Bellwork: English meaning? 1)はじめまして 2)どうぞ 3)すみません 4)おはようございます 5)しゅくだい


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Presentation transcript:

Bellwork: English meaning? 1)はじめまして 2)どうぞ 3)すみません 4)おはようございます 5)しゅくだい へいせい 二十六ねん 九がつ二十二にち – げつようび Daily Goal: I will be able to read twisted hiragana Bellwork: English meaning? 1)はじめまして 2)どうぞ 3)すみません 4)おはようございます 5)しゅくだい Agenda: Kiritsu/Date Bellwork (pass back test) Hiragana twisted sounds Special Sounds Practice Assignments: -Get Classroom Instructions Test signed by your parent/ guardian and make corrections (DUE WED.) -ひらがな twisted sounds chart -Vocabulary Review Sheet (start at 3:21)

へいせい二十五-ねん 九がつ 二十三にち ・ かようび へいせい二十五-ねん 九がつ 二十三にち ・ かようび Goal: I will begin to understand words and expressions I would use with meeting someone I had not seen for a while. Agenda: Kiritsu/Date Bellwork (check HMWK) Long time no see skits Bellwork- 1) Answer the questionー おげんきですか。 2) What is fundamentally different about asking this question in Japanese than asking it in English? Assignments: -Get Classroom Instructions Test signed by your parent/ guardian and make corrections (DUE WED.) -ひらがな twisted sounds chart -Vocabulary Review Sheet (start at 3:21)

へいせい 二十五-ねん 九がす 二十四にち – すいようび へいせい 二十五-ねん 九がす 二十四にち – すいようび Goal 1: I will be able to understand the difference between twisted, long, and double hiragana sounds Agenda: -Kiritsu/Date -Bellwork (Check HMWK) -Hiragana special sounds listening quiz -finish skits? Bellwork: Write in hiragana 1. jinja 2. gyuunyuu 3. biyoin 4. kyoukasho 5. shukudai Assignments: -Get Classroom Instructions Test signed by your parent/ guardian and make corrections (DUE WED.) -ひらがな twisted sounds chart -Vocabulary Review Sheet (start at 3:21)

へいせい二十五ねん 九がつ 二十五にち – もくようび Goal: I can perform a short skit about greetings Agenda: Kiritsu/Date Bellwork (Check HMWK) hiragana check Skits Bellwork (from skits) What about you? I’m fine, thanks for asking. Long time no see! Assignments: -Get Classroom Instructions Test signed by your parent/ guardian and make corrections (DUE WED.) -ひらがな twisted sounds chart -Vocabulary Review Sheet (start at 3:21)

へいせい 二十五ねん 九がつ 二十六 - きんようび へいせい 二十五ねん 九がつ 二十六 - きんようび Goal: I can write my hiragana twisted sounds. Goal: I can perform a short skits about greeting a person I haven’t seen in a while. Bellwork- What two things MUST you remember when writing “twisted” sounds in hiragana?? Agenda -Kiritsu - Date -Bellwork -Practice twisted sounds -Twisted hiragana test -Finish skits Assignments: -Due yesterday (unless excused absence)

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