米国の軍事戦略 NSC68文書 (1950.4)
基本戦略の策定 George Frost Kennan (1904-2005, diplomat / historian, Author of "Long Telegram" (February 22, 1946) and "X Article" (July 1947)
基本戦略の策定 Paul Henry Nitze (1907-2004, military strategist, Chief of the Policy Planning Staff then)
1950年代 NewLook Dwight David Eisenhower (1890-1969, “Ike”; the 34th President of the United States from 1953 to 1961)
1950年代 NewLook John Foster Dulles (1888-1959)
戦略の転換 Sputnik shock (1957.10) ; Юрий Алексеевич Гагарин, the first human to journey into outer space on 12 April 1961.
キューバ危機からデタント October 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis
キッシンジャー外交 Henry Alfred Kissinger (right: 1923-, born Heinz A.K.; National Security Adviser 1969-1975, Secretary of State 1973-1977)
SLBM イメージ画 (https://www.csis.org/analysis/north-korean-slbm-launch) 核抑止戦略の綻び SLBM イメージ画 (https://www.csis.org/analysis/north-korean-slbm-launch)
「強いアメリカ」の復活 Ronald Wilson Reagan (left, 1911-2004 ; the 40th President of the United States from 1981 to 1989)
戦域ミサイル防衛 http://www.clearing.mod.go.jp/hakusho_data/2001/zuhyo/frame/az134024.htm
欧州での核戦略 Die Grünen, Europawahl 1984 (https://www.deutsche-digitale-bibliothek.de/) gegen SS-20 & Pershing II
核軍縮への動き U.S. President Ronald Reagan and Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev signing the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty at the White House, on December 8 1987.