Ohayōgozaimasu - おはようございます Ohayō - おはよう


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Presentation transcript:

Ohayōgozaimasu - おはようございます Ohayō - おはよう Good morning! “Ohayō” is informal, casual.

Kon nichiwa – こんにちは Hi, how are you? Used during the day.

Konbanwa – こんばんは Good evening!

Oyasumi nasai – おやすみなさい Good night!

Sayōnara – さようなら Sayonara – さよなら Good-bye! The upper is more formal than the lower.

Osakini shitsurei shimasu おさきに しつれい します おさきに しつれい します Good-bye, good night, etc. Used upon leaving. For example, when leaving work at the end of the day. It means: I’m going ahead of you. Please pardon me. A very polite way of saying “Good-bye.”

Dōmo arigatō gozaimasu どうも ありがとう ございます Thank you very much.

Dōitashi mashite どういたしまして You’re welcome / Not at all. Say this in response to “Thank you.”

Sumimasen – すみません I’m sorry. Excuse me.

Chotto matte kudasai –        ちょっと まってください One moment, please.

Dewa mata –では また Ja mata – じゃ また “See you later.” “See you soon.” “Ja mata” is casual, friendly.

Mōichido onegai shimasu – もういちど おねがい します もういちど おねがい します Please say it again. Please do it again.

Dōzo osakini – どうぞ おさきに Please go ahead.

Ki o tsukete – きをつけて Be careful. Take care.

Odaijini – おだいじに Take care of yourself. Used toward an ill or injured person.

Itterasshai – いってらっしゃい So long. See you later. Literally, “Go and come back.”

Ittekimasu -いってきます So long! A politer form is, “Itte mairimasu.” Both mean, “[I’m] going and coming back.”

Tadaima – ただいま I have returned. I’m home! Said by a person upon returning home.

Okaerinasai – おかえりなさい Welcome home.

Itadakimasu – いただきます Said before eating a meal.

Gochisōsamadeshita – ごちそうさまでした Said after eating a meal.

Omedetō gozaimasu – おめでとうございます Congratulations!

Hajimemashite – はじめまして Dōzo yoroshiku – どうぞよろしく Nice to meet you. Literally, “I’m meeting you for the first time (1st line); please favor me (2nd line).

Ogenki desuka? – おげんきですか? Ikaga desuka? – いかがですか? Dōdesuka? – どうですか? Hi, how are you? Dōmo arigatō gozaimasu Thank you very much. Genki desu. I’m fine.

Otsukare sama deshita – おつかれさまでした Thank you very much. Used in response to “Good-bye,” “good night,”, or “Osakini Shitsurei Shimasu.” It means, “Thank you for your hard work, which tired you out.”

Mondai nai! – もんだいない! No problem!

Dame desu – だめです No good. Impossible. Out of the question.

私の名前は亮子・ポップジョイです。 私はバッファロー・グローヴに住む 日本語の先生です。 Popjoy Buffalo Grove My name is Ryoko Popjoy. Kanji in black; Hiragana in red; and Katakana in blue. Buffalo Grove 私はバッファロー・グローヴに住む 日本語の先生です。 I am a Japanese teacher who lives in Buffalo Grove.