第24回応用言語学講座公開連続講演会 後援:国際言語文化研究科教育研究プロジェクト経費


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第24回応用言語学講座公開連続講演会 後援:国際言語文化研究科教育研究プロジェクト経費 (「大学院生のための応用言語学アウトスタンディングレクチャーシリーズ」) ▷第一部(Everett教授のフィールド調査に基づくドキュメンタリー映画上映と討論) Viewing of the documentary film "The Grammar of Happiness" & informal discussion with Prof. Everett ▷第二部(講演) Culture and Grammar in Functional-based Linguistics Professor Daniel Everett Bentley University教授・同大学人文科学研究科長 ▷講師  講演内容 In this lecture I will consider the different concepts of “function” that have been used in the history of functional linguistics, beginning with Givón’s 1984 class On Understanding Grammar, moving to several other notions of function, from Construction Grammar, to Role and Reference Grammar, to Cognitive Grammar. In the course of the talk I will suggest that functions are not limited to cognition or communication, but may also be shaped significantly by culture. An ethnogrammatical approach to function is not incompatible with nor competitive with earlier concepts of function, but is a necessary supplement to them. I will further discuss the concept of language as a computational system for the expression of thought that has so motivated Chomsky’s work over the years and how one might compare, contrast, and evaluate this research program relative to functional linguistics. 主要著書 『ピダハン -言語本能を超える文化と世界観-』 (みすず書房, 2012), Language: The Cultural Tool. (Profile Books, 2013)   ✓日時 : 2014年9月22日(月)         午後3時半~4時45分(第一部), 5時~6時半(第二部)   ✓場所:名古屋大学・東山キャンパス全学教育棟北棟4階406室         (http://www.nagoya-u.ac.jp/access-map/)   ✓交通案内 :地下鉄名城線「名古屋大学駅」①番出口徒歩5分 事前申し込み不要・入場無料 問い合わせ:堀江薫 <horie@lang.nagoya-u.ac.jp>