Goal: I will recognize all 10 verbs for my test on Wednesday


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Presentation transcript:

Goal: I will recognize all 10 verbs for my test on Wednesday へいせい二十五年 九月ふつかーげつようび Goal: I will recognize all 10 verbs for my test on Wednesday Bellwork: TOV   1)すしを_____ 2)レポートを_____ 3)本を_____ 4)かがくを______ 5)ダンスを______ Agenda -Kiritsu/Date -Bellwork (check HMWK) -Verb review -Verb slap jack Assignments: (Due Friday) -Sentence scrambles -Verb kanji!

Goal: I know all 10 verbs and how to use them correctly in context へいせい二十五年 九月 みっかーかようび Goal: I know all 10 verbs and how to use them correctly in context Agenda -Kiritsu/Date -Bellwork (check HMWK) -Verb review -Verb charades Bellwork: Write in Japanese 1) _______を練習します 2) ____を勉強します 3)____をします How will you tell these apart? Assignments: (Due Friday) -Sentence scrambles -Verb kanji!

へいせい二十五年 九月 よっか −すいようび Agenda -Kiritsu/Date - Mrs. Bays in meeting for new World language textbooks No bellwork. Be prepared to take your verb test! Assignments: (Due Friday) -Sentence scrambles -Verb kanji! -Ver test signed

Goal: I will begin to be understand a given time へいせい二十五年 九月 いつか−もくようび Goal: I will begin to be understand a given time (hours and half hours). Agenda -Kiritsu/Date -Bellwork Telling time -Kujira -~mae/~sugi/~goro -Time pair practice Bellwork: Write in Japanese (INCLUDE ALL KNOWN PRONUNCIATIONS 1) 4 2) 9 3) 11 4) 7 Assignments: (Due Friday) -Sentence scrambles -Verb kanji! -Verb test signed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OS9QtmnI39k http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cvh-NVtei80

Bellwork: 1) 午前六時 2) 午後九時 3) 三時前 4) 四時すぎ 5) 五時五十五分ごろ へいせい二十五年 九月 むいか−きんようび Goal: I will begin to be able to tell time (hours and half hours). Agenda -Kiritsu/Date -Bellwork -Kujira song -Time quiz Bellwork:  1) 午前六時 2) 午後九時 3) 三時前 4) 四時すぎ 5) 五時五十五分ごろ Assignments: (Due Friday) -Sentence scrambles -Verb kanji! -Verb test signed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OS9QtmnI39k http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cvh-NVtei80