Jig change over trolley for Shock Absorber Assembly Line Features Holding 66 pieces of change over jigs for shock absorber assembly machine where damping force is being checked. Top plate is designed for heavy jigs Two drawers fitted to trolley for holding other jigs Ergonomic design which allows operator to handle jigs easily.
Trolley for Electric Power Steering Gear Housings Design in 2D/3D Features Holding 70 pieces of aluminium gear housing in five levels. Each trolley is being designed to supply production line for one hour.
Trolley Jig C/O trolley for Shock Absorber Assembly Line (Valve Feeding Process) Features Holding 40 pieces jigs of valve feeding process on 4 half circle carousel, and 16 pieces jigs of caulking process on both sides and on top of plate. Plexiglas lid on half circle containers to eliminate contamination on jigs. Each carousel is fixed to main carrying shaft through spring loaded plunger Each jig and its location is identified which reduced change over time by 30%. Improved floor space utilization. 続いて、 当社の前期連結売上高2333億8千1百万円の内訳ですが、 2輪車用ショックアブソーバは、638億4千2百万円、 4輪車用ショックアブソーバは、492億1千1百万円、 4輪車用パワーステアリングは、710億3千9百万円、 その他の製品は、492億8千9百万円となっております。 製品別の当社世界シェアは、 2輪車用ショックアブソーバは、39%で世界第1位のシェアです。 4輪車用ショックアブソーバは、 8%で世界第5位。 4輪車用パワーステアリングは、9.4%で同じく世界第5位であります。
Rack end assembly and rack centering station Workstation Rack end assembly and rack centering station Features Rack end comp greasing & assembly, fitting of rubber stopper, centering rack & scribing of Torque sensor shaft are completed on the same station. Two separate stations combined into one, reducing cycle time by 12 sec. Poka Yoke detects rack end comp models. HMI unit is fitted to give information of assembly steps and measuring cycle time. Integrated rack end comp flow rack. Ergonomic design enables easy change over.
Leak Test and Bracket assembly station Workstation Leak Test and Bracket assembly station Features Two separate stations; Leak Test and Bracket Assembly, are combined into one station, which enables operator to assemble bracket during leak test. One operator has been reduced from Production Line. Payback period is 2 months.