 645 Write the kanji: れんしゅう Daily Routine How can I say my height and weight in Japanese? Write the kanji: 9 44 111 645

千 せん 百 ひゃく 100 百 200 二百 300 三百 400 四百 500 五百 600 六百 700 七百 800 八百 Am I ready for the hiragana test tomorrow? How can I say my height and weight in Japanese? 100 百 200 二百 300 三百 400 四百 500 五百 600 六百 700 七百 800 八百 900 九百 1000 千 ひゃく にひゃく さんびゃく よんひゃく ごひゃく ろっぴゃく ななひゃく はっぴゃく きゅうひゃく せん 百 ひゃく 千 せん

百 ひゃく なん キロ ですか。 なん センチ ですか。 pounds x .45 = kilograms Am I ready for the hiragana test tomorrow? How can I say my height and weight in Japanese? Weight なん キロ  ですか。 kiro pounds x .45 = kilograms 百 ひゃく Height なん センチ ですか。 senchi inches x 2.54 = centimeters