Sample Amazing Race Stations


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Presentation transcript:

Sample Amazing Race Stations

十二、十四、 十六 Read the 3 kanji numbers listed, then write the next number in the series in Kanji.

ほっかいどう、 おきなわ、 きゅうしゅう Read the list of islands of Japan. Which two have not been mentioned? Write them in hiragana.

TOM:すもうがすきです。 BILL:すもうがだいきらいです。 HARRY:すもうがきらいです。 SAM:すもうがだいすきです。 Read the comments by Tom, Bill, Harry and Sam about how they feel about sumo wrestling. Then list the boys in order of who likes sumo the most to the least.

月よう日、火よう日、 木よう日、金よう日 Read the kanji days of the week. Write which 3 are missing in Kanji.

Name Birthday ゆみ 八月二十一日 ひろ 七月十三日 まさ 二月二十日 たか 六月五日 Look at the list of birthdays. Complete the table re the missing names and dates in English.

Look at the graph regarding the number of people who responded to the survey who live in Tokyo, Sapporo, Osaka, Kyoto, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Then complete the table.

Look at the pictures of 3 Japanese foods Look at the pictures of 3 Japanese foods. Write what they are in hiragana.

Whilst you are waiting for your team member to return, complete the definitions for the following words. You may need to use a dictionary. 日本語で えいごで ちち あね はは おとうと いもうと あに そふ I usually list about 15 words. Go to your Japanese teacher. Ask her in Japanese, “When is Jake’s birthday?” and “How old is Jake?”. Record the answers on your worksheet in full sentences in Japanese. Use kanji where appropriate.

Go to your Japanese teacher Go to your Japanese teacher. Ask her in Japanese, “When is Jake’s birthday?” and “How old is Jake?”. Record the answers on your worksheet in full sentences in Japanese. Use kanji where appropriate.

Go to your Japanese teacher. Ask her “かんじをみせてください”. Write the kanji she shows you.

のみます、 たべます、みます、ききます、 かいます Read the 5 verbs written in masu form & convert them to the plain form. Write in hiragana.

a.m or p.m Time activity Listen to the speech regarding daily routine & complete the table in English.

Look at the 4 pictures & choose an appropriate verb for each picture Look at the 4 pictures & choose an appropriate verb for each picture. Write the verb in hiragana or kanji.

夏休み 冬休み 八十 八十五 ゼロ 九十 三十五 二十 十 バスケットボール スキー ラグビー ゴルフ Study the table regarding popular seasonal sports, then answer the following questions in English. a)Which sport is most popular? __________________________________________ b)Which sport is most popular in both seasons? ____________________________

Write 3 sentences in Japanese describing the physical appearance of the person featured.

Complete the Term 2 Kanji Test on quizlet. Show sensei your score when you finish. Score :

Go to Mrs Campbell. Say にばんください。(number 2 please). On the whiteboard match the 7 daily routine verbs to the 7 pictures. When you are finished correctly, she will give you a code word. Tell this code to your team. Put it in the past tense for 5 points. Bonus 2 points if you know the meaning in English.

Go to Mrs Campbell. Complete Level 5 & 6 of the Kanji game on the IWB. Write your score out of 24 below.

Verb Plain form English definition While your group is waiting, change the verbs below to the plain (dictionary form) then use a じしょ(dictionary) to translate them. Note : * indicates an eru/iru verb. Verb Plain form English definition おどります うたいます のります はしります* はいります* I had 15 verbs on the real list.